Jackyos Sommerpufftour 05

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 24. Juli 2005.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Just back from a five day trip to Deutschland where I sampled for the first time the Partytreff scene.

    I should explain that I’ve been going for close to eight years now to partake of the FFK (the women are all nude, all the time) or Sauna club (women in Bikinis or Dessous) scenes but had never ever visited a Partytreff. In this time, I’ve visited probably over thirty clubs from NRW to Hessen.

    The concept seemed simple: pay once and have as much sex as you want with whoever you wanted to have it with. Prices ranged from 100 to 120 Euros, everything included.

    It seemed almost too good to be true and I had to find out for myself.

    Research on the web seemed to indicate that there were two types of Partytreffs: one where the women are all professionals and the other where they are partially or mostly amateurs.

    I decided I would sample both types.

    My conclusion is that the Partytreff scene is for real and it is a great alternative to the pay-per-session clubs.

    First stop Dolce Vita in Wagenfeld. Its 40 kilometers from the Dieplholz exit on the A1. Once you are on the Landstrassse the going is very slow because of numerous LKWs on the narrower roads and speed limits as you drive through the smaller towns. I had to call the information number once I got to Wagenfeld to find the exact location but I eventually made my way to the front door at about 1:30.

    Eintritt on a Thursday was 100 Euros, 120 Euros on weekends.

    The Umkleide is in the basement, so is the WC, separate private rooms (I believe two) and the hallway to the sauna and the Poolbereich where there is a shower and WC beside it. Pool water is heated. Upstairs is the Esszimmer, the Bar area, and a Kontakzimmer with large screen TV tuned to normal TV channels (RTL) and couches and arm chairs. There is a renovation project underway to expand outwards from the bar area (I didn’t ask what they had in mind). Towards the back of the house on this main level there is a common toilet/shower area (the girls wash themselves in the bidets in full view), then the Zimmer (I believe I counted five in total), all doorless. Then there is a small couch area before stepping down into the back yard which had chairs/tables, lounges to sun yourself and two small huts, one with a large communal mattress and one with a bed.

    But enough about the facilities. There were eight women present on my first visit, seven on my second visit (I was so pleased with this place I went twice): a thin bleached Polish blonde with boots, a medium-sized nicely shaped German blonde from the Ruhrpott, a Russian blonde with an amazing body (nice, firm tits), a tall Slovakian brunette (very, very sweet), a very well formed raven-haired Turkish woman, a small Polish blonde who spoke no German or English at all, another petite Polish blonde with aggressive tatoos (she was just insatiable), then a Polish brunette (etwas mollig).

    I met everyone of these women, saw a couple of them twice or thrice. Every single one was nice, accomodating, willing to make some small talk. There is a sign behind the bar which says: “Wer will ficken, muss freundlich sein”, in other words, who wants to fuck must be friendly.

    In my first hour there I had met three of them and had to slow down the pace afterwards. All were extremely friendly. In fact, if one of them saw you sitting in the couch area and you hadn’t met yet, she would come up to you and sit to talk. Before you knew it, you were engaged in some heavy petting or she would go down on you. You then had the option of doing it right there in the Kontaktzimmer or going back to one of the rooms. Only the rooms downstairs offered any privacy though and sex out in the open was more the norm rather than the exception. You just had to learn to tune out the Zuschauer.

    I’m a middle-aged dude and just can’t come every time I have contact with someone. I learned to hold back on coming and instead just focusing on the pleasantness of the skin to skin contact and the inner warmth of each one. Some women are disappointed if you don’t come but I always promise we’ll get together again. I always regard it as a compliment when the woman does come and so I make this my objective each time I get together with one (sometimes I succeed).

    The Stimmung could not have been any better. If there was nothing going on and just groups of guys and girls hanging out, the women would suggest a group activity either in the Kontaktzimmer in which case the women would all find a partner and the whole group would do it right there on the spot. If there was a surplus of women, two of them would do one dude.

