Ich habe gerade sechs Tage in Deutschland verbracht und ich habe zwei PTs und vier andere Clubs besucht. Hier sind meine Berichte auf Englisch... PT Wagenfeld I had a long discussion with the Breadman about where this club ranks. He didn't like it. I think its still quite decent and worthwhile getting to because it is more remote and not as crowded as the other PTs I've been. Remember: the only appropriate comparisons are to other PTs. A comparison to a regular FKK or Saunaclub isn't a fair comparison. There were a couple of things which did change about this club: the former combination shower and bidet area has been transformed into a shower area. They also had hot food for a change (this was on a Friday night). If PT Dorsten ranks number one, this club ranks number two. This ranking is based on having visited PT Muenster, PT Osnabrueck and PT Mettmann. The first two are not even close to PT Dorsten and PT Mettmann is an acquired taste. Its a far number two but it still is a number two. It is entirely possible PT Selm is better but I've not had a chance to visit it yet. I enjoyed my stay at PT Dorsten (more about this in a separate report) but I think it is getting way too crowded and already is not the experience it once used to be. The key to getting good service at PT Wagenfeld is connecting with the women. Treat them like the furniture and you will be treated like the furniture too. Monika from Slovakia remembered me from previous visits. She is genuinely sweet and is the kind of girl you can take back into the one of the semi-private rooms to do on your own time. I also remembered Karolina and Ola 2 (no, not the small Ola but the larger one). I multiple sessioned with Ola 2. Two Bulgarian women there (Jasmina and Suzie) spent the evening "faisant la gueule" as the French would say: they spent their time clearly not enjoying themselves. I did one, kept away from the other one (though the Breadman said she was good). Laura from Lithuania was funny and more than accomodating and so I had multiple sessions with her. There was another Polish woman there, Anna, who I had the pleasure of having one session with. This made up the line up of seven women who were there that evening. There definitely could have been more women considering we paid the premium entry fee of 120 Euros instead of the usual 100 Euros. But then again, there was hot food which they don't usually have on a normal day. The Stimmung at the club was loose as always and part of the time was spent conversing with the other clients and exchanging points of view on other PTs. I'll mention these observations in my other reports. My productivity at this club was down. My record here was fourteen sessions. This time around, I only did eight. I did not do Karolina and Jasmina. Suzie is gone. She's back at PT Sutthausen in Osnabrueck, they said. Bianca from the Domrep was on vacation but expected back along with Ola 1. Katja of the fabulous tits has retired and is now the Thekenfrau of their new affiliated club, La Rouge. Sigh... I would have wanted to do Katja again. We drove by La Rouge on our way to visit FKK Zeus in OS-Wallenhorst just to see what it looked like from the outside. Reports on La Rouge have not been encouraging but we'll keep an eye on it. If it turns out to be a decent club, that would give one two PTs and one FKK club to choose from in Osnabrueck and make it similar to Dorsten which has a PT and an FKK and qualifies as a destination. FKK Heavensgate ________________________________________ I had a good time at this club and will return. As the Breadman notes, it has a good selection of raven haired women, one of them being Anastasia (Russian, 5'5", nice figure, face). I multiple sessioned with her as is my custom (I find one girl I like and I stick with her for several sessions rather than jumping around sampling the selection). She is Russian but has lived in Germany for a while and she speaks German very well. She was communicative and funny (which is what I look for in my experiences). There were a couple of girls I recognized from our previous visit: Angie (the blowjob queen), her tall Polish blonde sidekick (I think her name was Anja), a couple of really thin Russian (or were they Polish?) women. The Breadman already mentions Tyra, Ines, Eva and Melissa. A couple of comments: 1) If you are a non-smoker, you are out of luck here. Ventilation is very poor. I have an allergy to cigarette smoke and there is no place to get away from it at this club. 2) Food was pretty good like the last time. There was hot food for lunch and dinner and at 11 PM, they delivered pizza. 