Jackyo's Summer 03 Trip - Part II

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 1. Oktober 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Wiago – There were posters at Babylon the day before saying that they were having an anniversary party at Wiago with food and free entry. Since there wasn’t anything to eat at Cocoon, I decided it was worth a drop by.

    They were having a full blown karaoke party (favorites were “Country Road” by John Denver and “Maenner sind Schweine”) when I got there and there was indeed quite a bit of food (which was all very good). The owner (both of Babylon and Wiago), a striking older woman, mingled with the guests.

    I recognized some of the women present (though everyone was dressed), particularly Samantha (a blonde petite woman I’d met once before), Pia (from Babylon – she’s been gaining quite a bit of weight, could lose a good 15 kilos), a Turkish woman with a nice figure and the doe-eyed woman I saw earlier at Babylon. There was one brunette who disturbingly looked like a woman I used to work with. There were at least four other women there (none of whom made an impression on me). The one woman I would have done if she hadn’t disappeared with a Stammkunde, was a German blonde, thin, but nice figure, tits and legs.

    I had dinner, sat around a bit and then decided it was time to call it a night.

    FKK-World @ Pohlheim– Headed to Hessen the next day to make it to the Roemerforumparty.

    I was greeted at the door by Wolfl who said festivities were going to get underway after Cookie and Feldi got there.

    I did a quick club tour. In a word: Wow!

    This is the largest club of its kind in Germany, two pools, two saunas, a steam bath, a whirpool, a Sexkino (with large couches in front of a large screen), massage, two Kontaktzimmer with large leather couches, several outdoor huts, coed lockers and showers., two bars, a dining room, lots of rooms for more private encounters (with curtains instead of doors). Food is part of the entrance fee so every human need is attended to at this club.

    The standards of cleanliness at this club were just amazing. There were checklists in each bathroom which had to be filled out during regularly scheduled cleanings.

    My only warning is that the dance surface (with a pole) on the stage in the middle of the main room sits over a pool of water. I didn’t see the pool and nearly twisted my ankle when I stepped into it. The next day a Japanese dude stepped into it, got his foot and slipper wet, took a step on the marble floor with the slipper and then fell flat on his back.

    There was a very good selection of women present, three of whom I’d seen before at Fantasyland: Lila, the Polish woman who wears glasses, Lucy and an older German woman with a very full figure. The rest of the Besatzung I’d never laid eyes on before.

    I’m standing around waiting for things to get started when I spot the first woman I absolutely have to have. I walk over and find out she’s Viola (as in viola da gamba) and she is shaped like a viola: nice pear shape, nice large tits, waist length dark hair. She’s 24 and from Bulgaria. I tell her I want her, I need her but she wants to dance first before we get together. She ties this green scarf around her waist with golden hanging ornaments and man, can she dance! Her hips movements were mesmerizing.

    She steps off the floor, cocks her head to indicate “this way” and I follow her downstairs. She takes a quick shower and we connect in a way which can only be described as einmalig. This was one of the most intense experiences I’ve ever had. The only negative note was that once it was over, she was in too much of a hurry to get back. I considered doing a second round with her but decided against it after this behavior.

    The Roemer had Gladiator events planned for the rest of the afternoon, including a pool relay involving rubber galoshes, a scarf, hat, mittens, a bathrobe and cake and a quiz show where teams competed for cash prizes.

    It was during the quiz show part of the activities that I had a chance to meet the other American at the party, Peter, who has posted frequently in the Forum too. Glad to have finally made your acquaintance, Peter!

    My second round was with Jana, a 25 year blonde from Bosnia with shoulder length hair, nice pear shape, small tits. She’d been living in Germany a while as her German was very good. Her suggestion was to get to know each other in the Sexkino room. There may have been people coming and going in the room but when she got on top of me, her warmth, wetness and tightness just about blocked out everything else. She decided that facing me was a problem because we ended up talking too much so she switched to facing away from me while never once breaking contact. Could not have been better.

    I was still quite jetlagged and the cigarette smoke was quite dense in the Kontaktzimmer (we are less inclined to smoke on this side of the Atlantic) so it was about eleven o’clock or so that I left.

    Part III of my trip report to follow.
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 1. Oktober 2003
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