    Once, they dragged the whole lot of us into the small hut in the back with the large mattress. I was just sitting off to one corner watching the activities when one of the small Polish blondes saw me by myself and crawled over to me to make sure I had something to do.

    Now you understand why I went back a second time.

    Now to note the quirks of this club. You only get one towel, don’t get the multiple towel exchanges which are common elsewhere. You can only eat food in the Esszimmer and need to have a towel wrapped around you while you do that (you can’t sit nude and eat). Its not for the faint-hearted or extra prudish because you will more likely than not have sex in public. There was no kissing at all but that was fine with me.

    Food was not great but enough to keep your stomach from growling: belegtes Brot mit Kaese, cold cuts, fruit, yoghourt, sliced tomatoes, cucumber. Drinks were also readily available (I don’t know about alcoholic beverages since I don’t touch the stuff).

    Feldi had mentioned a Wohnungspuff in Herford which I thought I would drop in on. I found it. Unfortunately it opens at 13:00 Uhr and I was there at 11:00 so I decided I would put it off for another trip.

    My next objective was the PT at Osnabrueck-Sutthausen.

    This club is very easy to find since its just off the Autobahn Ausfahrt. Eintritt was 111 Euros.

    The club shares a parking lot with a bus company so be careful where you park your car. The bus company blocks off its section of the parking lot at night and you might find your car inside their section and not the clubs section.

    The Umkleide is in the basement as well as a toilet and shower without a door lock. The main floor has a corridor where they lay out the food on tables, a bar area adjacent to a contact room with couches. Behind the contact room is a large public bed. There is an aquarium to one side of the Kontaktzimmer. The TV in the Kontaktzimmer shows fairly disgusting pornos – very difficult to watch and eat at the same time. There is an outside porch area leading down to an Aussenbereich. The Masseur sets up his table in this porch area (massages are part of the entry fee on Fridays). There is no pool. Upstairs there is a small private room at the top the stairs, a Damen WC, a sauna and small private bed beside it and then a semi-private bedroom to the left (no door and an opening in the wall towards the communal play area), another semi-private bedroom with a gynecological chair, and then a large mattress area in the communal play area. Everything is decorated in an Egyptian motif with a large drum set and throne in the large communal area to play with.

    There were six women there: two petite Rumanians with nice figures and braided hair, a couple of tall thin Polish women, one full-figured Polish woman and one painfully thin medium height Polish woman.

    There was a sign at the bar saying that any woman who had a red armband would do anal (included as part of the entry fee). None of the women present offered this service.

    In contrast to Wagenfeld, I did not meet all of the women here, nor was I totally impressed by the selection.

    The Stimmung wasn’t quite as loose. There was public sex to be seen upstairs but there was no activity at all on the main floor. The women weren’t as accomodating as they were at Wagenfeld either. You had to take the initiative – they didn’t approach you neither was there any group activity as in the other club.

    This suited me just fine as I was quite worn out from my Wagenfeld trip. I picked and chose who I went with, had delightful conversations with a couple of them, saw one woman a couple of times (despite the fact that she had this habit of wrapping her hand around my dick while I was pounding her to make sure the condom didn’t fall out).

    People watching as this club was interesting. There were several British soldiers from the Osnabrueck Kaserne. Nice friendly dudes who like the fact that the beer flowed freely. Other clients had reservations about going nude and underwear on. I had never seen this at any other club. And then there was the German dude who spoke with a lisp. I was convinced he was gay and in the wrong club.

    There was food and it was decent but not great: salad, the usual Zutaten for Belegtes Brot, dessert and proscuitto with melon. Enough just you wouldn’t have to leave the club because you were hungry.

    All in all, an interesting place but not one I’d become a Stammkunde at.

    I thought I needed a break between visiting this club and going on to PT Mettman (which from all indications was a club featuring amateurs). I dropped in on my former favorite club, Babylon.

