Atlantis – As I had a really bad sore throat the next morning, a Sunday, I thought I should take it easy. It being, however, my last full day in D’land I had to visit at least one club. I decided that club was to be Atlantis. I got there at 10:30 AM and saw that the facilities hadn’t changed since my last trip. There were a handful of women (large older Russians), nothing to write home about. I reckoned it was early and I had set aside the whole day to spend there anyway. I saunaed, showered and hung around outside, once in a while doing a walk through the inside just to make sure I didn’t miss any new arrivals. At about 1:00 PM, they started grilling chicken fillets, sausages and steak. The Grillmeister said they grill till 10 PM on weekends. The selection did change during this time: there were about four petite skinny black girls, a couple of Turkish women, a skinny dyed-blonde Rumanian woman. Things started to look bleak as the selection wasn’t getting much better. You know its pretty bad when the most attractive woman there is the Thekenfrau and though she is the only one who is dressed, your eyes have to follow her as she makes her rounds picking up loose towels, plastic cups, etc… and you kind of wonder what she would look like out of that short skirt and tank top. At 3:30 PM I decided the selection wasn’t getting any better so I left. I let the woman at the front desk know I was disappointed with the selection and that I’d seriously reconsider whether I’d return the next time. The next question was: Wohin? I had such a good time at Pohlheim that I decided it was worth returning to, particularly if an incredible blonde I saw the night before was there. So back to Pohlheim I went. FKKW Pohlheim II – Back to the parking lot, through the garden path, in the front door. Paid my 65 Euros and was putting things away when I heard a familiar voice. Feldi and Wolfl were back! They were just as surprised to see me. The rest of the Imperatoren were there. The Roemerparty had ended at 4:00 AM, they had left at 5:00 AM but had to come back the next day to settle up and relax before the drive home. Off to the sauna I went. Feldi came by to say they were sitting with the owner and would I be interested in joining them for champagne. We went to sit by the pool and have a few. Michael, the owner, went through the history of the club, the renovations they had made on the building, the renovations they still planned on making (particularly showers closer to the sauna). During this conversation there were small planes flying over us as it turns out that a small airport was close by. The champagne started to have its effect and I had a minor buzz going. It was also my last night in Germany and I had some things to do before I could leave. The incredible platinum blonde I was the night before was there. She stood close to six feet in heels, had a perfectly formed body, tits, thighs and ass. She had a cold, intimidating look but just walking by her and looking her over from three feet away was an incredible treat as you could see the short blonde hair on the curve of her lower back. She literally could have walked off a Playboy centerfold. She was just about near perfect. I found her sitting on a couch and I went right over. Her name was Valentina, she was 22 and was from Lithuania. I told her I was totally intimidated and she said some other men had said the same thing. I suggested she smile more. We went off to a room. Without heels she stood close to my height and pretty soon I was able to confirm that her body was indeed quite firm everywhere. It turns out she is really a nice person, is capable of making conversation and is eager to please. We switched positions a couple of times. Very much recommended. I had a compelling need for food (they had laid out a buffet) and for a nap (the champagne buzz was subsiding but was still there) after. I ran into Devilinside, the Hausmeister of Fantasyland who I’d met last year and also in March on my last visit. Things are improving at Fantasyland, he reported. Problem is that with a new girlfriend, he isn’t hanging out there as much as he used to. For my second round, I was sitting in the main Kontaktzimmer when this thin, tall, short-haired blonde came over and we started talking. Her name was Ina, she was 30 and from Latvia. Feldi was off to one side and he was waving his finger “don’t do it” as I talked to her. It was quite funny. Pretty soon, she started suggesting we could get to know each other better in the Sexkino room. I thought about it for second and then decided: why not? So off to the couches where she started working on me. But in contrast to my session with Jana, we moved to a private room off to the side of the Sexkino (didn’t know they were even there). Pretty soon we are doing it doggy style with me standing above her, two hands on the wall on the side of the bed so I wouldn’t fall, nailing her from behind. Talk about recreating a scene from a porno movie. I had her mooing like a cow in no time. The only really weird thing was that I’d take my dick out for little breaks and she would let out pussy farts when I did. The first time she did it she caught me totally by surprise. I thought it was quite funny. It was too dark to figure out if she was doing it intentionally and whether she was embarrassed at all. Overall I had a fun time. Afterwards Feldi came by to say he was warning me she hadn’t gotten good reviews. I said she was actually a little nuts but willing to try anything. The guys had to leave soon. I promised to be in touch the next time I am in Germany. I hung out for little longer considering whether I should meet another woman but decided it was time to go to bed. Bahnhofsviertel – On my last day I went in to Frankfurt to look around before catching my plane. I’ve done the walk in the Bahnhofsviertel before but that was years ago. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to take a look around. It was early afternoon, however, and there was no action at all or what was available was of very poor quality. My advice is to avoid the Laufhaueser unless really desperate. Much better to do the club scene. Now here I am back on this side of the Atlantic planning my next trip. FKKW Pohlheim goes to the top of my list. I had an incredibly good time there because of the selection of women, the facilities and the food. My experiences with Viola, Jana and Valentina are not to be forgotten. I will definitely go back to Cocoon again and will drop in on Heaven’s Gate the next time. With the pricing at Wiago and Babylon being what it is and my major disappointment at Atlantis on this trip, I will be doing more exploring in NRW. Wildenrath and PHG might be worth returning to. Signing off for now…
