Herbstpufftour, 07

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 11. November 2007.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Ich war kurz da. Mal sehen, wann ich zum naechste Mal da bin.

    Ich freue mich aber schon darauf!

    Hier ist mein Bericht auf Englisch.

    Samya's Halloween Party
    This place hasn't changed much. The seating arrangement is still awkward and they still have that table in front of the door leading to the garden.

    They had a Halloween party and the club was full of both gals and guys but for some reason folks weren't connecting much. At its peak there were probably fifty women there and an equal number of guys.

    There was a group of women who I call unf'ables, girls who I wouldn't pay to be with (my guess either Romanian or Bulgarian) and on the other extreme there were a number of women who were just outstanding and pleasing to the eyes. Now if only they were all nude, all of the time, that would make a huge difference.

    There was a very large selection of blondes, mostly from Poland.

    My biggest problem is that this club doesn't have much of a Stimmung or athmosphere. The Thekenstaff has things going like clockwork but they aren't into connecting with customers.

    The women are approachable but its difficult to manuever in that room, particularly trying to approach the women on the bar stools.

    And some of them would not make eye contact or smile. Its all in her Ausstrahlung... and in her kiss and other things: how she carries herself, her poise, sense of self, etc.. I can make a list (in fact, I am tempted to write an essay on this topic).

    There was one stunning blonde with long straight hair, a nice butt, legs and tits who I passed in the hallway several times and smiled at. She always totally ignored me so that took her off the list.

    Later in the locker room she accompanied this guy to get her payment, all the while standing near the doorway, tapping her feet impatiently. When she left, I asked him how she was and he said she was great.

    I didn't want to take that chance though. I have to admit that sometimes I am in the mood for a bitchy or moody ice queen but mostly I am not in that mood.

    I did connect with two women there.

    I picked a full figured blonde who smiled and was lively and outgoing. Brigitte from the Czech Republic. I performed the "connect-with-a-gaze-from-far-away-and-cock-your-head" and she came quickly over to the couch to sit with me. My session with her was excellent particularly after I discovered her unbelievable muscle control. I didn't have to move at all and neither did she. She enveloped me firmly, would pulse and I was in seventh heaven.

    My second session was with Emma from Poland. She had invested some time sitting with a group of guys on a couch but none of them made a move to the room so she left them. I found her on a barstool and during a break in the music approached to have a conversation (that music was too loud). Nice to look at, dirty blonde, but a little cooler and more reserved. Good session nonethless but it would be hard to describe it as beyond just above average.

    I've not been disappointed so far service-wise at this club. I don't have the impression of being with hardened pros, that is why.

    They had a small band come to play some jazz. It was a nice touch. There was a guy on an electronic organ, someone on a saxophone and a chick who did vocals.

    A couple of times that evening there were groups of women who would get up on the bar, shoeless and dance (well, more like shake their booties). They played Turkish (or Middle Eastern) music for this too.

    Food was good, as usual. The beer and non-alcoholic drinks flowed freely.

    You could catch glimpses of nudity here but otherwise it was freie Wahl and the choice of the women here was to have at least their bottoms on.

    I had wanted to see Honey here but she wasn't working that day. She was still on the list of girls who work there though.

    I spoke briefly to Jenny from Bernds (not Jenny from the Block), now named Eleni. She did say the place was much more conservative than Bernds is (and she should know as she was the number one exhibitionist at Bernds when she worked there). She was very busy, barely getting thirty seconds between sessions before she was snapped up again.

    I didn't recognize anyone else from previous visits

    PT Krefeld was a disappointment
    I went on November first which, it turns out, is a holiday in Germany. All Saints Day.

    I got there at 1 PM but on holidays the club doesn't open until 4 PM so I had to kill time in Krefeld.

    Krefeld isn't exactly the center of the universe, what more can I say.

    I wander over there and get there at 4 PM sharp and find Feldstecher waiting for me at his car.

    The one thing it has going for it is that its cheap. 75 Euros for 6 hours.

