In the interest of getting this published sooner rather than later, here is the report of my six day trip in late July in Stichwoerter. I sacrifice the niceties of complete sentences for speed and conciseness. Wegberg-Wildenrath Renovations since the last visit: Bar was extended, no more Kuscheleck and couches towards the sliding doors towards the back. Last there in the winter several years ago. Thought there was a pool outside but there isn’t any. There is a small hut outside and a shower which I hadn’t seen the last time. The sauna now has a door to the outside. Animieren was very aggressive previously – spent the whole time trying to say no to Sunny, an Egyptian woman. Its non-existent today, thank goodness. Great selection but all were dressed in dessous. Did not recognize anyone at this place though one or two faces looked familiar from the website. Tip: the showers upstairs work best. There was no food the last time. Now they have cold cuts, bread and cheese early and a warm buffet served towards dinner time daily. Drinks are on a self-serve basis in a large cooler towards the front. I recognized the Thekenfrau from Tag und Nacht Café (visited there at Karnevalzeit last year but not likely to return to it again). Went with two German women (one mollig, one built the way I like them). The last one I wanted to see again but didn’t have a chance to. Overall, a good value for the selection. Liked the airiness of the place with the windows and doors open plus the women dropped the aggressive sales pitch. Cocoon Made it there in time for Happy Hour. Changes since the last visit: the old, winzige Sauna has been closed and replaced by an outside sauna in the garden. The small indoor pool remains the same. I asked about an Uebernachtungsmoeglichkeit and they don’t offer it to clients. Great selection of types, body shapes, all nackt. Recognized no one from my previous visit. Thought I might run into Melek or one of the Slovakian girls who were there before. It was a Saturday and they had a very decent warm buffet with a good selection of dishes and more than enough to eat. Self-serve drinks were available all the time. I almost went with the obvious choice but restrained myself: a very young blonde who spoke fluent German and Polish. This is a club I can return to over and over again. Babylon Got there in the late PM on a Saturday night and the place was dead. There were a few clients but the parking lot behind had a couple of cars at most. There was food (for a change) but I did not try any. There have been no changes since my last visit. I immediately recognized Laura (she has very full Schammlippen), Verona and Pia. There was, as well, an Olga (jet black hair) and an Aileen (19 from Bonn). I went with Aileen who was nice enough, pleasant enough. They hinted they wanted to close early (I was the only client left) and so I decided to take my leave. La Bedo Tempted by the website advertising a Pauschalpreisbrunch on Sundays: “So oft und mit wem man will.” There were a good 10 cars in the parking lot so I thought the chances were good something was going on. 3 women present (Dana, Julia and Gina), all spliter-nackt. There were at most seven to either eight other dudes. The club is small but very clean and very modern. The bathrooms are spotless. The food was good and Doro was very, very friendly. It was indeed an “all you can” environment as promised. Everything takes place in one large Spielraum which consists of a large mattress, a couple of chairs for a kind of waiting area and two smaller areas with beds closed off from the rest of the room by curtains. I lost my inhibitions about doing it in the open a long time ago so it did not bother me at all to have someone just a few feet away watching me go for it. We would go at it for an hour or so, take a break for food and then start all over again. At the end, there were three of us guys left and three of the women and we went at it like you wouldn’t believe. Upon my return home I checked the website and it seems the “all you can” pricing has changed to a more normal flat fee for up to three sessions. The uniqueness of this experience is gone with this “normalization”. During days other than Sunday, this is a normal club but with a more limited selection of service providers because of its size. Heavens Gate This club is mentioned in the same breath as Cocoon so I thought I should drop in to see what it is about. It is very hard to find coming from the west. I circled around, was even tailed by cops for a while. There were a lot of cops on the road that day, for some reason. Was greeted at the front door and given a tour by Jessy, a Swedish blonde who had lived in Dortmund for a while. She showed me the Umkleide area, the Sauna and Whirlpool and tanning area. Massage is offered too. Cleanliness standards aren’t great here – it smelled like mildew in the basement showers and sauna area. Also, the Kontaktzimmer reminds me of the RTC clubs further to the south. All in all, it looks like a Puff and smells like a Puff. There is an Aussenbereich but it doesn’t seem like much goes on outside. The selection wasn’t great. Everyone was in dessous, there weren’t many women to choose from. The food was not great either. I nonetheless went for Jessy and for a German blonde who, it turned out, had silicone tits. Their pricing policy is very clearly spelled out at the top of the staircase. Overall, a pleasant enough experience but not one which ranks high among the clubs I’ve been to. Wiago After the so-so experience at Babylon, almost considered not dropping in on this club but it was on the way home from the north. There have been no changes to this club other than a new set of doors setting aside the pool area from the rest of the basement. They still don’t offer any food here and the pricing is still uncompetitive just like at Babylon. Saw a Russian woman I’d seen here (Olga) before as well as one Turkish woman I’d seen before. There was a very decent selection here. I had this weird coup de foudre (as the French would describe it): a German blonde who had a nice figure, nice tits, legs which wouldn’t stop, about 5’7” and nice weight distribution. I was hooked. I returned thrice over three days to visit her and did multiple trips to the Zimmer with her. I’d actually seen her 1 ½ years ago at a party they had there. Never thought I’d run into her again. I know mostly the reviews of Wiago haven’t been good but I’ve met some amazing women at this club and will continue to return to it. Bernds Curious to see the renovations to this place so I decided to return. There have been some major changes: Downstairs there is no more pool, its been replaced by an open area with a mattress (kind of like the doorless room upstairs before) and two small rooms. The sauna downstairs was transformed into a bar and the former horseshoe shaped bar was taken out and replaced with an L shaped couch along the wall. The sauna was moved to the back near the showers. Upstairs, the Kontaktzimmer remains the same. I thought there was a balcony behind the couches on the far side but there isn’t anything back there right now. The former small room to the side of the bar with the doorless room is now a dining room. The Aussenbereich remains the same and hasn’t changed any. They served food from the Hotel Reuter and it was very, very good, even better than the warm buffet at Cocoon (which takes second place in the food category). I’ve always found the selection at Bernds unusual. I did recognize one Hungarian woman who I’d seen at Wiago and Babylon and been with once before. I also recognized Katja from Sankt Augustine-Meindorf and one of the Thekenfrauen. There were a number of older German blondes and also a number of very much younger women. Considered two younger blondes: one rather mollig, and another who was thinner but she had very large feet. Fazit: The best time to plan a trip is just after having returned from one so guess what I’ve been doing over the past week. I would do the following over again: Wegberg-Wildenrath, Cocoon, Wiago. I liked the selection and pricing at the first two clubs. I will go to Wiago again to see this woman I feel just head over heels with. If they reinstate the Pauschalpreisbrunch at La Bedo I would return there too. I’m wondering if my not so great experience at Babylon suggests it is near the end. I think Bernds is a great club but I’ve never been impressed with the selection there. Were they ever able to resurrect the Stimmung of the old Sankt Augustine-Meindorf club, that club would be on my list in no time. I was most disappointed at Heaven’s Gate though. They would do a lot by simply taking away that Puff odor. It is not high on my list, that much is for sure. Now back to planning my next winter tour (when I’m not heading up to Montreal).