3) The happy hour entry fee is 30 (until 2 PM), the normal entry fee is 35. This is not enough of a difference to break the bank. 4) Their pricing is as follows: 35 for 20 minutes, 60 for 40 minutes, 80 for an hour. A word of advice: bring exact change with you to avoid giving her two twenties for a 20 minute session and her saying to you that she doesn't have change and would you allow her to keep the 40? I didn't mind turning over the extra 5 each time I was with Anastasia. As a reward, she suggested we get together to shower. I can't turn down an offer like that and so we go downstairs to make sure all of her parts are clean. I would have done more sessions with her but she ended up getting snagged by a group of guys (motorcycle dudes) who did the champagne thing. A visit to this club can be combined with a trip to PT Dorsten and so I consider Dorsten to be a destination. Now if only the PT would fix its crowding issue. By the way, I asked at the PT if one could pay the entry fee, stay for a few hours, leave and then come back without paying the entry fee. The Thekenfrau said it wasn't possible because she would have to take back your locker key when you left and recycle it. When you came back you'd need to get a new locker and pay for it. As the PT is packed full, demand for lockers is high. Goldentime Warning! ________________________________________ I am back too after six days of running around in NRW and Southwestern Niedersachsen! I visited this club for the first time last Tuesday and was quite impressed. I'll write about these impressions in a more detailed report later. What still burns me up is my last session at this club which was with a Polish chick, Ola from Breslau. Blonde shoulder length hair, blue eyes, 21, about 5'6" in heels, nice legs, small tits but nice figure. She does not speak German, only English... very bad English. She has an innocent look and manner to her but.. watch out. We sat together to have pizza and I could only understand half of what she was trying to say. I should really have walked away then or given her to the guy in front of us in the line for pizza who kept turning to talk to her. She would go into these rants about this thing and that thing but they made absolutely no sense. I tried to be polite and listen to what she was saying but there was no actual basis for a conversation there. I tried to practice my Polish with her but in contrast to some Polish women who are intrigued I would even try, she showed no interest at all. To make a long story short, we take an outside hut and I find out that this chick is rythmically challenged. She literally was going on a different drum beat. She did not understand the concept that if I thrust, she has to meet my thrust and not go do her own thing. I also hate it when chicks get on top and they don't understand that to keep a dick hard, they need to actually do some work, not just sit on it and rock back and forth. She only did this rocking thing. But even when I got on top, she would only do her own thing, moving her hips irrythmically, pulling away from me at the wrong time, humming... it was very distracting. Then she would yell out "Fuck you" every now and then as if it was funny. It was all totally out of context. My patience was challenged and I decided I was not going to come. I was also quite irritated but tried to hide it. We lie around in bed for a while. She wasn't the least bit entertaining and once I made a move to get up she even asked: "Are you trying to get rid of me?" Finally I succeed in extricating myself from her and we leave the room. By now it is late. I had thought I would have gotten to Duesseldorf to my hotel earlier. We get to my locker, I take out 50 and give it to her. She puts on a frown and says we spent more than an hour. By this time I am pissed as the only reason it got to an hour was she had tried to stretch it out as long as possible with time wasting incoherent babble. I give her another 50 to which she says: "But it was longer than an hour." I plant a kiss on her lips and walk away. She doesn't follow. I leave the club and am now in extremely bad mood. Generally rip off schemes revolve around short timing and the general advice has been to time sessions to find out if the girls deliver full value or not. I've been at this for a while and had never before experienced a girl trying to run up the clock instead. No wait.. this happened to me once: at Babylon which is why I don't go back there anymore. Well I fell for it... again. Mea culpa. Moral of the story is: Refer to your watch when you start a room session and if you aren't satisfied make a move for the door before the time is up. Don't fall for the "lounging-around-in-bed-time-wasting" ploy. If I had actually had fun over that hour I would have paid gladly but it wasn't fun at all and she was neither entertaining nor sexy. I shouldn't have proceeded further either after the check of our chemistry during the conversation over pizza didn't work out.. but I went ahead despite my better judgment. Again, it is not a good