The North American Alternative to Deutschland

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 15. Juni 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Heard often about the less repressive atmosphere and delights of Montreal and finally had the chance to check out the scene this past weekend.

    My conclusion: considering where the Euro is with respect to the dollar and high summer airfares to Europe, Montreal is a reasonably priced alternative and the service levels are comparable to the FKK clubs (though without the public sex).

    The biggest advantages: pricing, a relaxed atmosphere, charming French-Canadian women all within a half-days drive from my home base, Beantown.

    I should say up front that I speak French (I speak better French than German) but not Quebecois, which is an entirely different linguistic experience. I have no idea how your experience might differ from mine if you do not speak French.

    I booked my hotel on, landing a good deal on a four star hotel in downtown Montreal for a reasonable price.

    There is an active strip club scene in Montreal, in fact, the main drag, Saint Catherine, has them lined up one after another. Some city strip clubs offer contact dancing but to get full service, you need to visit clubs outside of the city, where it is offered in small booths.

    There are lots of alternatives for paid services in the city though. Agencies work either on an in-call or an outcall basis.

    From my research, you supposedly pay as much for full service at the strip clubs as you would in your hotel room so it makes more sense to book an outcall and enjoy a visit in the comfort of your room.

    The best known agency in Montreal, Les Filles de Monsieur Jacques, appears to be closed as their phone number no longer works.

    Checked into my hotel and booked an hour session with an outcall service, Asservissante. Promptly on the hour heard a knock on my door and in walked a 5’5” brunette, 26 with large natural tits. She was quite uninhibited, allowed me free rein (I explored just about every inch of her body) and gave me a fantastic tongue licking just like I like it. She was very pleasant to talk to and enjoyed kissing too. She provided unlimited service during the hour. I ran out of steam by the end of the session. The highlight of our session was discovering that she had muscle control and could squeeze on command. The only other woman I’ve come across who could do that was Margot at Atlantis. For C$140 an hour, about $100 or 85 Euros, it compares quite favorably to American alternatives (half the price) and even with the rates in German FKK clubs (Bernds charges 80 Euro but their service is only for about half an hour).

    I also checked out an in call service while I was there by calling Number One Geisha for a session. They operate two apartments not far from the center of town with two girls working at any one time. A 5’8” leggy blonde with nice hips but small tits greeted me. She was 20, a student and only worked Saturdays, she said. She was a great fit (kind of the same way I fit into Kim of Atlantis, another leggy blonde with nice hips and small tits). She also offered unlimited service during the hour. My only complaints: she did not kiss, was more passive, didn’t allow me free rein (I would have had to pay more to lick her, she said), she had her hand wrapped around my cock while I screwed her because she was afraid the condom would come loose (much like Nicky at Burgholzhausen) and she wouldn’t do clean up (I had to dispose of the condom and wash myself each time). I nonetheless had a good time because she was very pleasing to the eyes and she was an excellent fit (which is not easy to find). An hour session cost C$120, $86 or 73 Euros.

    You can be sure I am going to be spending more time in Montreal this summer and maybe venturing out to Toronto as well. Stay tuned!
  2. Clubfreund

    Clubfreund Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    9. Juni 2001
    Uiiiiiiiiih, Quebec seems to be the Ruhrgebiet of North-America :D

    Der Clubfreund
  3. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Quebec is the only real alternative in all of North America. I am not sure wehther it was "Les Filles", but a large prostitution ring in Montreal was shut down recently for booking mainly underage girls. These were supposedly high school girls from relatively decent families who were looking to make some extra cash. Big news item for a while.

    Otherwise good report.

  4. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    That may indeed be the story behind the closure of "Les Filles"... Thanks!

    You are a true man of the world, Peter! You certainly get around...
  5. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Sure do, also have 400,000 Airmiles/Year to show for it. Might be heading to your home town in the next week-2 weeks. If I do I'll send you a PN with my timing details.

  6. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Look forward to hearing from you, Peter!
  7. enterich

    enterich Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    7. Dezember 2005

    Toronto is not to far behind Montreal,Though the Prices are a bit better than T.O.
    For good info to T.O.Pussy,look at
    OR try----
    If you like Oriental Ladies ,you must P.M Lasslicker,he has all the best info on new Happenings.
    Just a bit of "Shilling" for the Big Smoke.
  8. Breadman

    Breadman Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    27. November 2005
    Montreal vs. Toronto

    Have to disagree with the last statement. I originally started out in Toronto but moved my hobby career to Montreal for several reasons.

    1. Cost. Average cost for a decent looking girl with open services is about $230~250cad in Toronto. Average cost for a girl in Montreal is closer to $130~160 with several agency's now going trying for the $180~200 rate.

    2. Montreal seems to have girls offering more liberal services over Toronto. Id find many Toronto escorts would try to upcharge for bbbj, daty and bbbjtc where in Montreal you usually find those services either standard or just a $20 bucks extra compared to Toronto's $60 or more upcharge.

    3. Stripclubs and Bars...Toronto has them spread all over where in Montreal there's plenty to do in a 12 block radius.


    Montreal has cover for all stripclubs, Toronto doesnt.
    Toronto only sells beer in local beer stores, Montreal has it available at many convienient stores.
  9. Breadman

    Breadman Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    27. November 2005
    On my first visit to Montreal the only agency i used was Asservisante. I had a bit of good luck on this week...the owner of the agency shut down for a week for a family emergency. So when i arrived all his hot chicks that normally only worked once or twice a week booked on every night i was in town.

    Back then the exchange rate worked out to $80US per i was like a kid in a candy store. Booked two to three a night. This agency is so prompt with their delivery of the girls you can see several girls and not worry about having them overlap with a knock on the door while your just finishing with the first one.

    Highlight of that trip was two twin sisters...thought they sent the same girl the next night but she had larger breasts :pimp: .
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