Back from five days in D’land. I took the Breadman who is active on the Montreal forum but had never ever been to Europe. We visited five clubs, two of which were Partytreffs. Two of these clubs were new to me. I met something like twenty women on this tour, two of whom I’d been with before on a previous trip, some of whom I had the pleasure of being with a couple of times. I lost track of how many sessions I had. My notes follow: Dolce Vita, Wagenfeld. Had a good time the last time I was there and so had to return particularly to see how the renovations worked out. New area is amazing: a new leather couch area with a large leather bed in the middle, Saunalandschaft at a lower level with recliners, wood burning stove. There is no more access to the pool area from the dressing rooms, instead they punched a hole from one of the “private” bedrooms to access the new area and the Saunalandschaft leads to the pool. Toilets need an upgrade at this club and the shower near the pool doesn’t have proper temperature control. Otherwise, nothing else has changed here. “Private” rooms remain the same. The locker rooms are quite dark and so is the Esszimmer and the Kontakzimmer. The one other thing is that they only allow you one towel during your whole stay but I figured out a way around that. The one “private” room leading to the new area has a Schaukel and a gynecologists chair. Food is the same as it was: Belegtes Brot. What I didn’t know is that you can get Bier here but its limited to two bottles per customer. The only two women I recognized from the last time were Ola and Monika. They say that Suzi, Katja are still working but had the day off. Met Silke Maiden who is normally there on weekends but was working that day, a Thursday. I can’t remember how many sessions I had. I did meet Ola 2 (there are two of them), Claudia and Karolina as well. I did not have the pleasure of doing Kim. Great club, lots of fun. Great Stimmung. Will definitely return. Partytreff, Dorsten. Checked into the Hotel Schuermann and did a drive by Heavensgate out of curiosity. At 2 PM there were six cars parked outside so maybe things weren’t really all that active at that time. We did a drive by on the way home and there were more cars by 11 PM but by then we were too tired. Anyway, PT Dorsten is located in a cul-de-sac and was easy to find. The dressing rooms are well lighted and there is a Ruheraum on the other side of the lockers. Outside on that level is the sauna. Upstairs there is a couch area, wood burning stove, two chairs which look like women’s shoes, an outside jacuzzi, dining area with high tables and the bar. Bier is available on a Selbtsbedienung basis. Other drinks have to be requested at the bar. There was nothing going on at this main level when we got there so I thought maybe it was “tote Hose”. It all made sense when we were taken upstairs and were shown these two rooms with communal beds and the selection of women. There are no private rooms in this club. Upstairs there is a large bathroom with whirlpool, a toilet and shower for guests and one across the way for the women. Just at Wagenfeld, this is an “all you can f__ club”. There was a selection of women, mostly Polish. I had the pleasure of meeting and having sessions several times with Nina, Asha, Camilla, Kingga, Viki. There was Michelle and Anna too and a dark haired Polish woman whose name I forget. Women tended to do two and even three on ones not like at Wagenfeld where you can take someone by the hand and just have her for a solo session. This very experience has given me the motivation to learn Polish and the girls were only too willing to oblige (though I found out later that some of the stuff they were teaching me was not right, just downright funny). Hot food arrived at 4 PM and it was good. Funny thing is that it came from the Hotel Schuermann and the next morning at breakfast the owner had a funny smile on his face. He almost ran into the Breadman when he came to deliver the food. Talking to the Stammkunde there is a Happy hour on Tuesdays when the rate goes down to 88 Euros. They don’t recommend coming then though because it becomes voll besetzt. Also, they say that on weekends when they have more women, it gets too crowded for it to be considered pleasant. Great club. As Arnold says: “I’ll be back”. Cocoon. I like this club, have found its pricing and quality very good and therefore we returned. It was also the Breadman’s first real FKK experience. Whoever chooses the talent for this club has a good eye. The women were almost uniformly good looking, all nude, of course. Nothing has changed at this club at all, physically that is. Good hot food with dessert came at 6 PM and the entry fee alone was paid for just from that alone. I met Eve here. From Koeln, studying for her Abitur, hoping to study Jura. Nice and communicative the way I like them (if she speaks proper Hoch Deutsch, I am automatically attracted to her). Also Naturgeil. I had a couple of session with her and she wasn’t shy about wanting to come. And so I obliged. I’m afraid the score was lopsided with her having scored more than I did. I did not get to know any other women here but the choices were very good including one Russian blonde with an amazing body, a tall German brunette with very long hair. There were only a handful of women here I wouldn’t do – I don’t like aggressive hair dyeing and tattoos/piercings. Of the FKK clubs, this one has a high Wiederholungsfaktor. Dolce Vita. Hadn’t been to this club for a while so off we went. It has the three way pricing deals like a lot of other places (the RTC clubs come to mind). Drinks are billed separately. They had two types of soup (goulash and a pea soup) plus bread. There was a good selection of women here too though it was skewed a little older. The very first time I was there it smelled like someone had puked in the stairwell heading down to the Umkleide – thank goodness that smell is gone. Otherwise, it was exactly I remember it including that giant fake tree in the middle of the main Kontaktzimmer. The two smaller Kontaktzimmer which are off the side are still there. The Sauna is outside. Again, there was a large selection of Polish women here, two of whom I met: Renata and Julia. Average and pleasant but nothing to write home about. There were a couple of women I should have sampled during out stay including one tall Polish blonde wearing glasses and a nice chest but I wasn’t quite in the mood. This club doesn’t attract a German clientele. Mostly Polish and Turkish. Towards the end of the evening the supply of women dwindled as they seemed to be mostly upstairs which frustrated the Breadman. We went home early. Samya. Had never been to this club but it was accessible by subway and so we went. Our objective, as well, was to meet Tolstoy – undercover from his Majesty’s Secret Service. He found us almost immediately upon us getting there and it was good to be able to put a name together with a face. The entrance to the club is in the back facing the fenced off parking area. We were given towels and a bathrobe to wear. Finnische and Biosauna and Dampfbad downstairs with lots of showers, Ruheraum with reclining Leder chairs, Massageraum. Girls dressing room on one end, Men’s dressing room closer to the front. This is a relatively new building and Tolstoy says it used to be used for medizinische Behandlung, hence the lettering “Therapie” on a couple of doors. There is a list at the front with pricing for special services offered by each girl. The rooms are upstairs and you need to be buzzed it to go wandering up there. The main floor is where all the action is. Couches to one end, dining table in the middle (more about this later), another set of couches and then a higher table for eating and then the section where the lay out the food. The bar area is to your right as you enter this room. Food was good and hot and arrived in the late PM. It included a salad bar for the health conscious. Drinks are self-service and included Bier. My only complaint was that the set up of that small dining table in the middle. It made it very hard to make contact with the women sitting at it. The selection here (again) was mostly Polish. It met Roxanna (from Poland, full figured), Honey (cute, easily a ten figure and looks-wise and very communicative) and Katie (from the Ukraine, thin, tall but with curves). Lots of skinny petite Polish blondes at this club (not my thing since I like them full figured and at least my height). I had a good time particularly with Honey whose third day it was at the club. But then again Katie was good too and so was Roxanna. This club has a very high Wiederholungsfaktor as far as I am concerned. Ich freue mich schon auf meinen naechsten Besuch!