Jackyo Thanks for the excellent reports I set out below a copy of part of a report I posted at the World Sex guide. World is wonderful. It may not be everybody’s cup of tea but it suits me perfectly (and I’m talking as someone who also went to Beverly, Cocoon, and sundry other places) The best way to describe it is in comparison to Atlantis (which I have been to about six times), because although they sound as if they should be the same they are in fact very different. World is huge, on two floors – in total about 3 or 4 times the size of Atlantis. Similar facilities but of a slightly higher standard. The entrance price is the same (65E) but you get all day food included (not 5* but solid German food) – so it’s much easier to relax and eat than in Atlantis. Because of it’s size it has a more interesting atmosphere. It doesn’t have the buzz that Atlantis has – but if you’re there for more than a couple of hours it make up for the lack of buzz by the much more interesting atmosphere. The girls are much more relaxed, and tend to see it as a club for themeselves as well – breakfasting, lunching etc there and talking in small groups. Above all they are friendlier than Atlantis – they are much more willing to spend lots of time talking to the men – I saw on several occasions girls talking for up to an hour and not going to rooms at the end (I know this happens to a degree at Atlantis but much less so). The girls will act however they feel happy – some resting, some dancing, some chatting. What else? – the service staff are actually friendly, helpful and also get on well with the girls – very different to Atlantis. And the lighting is better than Atlantis so you can see what you are getting. Unlike Atlantis there was no hint of it being mechanical and no attempt was made to short-change on the time The upshot of all this is that the girls are more likely to be ready for genuine sex. Half of the ones I paid had orgasms – absolutely no faking (the real orgasms require different breathing patterns and more effort from the girls than fake ones). Another one may have been faking. Generally they made it clear that they were wanted to be treatedas people and have real sex not just the “wham bam thank you mam” Maybe it’’s a good idea to get to be the first client of the day with many of them. All the girls (nearly) seem to like very extensive french on them for starters I saw about 6 girls the first day. The age was a bit younger than Atlantis. The girls are generally slightly less “fuck me” than Atlantis if you like plastic tits, platinum blonde and long legs (which I do). But there were lots of slim, natural girls – and once I got my eye in this meant I would give the girls a slightly higher rating than Atlantis – but that’s all a matter of personal taste So what’s the downside of this paradise. Well, as it’s so huge and the number of girls was about thirty, it occasionally felt a bit deserted as the night wore on. Unlike Atlantis it doesn’t seem to get more buzzy as the night goes on – in fact the reverse – by 12.00 the number of girls was falling rapidly. I wonder whether or not the Club can keep going – I think it was intended to have about 80 girls. The number of clients was only about 25/30 at any one time (the girl said it wsa unusually quiet). The other downside is that the price for anal is 150E on top of the normal 50E! Extortionate. Also there appears to be no significant couch action (except in the cinema which has huge six foot long sofas) A brief resume of the girls I paid. On top of this there were several others who I didn’t get to – one or two were really good looking. I’m not sure what the turnover is but it’s intended to give a picture - I've not gone into details about the sessions in case they don't want them spread 1. German from Dortmund, previously at Atlantis, ebhanced tits, sex on couch in cinema. Very friendly but little English. 2. German girl, Jamaican/German parentage. About 20, very very slim and slight. Absolutely stunning. Long talk before going to room – more than willing to engage in real sex. Arranged to meet her again but something went wrong. My only regret of the trip 3. German girl, Afghan/German parentage. 21, on holiday from her main job and only at World for fun and money. Took that as a cue that she wanted an enjoyable time. Not the prettiest but slim with large natural tits. Spoke English – a bit shy, very nice 4. Moldavian girl – trained a teacher,21, in World periodically to make money. Physically great, with a face which really was sexy when fucking. Very slim with large natural tits and long legs. I went back to see her again. Very friendly 5. German girl – Ghanain parents. Very black, very slim (with decent tits and nice bum), about 23?. Spoke English, Sex in cinema. Good fun 6. Lithuanian girl – more tarty than others – more make-up, and wearing holdups. About 27?. Very active and engaged. Spoke English 7. Rumanian girl (Rumanian. Italian parentage). Very slim, no tits, large nipples. Spoke English – she chatted for over an hour before we went to the room, telling me about the club and the background of some of the other girls. She herself had only been in the business three weeks at the suggestion of a family friend in Frankfurt ALL IN ALL A NICER BUNCH OF ATTRACTIVE GIRLS I'VE NEVER COME ACROSS! In between I went to Atlantis just to bear out my comparisons, Atlantis was a lot more pushy, it was too dark to see the girls properly, and felt cramped. Generally the girls were less attractive (slightly). However it was made up for by the arrival of a six-foot slim blonde with fantastic eye and lip make up. From Lithuania – very friendly and did anal (so-so) for an extra 100E. I think she came. She kissed. A good experience, but not as much real contact as at World (or indeed Cocoon, Wuppertal on which I will report). I left as I didn’t fancy any other girls. To be fair this was about 15.00 and I know from past experience that Atlantis evening shift often has some good-lookers (including the excellent Cindy who is very friendly, sexy, busty and relaxed despite being very popular). So I went back to World again. My first impression on entering World again was that it was a let-down – but you just need to give it ten minutes to take it in – it’s not in your face Anyway - I highly recommend giving it a try. If one doesn't like it you’re only 30 mins from Atlantis so you can go there. For my money it’s World by a long chalk unless you just want a quick two hour visit. For more genuine sex (GF6) try World. At least that was my experience