    Not much had changed there. The plumbing is a little more dated, they took the photos off the wall upstairs and the Umkleideraum in the basement has been transformed into a bedroom (lockers are now under the stairscase where I once made out with Ramona, a petite Polish blonde on a small couch). The fireplace area has been transformed with the large Kunstleder raised bed being replaced with a couch area (where the girls nap when nothing is going on).

    There was food now: ham steaks, fries, a kind of meatloaf, salad, bread, fruit. Decent but not great.

    Eintritt was 30 Euros, first session 80 and second session 65.

    From my previous visits, I recognized Verona and Laura. There were four other women there (mostly darker haired), one of whom I’d previously see at Wiago but never had a chance to meet.

    I gravitated over to her and I asked her how things were at Wiago, etc.. She had moved to Babylon because the hours at Wiago were too long (they close at three or four in the AM).

    Off we went to the Zimmer where I made her come once.

    Long story short, I had an Abrechnungsueberraschung at the end. She charged me for two sessions because I had supposedly extended the first session by hanging out with her upstairs past the time limit.

    I paid but I wasn’t happy about it and will not likely be returning to this club.

    Off I went to PT Mettman to be there just past the time they opened at 5:00. Eintritt was 110 Euros. They also a weekday brunch for 75 Euros, all you can eat and fuck.

    The Umkleide is downstairs and one quirky thing is that they don’t provide Badelatschen.You walk around barefooted the whole time. Bring flip flops if you go.

    I undressed, gave up my key at the bar and was shown around by Petra, a tall thin German blonde.

    From the top of the stairs, there is a large room with communal mattress and a raised mattress to one side, the Damen WC, a dark room with gynecological chair and loft bed, the men’s WC and a large room with mattress in the center and couch to one side. This, it turns out, was where most of the activities took place. There is an outside area where you can sun yourself also a sauna. Inside, there is the area where they set up a buffet on a table, a cage, a throne and a couple of couches before leading up the bar.

    The women here were all German, mostly older and a step below the standards of an FKK club. They were all supposedly amateurs but I had no way of verifying this. Of the seven women there, I met six (or rather poked at six). There was a thin younger blonde woman, an older full-figured blonde with tatoos and pussy piercings, a dark haired woman with small tits and pussy piercings, a taller brunette with a nice figure but her face was not all that pleasing, there was Petra (described above), a rather mollig brunette (who I had a private session with in the large room with the communal mattress – she spoke Dialekt the whole time which I found funny) and then there was platinum blonde, etwas mollig who specialized in Koerperbesamung (she like having guys come on her – she’d clean herself afterwards with a towel). Some of the women accepted Fransoezisch Total, wouldn’t swallow but spat it out onto a papertowel after.

    The only rule they have is no drinks outside of the eating/bar area.

    It is rather inconvenient that they have only one men’s room but there was an unlimited supply of towels.

    As at PT Osnabrueck, there were some guys running around in underwear, too shy to go nude. Others had these leather jockstraps which you only see in fetish magazines. Different strokes for different folks.

    The food was actually quite good: sausages, Frikadellen, salad, potato salad, bread. Definitely hearty and the best of the clubs I visited on this trip.

    At this club, almost nothing takes place in private. Activities had a certain rythmn to them. One of the guys would take one of the women to the main room, guys would go into the room to watch. When the first dude was done, a second one would hop on her. While he was on her, she would either blow the next dude or jack off as many dicks as she could get her hands on. Then another pair would come to join the first pair, etc… I “met” most of these women by first standing around this bed and then being dragged into to participate.

    I felt like Goldilocks. In one stretch, I poked probably four women in a row. The first one was too tight. The second one was too loose. The third one was too tight. And the fourth was just perfect and she made me come.

    It was an experience worth trying at least once but not for the prudish or inhibited.

    After this experience I felt I needed to cleanse my palate and just find a club to relax in. I dropped in on Wildenrath (which I had enjoyed a lot the last time) to look around.

    Peter had said Monika and Bea weren’t going to be there. Alina, Monika 2, and Carmen were. Naomi and a blonde Turkish woman and a tall darkhaired woman were there too.

