Schade eigentlich.. Gruess dich, D! .. dass du so schlecht eine Erfahrung hier hattest. Der Club war frueher ein Lieblingsclub von mir...
Ich bin nie in Brasilien gewesen.. .. aber ich habe davon gehoert, dass sie das Aequivalent von FKK Clubs haben. Sie heissen Termas und das...
Amerikanische puritaner Ich kann nicht eine Sexreise in die USA empfehlen. Was man hier findet ist in der Regel teuer und auch illegal...
Hallo Roadrunner! Wir treffen uns eines Tages.. bis demnaechst
Hier ist der Bericht vom Breadman. Er ist immer noch Newbie, da er erst Deutschland zum ersten Mal in Januar besucht hat....
Fruehlingspufftour 06 Just back from my Spring tour. Visited six NRW clubs: Blue Note, Cocoon, PT Mettmann, Samya, Heavensgate and Bernds....
Back from five days in D’land. I took the Breadman who is active on the Montreal forum but had never ever been to Europe. We visited five clubs,...
American abbreviations HJ = Handjob = wichsen CBJ = Covered blow job = fransoezisch mit gummi BBBJ = Bareback blow job = fransoezisch ohne...
I was just in Germany with the Breadman, a newbie, and here is his report. I will file my report separately. Ich war gerade mit dem Breadman,...
Great report, Shiatsu! So much for the expression: "No sex please, we're British."...! Hope to run into you the next time I am in D'land. :)
Hallo Alex71! Moin moin Auf Englisch: Hmmm... I don't drink alcohol so can't remember if they serve alcoholic drinks. I heard from someone who...
Nichts zu danken, ER! Ich finde, dass wenn Auslaender Deutschland besuchen, muessen sie eine Grundwortschatz der deutschen Sprache...
Just back from a five day trip to Deutschland where I sampled for the first time the Partytreff scene. I should explain that I’ve been going...
This guy was in Germany at the same time I was there but we weren't able to arrange schedules. This is his report....
Back from another five day trip to D’land as a kind of repeat of my trip in January. As I did the last time, I based myself in Duesseldorf and...
Hey Peter! Don't know if you pull down your Private Nachrichten often but you were serious about offering rides to Wildenrath, I will be in...
Was in Deutschland for a quick weekend trip in January. Decided to make up for the extremely unfavorable exchange rates by not renting a car for...
In the interest of getting this published sooner rather than later, here is the report of my six day trip in late July in Stichwoerter. I...
Atlantis – As I had a really bad sore throat the next morning, a Sunday, I thought I should take it easy. It being, however, my last full day in...
Wiago – There were posters at Babylon the day before saying that they were having an anniversary party at Wiago with food and free entry. Since...
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