Would have wanted to plan a summer trip this year but the Euroollar exchange rate is just outrageous! The dollar last lost so much value versus the euro, it makes one want to seek cheaper (but not likely better) alternatives to the clubs in D'land. Watch this forum for my adventures in neighboring Canada this summer. Tschuess!
Hi Jackyo, if you want to save money you should plan a trip round the RTC-Clubs in the "Ruhrgebiet". http://www.fkk-200nackedeis.de 20 € für 20 minutes incl. pure blow job and sex. Most of the clubs are known for excellent value for money. Best of is the Arabella in Bochum-Wattenscheid (proved and recommended by imperator ). Salve, Der Clubfreund
Checked out the RTC in Bochum Freudenbergstrasse 39 twice in the last 2 weeks. It really is a source of good low cost sex. 3 sessions including entry fee was 85€, that is $100. Cost per session less than $35, you don't get those sort of prices with crack whores in the US I haven't been to arabella, but I might have to check it out. Peter PS. Clubfreund : Euer neuer sponsor (Sex-Explorer) hat so einen lästigenautomatic dial up prompt was wirklich nervt.