    I did not indulge at all but rather talked to fellow clients, did the sauna, watched TV and ate. They had chili, cream of broccoli, fruit and bread.

    I might have spent time with Carmen but I didn’t feel like I needed to.

    Naomi is probably the highlight of this club in terms of figure and looks. Too bad she gets rather moody.

    On my last day, I went back to Wagenfeld and had a repeat of my visit the first day. Only the bleached Polish blonde with the boots wasn’t there.

    Fazit: Having had such a good time at the Partytreffs, I’ll probably try out a couple more the next time I go. This would include PT Dorsten and PT Muenster.
  2. Easy Rider

    Easy Rider Der Hedonist

    Registriert seit:
    12. Februar 2002
    Hi Jackyo

    I really like and appreciate your "Denglish" ( German expression for a funny mixture of German & English)! :D

    Thanks for this report under your point of view. :zwinker:

    With kind regards, E.R. :)
  3. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Nichts zu danken, ER!

    Ich finde, dass wenn Auslaender Deutschland besuchen, muessen sie eine Grundwortschatz der deutschen Sprache beherrschen... :)
  4. tolstoy

    tolstoy Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    9. Mai 2005
    Dicks on tour!

    Can only agree with Jackyo's report. Never been to Wagenfeld but since what he writes about the other places as totally on the money, then Wagenfeld must be a trip worth making. Partytreffs by and large don't have that good a reputation and can rapidly change for the worse, though one of my most memorable experiences was some years ago at a partytreff - as ever with a woman who came with her man: they are always the best!
  5. Alex71

    Alex71 Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    7. Juni 2005
    Great report!

    I have a few questions for you I was hoping you could take the time to answer:

    In Wagenfeld: Where alkoholic beverage available? At a cost?
    Witch of the clubs would you rank as number 2 preferable after Wagenfeld?


  6. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Hallo Alex71!

    Moin moin

    Auf Englisch: Hmmm... I don't drink alcohol so can't remember if they serve alcoholic drinks. I heard from someone who has been to PT Wagenfeld and PT Muenster and he says that PT Muenster is a disappointment. I read a report about PT Dorsten a week or so ago and from the description that would seem to be a required stop on my next visit. PT Osnabrueck was okay but not the same as PT Wagenfeld. I had fun at PT Mettman because the women were friendly. If only I lived in Deutschland..

    Auf Deutsch: Hmmm. Ich trinke kein Alkohol und deswegen kann ich mich nicht daran errinern, ob man da Alkohol bestellen kann. Ich habe von jemanden gehoert, der PT Wagenfeld und PT Muenster besucht hat und er schrieb mir, dass er bei PT Muenster enttaeuscht war. Ich habe einen Bericht ueber PT Dorsten vor einer Woche gelesen und es scheint mir, dass es sich lohnt, den Laden zum naechste Mal zu besuchen. PT Osnabrueck war schon okay aber nicht mit PT Wagenfeld vergleichbar. Ich habe Spass bei PT Mettman gehabt, da die Frauen sehr nett waren. Wenn ich in Deutschland woehnte...

  7. Alex71

    Alex71 Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    7. Juni 2005
    Thanks for your quick reply Jackyo!

    As I use to say: If I lived in Germany I would have been broke long time ago! :anger:

    Well, its always a pleasure to go to Germany, and next weekend I be back there to try out 3 (for me) new clubs!

    Its gonna be wonderful! :blushie:

  8. roadrunner77

    roadrunner77 Optio

    Registriert seit:
    28. November 2004
    hope you had a great time in Germany. Unfortunatelly I couldn't come. I was on a business trip in Asia. Had a great time there and now I am looking forward to be in Germany in a few weeks. So long RR
  9. Breadman

    Breadman Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    27. November 2005
    Breadman's coming to town...

    Breadmans' coming out of hiding from merb.ca and will be checking out Dusseldorf. Usually hobby in Montreal, Toronto or Niagara Falls Canada...but the oportunity to check out several fkk's is just too much to pass up. Also get to see close to the area relatives came from.
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