The Fan's Pufftour

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 27. April 2005.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    This guy was in Germany at the same time I was there but we weren't able to arrange schedules. This is his report.


    Planet Happy Garden on Thursday 4/14.

    I arrived at PGH after 4pm and there were more than
    20+ ladies and 25+ men. Above half of the ladies were
    attractive. I want my first session to be with Leona
    or Sammy. I saw a girl who I thought might be Sammy
    but was not sure until I saw the tattoo on her back.
    As I was about to approach her, she got up from the
    table and disappeared for more than half an hour.
    When she returned I asked her to join me in the room.
    In the room she told me she had a headache and went to
    take a break. That explained why the session was not
    as good this time compare to the last. It was not all
    bad since she was up for anal.

    Sammy told me Leona no longer works at the club. She
    now works somewhere close to Stuggart.

    After dinner and sauna I had a session with Sandra,
    brown hair girl with blond streak. She is from Poland
    who understands decent English. This girl is a
    pleasure to be with and a total GFE. Sandra is a
    screamer, which she did throughout the session. We
    went at it for an hour and she told me she climax
    three times.


    I was planning to go back to Frankfurt Friday morning
    but decided to go back to PHG after 6pm to see Sandra
    again. I did not dine on her yesterday since I did
    not know how many guy she had been with. I saw her
    and told her to get an outside cabin. We did 69 and
    she tasted great. The session was better than

    I decided to have another session before driving back
    to Frankfurt. I had saw Sylvia yesterday and she
    always smiled whenever we made eye contact. Sylvia is
    a tall skinny blond who speak good English and is also
    from Poland. Her service was GFE.

    I saw Nadia, blond tall German who speaks good
    English, on both days and she look pretty as ever. I
    had a chance to see this beauty back in February and
    had a great time with her. Did not repeat this time
    with her since she was quite busy.

    I left at 9pm and headed to Frankfurt.

    World 4/16.

    I arrived at World at 3:30pm and there were 25+ ladies
    and the same number of men. They were having an
    Italian party today. I was waiting to see Christina,
    from Bulgaria, whom I had seen back in February. She
    is very pretty blond with captivating eyes. Christina
    had told me she will return to Germany early April
    after her vacation in late February.

    Christina arrived after 5pm, recognized me, and came
    over. After making out in the dining room and talk
    for awhile, she told me she'll go change, wash up and
    will return. She met me at the bar and we make out
    there again before heading to the room. My hour
    session with her was as good as I had remembered.

    After some good food, I had session with Alina. She
    is a petite and attractive Hungarian. The service was
    GFE but she seemed a little distant.

    I decided to have another session with Christina a few
    hours later. An hour with her seemed so short.

    It was getting close to midnight. I decided to see
    one more girl before heading back to the hotel. The
    last girl was Alexandra. Skinny dark hair from
    Greece/Romania. She tried to sell me fran-total during
    the bj and during sex she kept one hand on my penis.
    She told me that I was big and would hurt her. I
    thought it was her way to get me off faster, but when
    she was on top of me she did not do it. She placed
    her legs on top of mine to prevent from going deep.
    The session was ok since there was only light kissing.

    I called it quit and left at 1am.

    I saw Olga, a tall and attractive red hair Russian,
    and Jennifer, an attractive blond from Czech. Did not
    repeat with them since the service was not that good
    the last time. I also saw Cindy, she now have black
    hair instead of blond.

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