I apologize again to write in my bad English. Friday, February 25 After two hours of road, arrived with my best friend at 11.30 that I invite for his birthday. I take my breakfast. Tired by the road, I'm not attention who is there. A few minutes later, someone comes softly behind me and teases me. But who is it? I do not need to guess, Judith ! I am so happy to see her. I miss her. I didn't know she was here today. She asks me : “the last time, you told me you come only Saturday”. She let me finish my breakfast and told me "see you later". A few minutes later, I saw her. How to resist ? Her soft skin, her blue eyes deep as an ocean, her gentle voice like a siren song, her incredible kindness. As usual she stoles my heart like a siren stoles Ulysses heart. We'll sit in a sofa. As usual, we kissed with tenderness and we went a room. As usual, it was an incredible moment. I wanted to make her love for hours, but I was so afraid of hurting her. I stopped and she gave me pleasure in her own way, the most beautiful thing existing in this cruel world. Then, I took her in my arms and she continued to kissing me. After this fabulous moment, with my friend we order Italian food, excellent food (from outside of course...) Later Guita arrived. I had never tested this girl, just discussed with her, a little pretentious I thought, but maybe I’m wrong, maybe she’s nice... Very beautiful, she’s smiling me all the time. She came down the stairs, she invited me to the kino. I told her: why not. Result, big disappointment. Total absence of GFE, no kisses, Me The French Kiss God. Ever more with this girl ! I lose my time. End of the evening, I saw Judith again. We will go in a room where I make her a massage. I told her that I wrote a comment on her on this forum. She told me that she does not read, his computer is broken! (I know what her to buy as a gift). I smile because I think she read it and she lies to me. She must be embarrassed…I know, I should not write this things. But I like. If would write the secret diary of a call girl. Summary, very good day with not a lot of people. Episode 2: Saturday, February 26. I return to 11: 30 a.m. with another friend who doesn’t know fkk. I’m very tired by the road, by my work week, my stupid customers…and I slept only 5 hours. I make him a tour of the place. He was impressed! Not me... Then, I see my Angel, Judith. Now I am impressed. I wonder if she is human, if she's real, if she comes from the sky. I wonder if I don't come from the sky to protect and serve her. (Sorry but I was very very tired...) We will go in a room, always absolute happiness. I say that I come only for her, not for the other girls. That if she stops her job, I will stop to come over. She doesn’t believe me, but it is the truth. Maybe I told that because I was tired. At 16.30 pm, I ask Judith to join me in one hour. She will be removed by a customer. I wait. I don’t see her. I worry about her. I become crazy. I'm angry. I am very tired. It's hot, there is a lot of people, I hate it. Girls come to see me. They see anger in my eyes, they don’t insist. Where is Judith, who kidnapped her ? I have to go to 18: 00. My dark side comes back. My good friend Lea arrives and talks to me. She knows me and feels what is happening. She told me with her perfect English: "I see your eyes and I know you are waiting your Judith ! You shouldn't be angry like that, you need to stop with her, it is her job, like others girls, you are not alone, others men like your Judith. You must not be romantic or sentimental. For that, find yourself a girlfriend outside". I said to Lea “But I know, I’m angry because I don’t like waiting” Lea, so realist…a little crazy, but I appreciate her a lot. I agree, but I don't want to stop with Judith, I want to dream again. I don’t want to find a stupid French girlfriend outside. Others men don’t like her as much as me. Like she says, she makes me crazy. It’s impossible not to be romantic with her. Lea tells me she needs me too. We go in a room. Always sexy, but I think about someone else… Lea hates romanticism, but she’s always romantic with me, why ? End of day I crosses Judith. I told her that I have expected her. She told me that she was blocked by someone, and then reserved by someone else. I hate Saturday evening. I am sorry not to stay with her before one hour, two, three hours…maybe another time...
Dear Benjamin, you must not apologize your bad English. In counterpart, the English what is normal writed here is still bader.
Allerdings, Sex-Diver! Wundere mich bloß , warum er bisher noch nicht der anhaltenden "Liebeskasperei" im besonders schweren Falle bezichtigt und überführt wurde. Gruß Goofie.
