Upon the invitation of the Roemer (Danke noch einmal!), had a chance to make a trip to attend their second anniversary Roemerforumparty at...
Look forward to hearing from you, Peter!
That may indeed be the story behind the closure of "Les Filles"... Thanks! You are a true man of the world, Peter! You certainly get around...
Heard often about the less repressive atmosphere and delights of Montreal and finally had the chance to check out the scene this past weekend....
Would have wanted to plan a summer trip this year but the Euro:Dollar exchange rate is just outrageous! The dollar last lost so much value...
Another indepth report by our in-country correspondent, Shakespeare! Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Danke fuer die Erklaerung! Danke, Michelle! Richtig! Man muss die Stadt Las Vegas verlassen, um ein legales Puff zu finden. Correct! One...
Since I don’t live in Germany, I’ve had to find local alternatives in between my trips there to satisfy my urges. As a bit of background,...
Shakespeare really gets around! Again, not my experiences but his. Enjoy! --------------------------- I tried Mettmann once last year in...
Again, not my experience but that of Shakespeare who sent this to via PN. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------- Dolce Vita...
I hear you, Peter! The search for the ultimate GFE continues! One thing I will say is that its more likely you'll find it there though than on...
Z (as in "Zorro") finished the rest of his report and asked me to post it for him again. Happy Garden: Entrance fee: 50 Euro Included: Food,...
Despite the relative unfavorability in the euro-dollar exchange rate, I spontaneously took advantage of a cheap Internet airfare offer to...
Zorro Yes! "Z" as in "Zorro"... !
A friend (I'll call him Z) was in Germany on a visit a few weeks ago and asked me to post this report in his behalf. He is an American from the...
I've been trading PNs with Shakespeare who had the following thing to say about a recent Fantasyland visit: As for the hustle factor which I...
Since some of you were probably wondering what the Ms. Roemerforum contest was about but couldn't read the discussion in German, I thought I would...
As American hobbyists say: YMMV - "Your Mileage May Vary". This explains why an American who gets to Germany for the first time is shocked to...
On a cold winters day a not-so-young man’s thoughts turn towards Germany and the prospect of cavorting with naked nymphs at an FKK club. I...
Keep them coming, Shakespeare! Thoroughly enjoyed your report. Since I am not there as often as you are, I have to live vicariously through...
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