idea to book a session solely based on how she looks. Otherwise, I had two excellent sessions at this club which I will describe later. So you have been warned. She is leaving today for Poland (a ten hour bus ride) but will be back in March to work again and search for more unsuspecting types (yes, I have to count myself among them). A few words about Goldentime ________________________________________ This is the last club I visited on my trip. It didn't end on a high note, unfortunately because of my encounter with Ola but I won't hold that against it. In a few words: a good club if you like large, noisy clubs. I found it a little too hectic (reminds me of the Hessen clubs). There are quiet spots where one can just sit (near the Sauna, z. B.) but otherwise everyone (guys and gals) develops a need to walk off the tension. There is a lot of walking in circles around the main atrium area or from the main Kontaktraum to the Kino and then back. Or if not, the girls sit on the Barhocker and they shake their feet or legs in rythmn to the music as a simulation of sex. (This particularly reminds me a lot of PHG.) There is a good selection of women here but I'd say that there is a lot of filler too. Of the attractive women some have really aggressive looks. By this I mean that they have unnatural hair colors (I have a thing about platinum blondes or blondes with dark hair roots), or they have aggressive tatoos, or footware, or nail colors. I like them plain and simple: just like the girl next door and all natural, please. Just having been with Svenja and Bianca from Bernds the day before puts this into perspective. Nonetheless, one will find someone who will meet ones standards at this club. Dinner was served, lines gathered and then when the food was gone, it was gone. They served Rotkohl, Knoedel and Sauerbraten. All very good, just not enough of it. Management and the Thekenstaff work very hard to make sure everyone is taken care of. I commented to one of the girls: "Ich hoffe, dass ihr gut bezahlt seid. Ihr macht sehr harte Arbeit." She smiled. They have a beer cooler outside from which I took a couple of drinks only to be told later that they don't actually allow self service. They were good natured about it though. Oh, yes... I met two women other than Ola here. One was an old friend from another club who I'd been with several times before. She walks across the room and I recognize her immediately. She also recognized me. She says that, contrary to rumors, she has not retired. We sessioned and it was like old times. Her name? She asked that I not mention it. She also asked that I not mention her previous club. If anyone is looking for her, they will find her by themselves, she would prefer. My second session was with a blonde I had a long conversation with at the bar. Normally I don't respond to marketing efforts but she was really nice, communicative and funny and I succumbed to her efforts. Her name is Dorothea (Doro for short), originally from Gdansk but having lived in Germany for a while. She was definitely no Maedchen but a Frau. She stands about 5'3", has short blonde hair, has a full figure. I have no prejudices against older women. At my gangbang group here locally, we only do women in their mid-thirties to upper forties and they are all very good and experienced lovers. One of the better sessions I've had anywhere. She was very in tune with me, would actively participate as in crossing her legs behind me during missionary and then pulling me in as we copulated like bunnies. Did I mention she was communicative and funny? That matters a lot too. So with two very good sessions behind me, I think I'm on a roll. Then I made the falsche Entscheidung of going with Ola. What a disaster. Its like being on a close haul with a stiff 25 knot wind coming across the bow and the jib sheet and the mainsheet pulled in tight, water just at the edge of the rail with the tiller held steady... and then the keel hits rocks. (Do you get the sense I can't wait for sailing season?.. its only seven weeks away) It was pretty bad. I left this club in a bad mood. I leave the parking lot, approach the light where I need to make a left turn when I notice that the car behind me keeps blinking its lights. I don't know what is going on so I make the turn and pull over. It was a cop car. Very subtle their cop cars. Over on this side of the pond, they would have had the blue and white lights on and they would have turned on the siren too. They were nice and friendly, wanted to see the rental car documents and my drivers license. I volunteered my passport too. They didn't even have to offer up a reason for why I was stopped and within five minutes I was on my way. I will be back to visit this club but I will have my ripoff radar turned on because of that incident with Ola. FKK Zeus in