Manchmal können einem die Mädels echt leid tun Blow (der auch findet, dass Judith etwas Besonderes ist, aber dabei auf dem Teppich bleibt)
das sehe ich gemach Judith hat so wie ich mich erinnere, vor ca. 2 1/2 Jahren in der Oase angefangen und seinerzeit war sie etwas besonderes, meine ich. Da übervorteilte man sich um die Gunst, sie ficken zu dürfen und alle ihre Äußerungen waren wie Elfensalbei auf geschundene einsame Seelen. Ich gebe zu, es war mit ihr erlebnisreich und diese seinerzeitige jugendliche Art von Judith ist eben vielen gern in Erinnerung geblieben. Heut jedoch, und das lässt sich nicht vermeiden, ist sie sehr professionell, nach wie vor hat sie Charme, keine Frage, wenn sie sich hingebungsvoll anschmiegt, aber "der Lack ist ab". Dafür gibts in der Oase viele "neue".
amour fou @ Bemjamin Quel drame, quelle tragédie se déroule-t-il ici devant nos yeux! Cher Benjamin, oublie tout ça. Certainement tu est enchanté par la beauté, la tendresse et les talents sexuels de Judith, mais tes sentiments sont rien q’un amour fou, et, j’en suis sûr, Judith a (déjà) un mec et pour elle tu es seulement un bon client. Elle est une professionnelle et c’est pourquoi elle doit différencier entre profession et vie privée. Ne sois pas triste ou malheureux, mais ça c’est la réalité. Pour ta consolation: Il y a beaucoup des autres mères qui ont des jolies filles. Va chercher une belle amie, mais pas dans l’Oase! Salut, X PS: Excuse mes fautes
@ Xenon, Merci pour ton soutien. Rassures toi, ton Français est très correct. Par contre, je ne comprends pas un mot d’allemand ! Je ne sais pas ce que les autres ont écrit… Tu as raison, mais c’est vrai que j’exagère dans ce que j’écris. Je sais que je suis un bon client pour elle. Pour moi, c’est une bonne escort girl. Je sais aussi qu’elle a un mec. Elle me dit tout, me parle de sa vie privée. Elle est différente des autres filles et honnête avec moi, c’est peut-être pour cela que je l’apprécie. Ses talents sexuels : d’autres sont meilleures qu’elle et plus belle qu’elle. Je préfère coucher avec Léa. Katarina est également beaucoup plus belle. J’ai connu également d’autres bombes dans d’autres clubs. Judith est une bonne amie avec qui je me sens bien, rien de plus. Je la connais depuis avril 2010 et depuis impossible de l’éviter. J’ai écrit tout ça parce que je sais qu’elle le lira, c’est elle qui m’a parlé de ce site. C’est un jeu entre elle et moi. J’attends de voir sa réaction. Je sens que ça va être drôle. J’aime bien l’intimider. Merci beaucoup pour ton message. J’ajoute une réponse en anglais, pour elle, si elle lit ce massage. Salute Xénon ________________________________________________________ You're right, but it's true that I am exaggerating in what I write. I am a good client for her and she's is a good escort girl for me, nothing more. I know there is never more, and I don't want more. But she's different from others. I'm not so crazy. I don't want to meet a girl from a club outside, too dangerous. One day, a girl proposed me to meet her outside, of course, I refused. She sees no one outside, and it is correct. I'm writing this to see her reaction, I feel that this will be funny, it's just a game. She will hit me with her small hands. But I think she will not talk about the subject, she is professional as you say. I know her. I try to intimidate her. But I have great respect for her and I wish her a lot of happiness. I stop to write messages or comments about her. No Chapter 3, it will be private. Bye.
Ganz einfach: Weil er kein Wort Deutsch versteht und deshalb sowieso nicht weiss, was andere hier schreiben... Dein Gedächtnis trügt, war sie doch ursprünglich erstmals so um 2002/2003 im alten ATL aufgetaucht, um dann nach dessen Schließung im Frühjahr 2004 fortan in BHH zu werkeln. Gruß, E.R.
Aah... jetzt, ja. Nach der Konversation mit Xenon, ist es auch mir, wie Schuppen aus den Haaren gefallen Gruß Goofie.