Osnabrueck-Wallenhorst ________________________________________ A few words about FKK Zeus in Osnabrueck-Wallenhorst: I like this club and I will return. The women are nude, there is an open anything-goes athmosphere. Couch action is offered as well as sex in the open and in doorless rooms. This is easily the best FKK club in this neck of the woods. Having just been at PT Wagenfeld the day before, though, I had just about hit the wall and took this day as a rest day. My productivity at this visit was low. I went with Violetta, a Berlinerin (from Charlottenburg she said, but she didn't have the typical Berliner Schnauze), 21, with dyed platinum blonde hair. Normally I don't go for this look but she had nice legs and a cute bubble butt. We have some brief couch action and then go into a room with mirrors along the walls. I couldn't resist her charms particularly as she took delight at watching my reactions to her activity (she could see my face from any angle because of the mirrors). She has an amazing smile. The only problem with this club is that there is no much to eat at all, or rather, there is food but it is cooked with a microwave. Doesn't quite give you the incentive to spend the whole day. The Thekenfrau was quite accomodating and one of the two owners was there too. It was here that we ran into the Flying Dutchman who we had met last year at Heavensgate. His sidekick, R from Osnabrueck, highly recommended this club and he was the reason why we went to begin with. R, it turns out, was on vacation for the whole month in Thailand so the Flying Dutchman was flying solo. I am sitting on a couch near the front door when he walks by. The Flying Dutchman has a distinctive voice and manner and there was no mistaking him. It was quite a surprise. Reiner Zufall. Having a regular show us the ropes at an unfamiliar club is priceless. PT Dorsten ________________________________________ This club is still, in my mind, a great club but I will throw in a large "but": ...but it is getting crowded. Not just kind of crowded but uncomfortably crowded. We were there at 11 and it was just fine. By 1 PM, it was no fun because there was a lot of standing around and waiting for sessions. By 3 PM when they served hot food, it was next to impossible to line up a session. There would be as many as a dozen guys standing in the upstairs corridor or just inside the doorways of the two rooms waiting their turn. It only really eased up at about 8:30. Our visit was on a Sunday and it was the equivalent of a "school night". I reconnected with Nina who remembered me from my often hilarious attempts to butcher the Polish language the last time. I multiple sessioned with her and each was just great. Each session was a Sprachunterricht session. I will work on my Polish for my next trip there. The other women present who I "met" were: Claudia, Karolina, Kingga. It helped a lot to have Nina break the ice for me with the rest of the team. I also did a chick, Nicole, who appeared briefly in the AM but then disappeared. Actually I think I was the only one who hooked up with her before she decided to leave for the day. She had a great figure but wasn't quite service-oriented and was mostly in a bad mood. There were two other women there: Paulina and one other Polish blonde whose name I didn't get. I didn't have the pleasure, unfortunately. Nina looks very good, by the way. She's got a few more pounds on her and her German is a lot better than when I first met her - this makes communicating with her a lot easier. The advantage of connecting with someone is she will come to find you and give you priority over the hordes of dudes waiting in line. I was kind of just standing in the large room just looking around (it was about 5 PM and I thought the waitlist situation was starting to look hopeless) when Nina walks up to me and ignoring everyone says to me: "You're next." How can one turn down an offer like that? Towards the end of the evening when there were large groups of Turkish dudes standing around, Claudia did the same thing, saying it was her last session and she would prefer that it be with me.. but first she wanted a massage. (This is totally irrelevant but: didn't the Poles save Vienna from the Turks?) As I've written before: treat the women well and you will be treated well too. I spent a lot of time during downtime at this club conversing with the other guests, comparing experiences with other clubs. There were a couple of guys there who got there when we did and stayed until it just about closed. As I've written before, most Germans visit clubs within a certain radius of where they live. They don't have a national perspective and are often surprised a) I come from so far to visit, b) have such an understanding of the scene. It also isn't often they meet foreigners who don't live there who speak the language.