    I didn't really want to stay six hours after I saw the selection and neither did Feldy. The girls were friendly enough but clearly none of them could have worked at a regular FKK club. I like a woman with some weight on her, myself, but these women were a little extreme. I was with a Polish chick who was friendly, made out with her Brazilian friend, Chantal and then did Gina who was a tiny blonde from Duesseldorf. There was a Mozambican (spelling?) woman from Portugal, and tall thin German chick with hanging tits (I think Nicole was her name) and one other German woman who was mollig.

    There wasn't much food to speak of except for bread, cheese and cold cuts. Drinks were self service.

    I had set up a time to meet up with a dude from the ISG but he never made it there. Seems he was having lunch with a chick from the Hof (which, of course, led to other things).

    I hit the sauna a couple of times over our three hour stay.

    I'd never seen this anywhere before but as I'm there, two of the women come into the sauna and one of them starts intensively fingering the other one from behind. I was too worn out to participate but just watched.

    I think is that the pricing for this club is too low so it attracts lower end customers and consequently lower end women.

    The difference between this club and PT Dorsten is that there are a couple (not all of them, but a couple) of women at PT Dorsten who could work a regular FKK club if they wanted to

    A Nostalgia Trip to Babylon
    After not having been back since 2005, decided it was time to drop in on this club, my favorite club of all time until things started falling apart.

    Its under new management and now is totally separate from Wiago, which has been renamed Extasia.

    One of the owners, Eddy, is a former customer of this club and knows it well from its glory days. He was there to greet us.

    But times have changed. Whereas back then probably only PHG was direct competition in this neck of the woods, there are now GT, Wildenrath, Residenz and Villa Vertigo to reckon with. Mal sehen was passieren wird.

    He (Eddy) is ready to invest money in the club though and that means revising the shower fixtures upstairs, for one.

    The set up is quite the same as before. Lighting is different and the Kunstleder couches are now in black (or was it deep blue?).

    In front of the bar they have a pole and a stage for pole dancing. The women were complaining that the pole was of the wrong diameter though and it wasn't easy to turn on it.

    They have plans of taking out the bar and doing something with it.

    The former Umkleideraum is now a bedroom. I had instinctively headed for it with my towel and key but the lockers are now under the stairs (where I remember very clearly making out with this Polish blonde, Ramona).

    Ah.. Every nook and cranny of this club holds memories for me. At this section of the couch, I admired Michelle's amazing bod. At that other section, I had my first public BJ. It all came back to me in a rush of memories.

    They have some photos of the former Besatzung hanging on the walls. Yvette, Pia, Suzi, Shirina, Nina, Chanel.. those names just roll right off my tongue.

    Oh yes, where was I?

    There weren't many customers when we got there and only five girls in total. All well selected and edited for one's viewing and sensual pleasures. Jessy was a darkhaired Russian or Polish chick. She had a friend who was equally darkhaired and equally Russian or Polish. There was one Turkish woman too with a nice figure.

    For one, the legendary big-titted Liliane was very much present. One knows one is in the presence of greatness when one is within an arm's length of her. Her bikini top could barely contain her nipples.

    Yes, they now wear bikinis there.

    We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about how great the club used to be and that if they were to get it back on track to greatness, the all nude rule had to be reintroduced.

    Also, I made it a point to insist that the post-coital session afterwards had to be reinstituted as well (as some of you know, the PC session is long gone and it isn't offered anywhere these days).

    Then there was Nadine who is a legend in her own right, the so-called independent Nadine from Bergheim. She greeted us at the door wearing nothing but thigh high boots, blonde, blue-eyed, totally shaved and I eventually found myself drawn to her side.

    I did have the pleasure and was extremely pleased to make her acquaintance.

    Will this club suceed in turning things around? I don't know.

    For one thing, they do have premium pricing. Its 35 Euros to get in, 75 Euros for the first session, 55 Euros for the second session.

    If you consider say typical pricing of 50 Euros to get in, 50 Euros for the first session, you are at 110 Euros at Babylon where you would be at 100 Euros elsewhere.

    By the time you did your second session you'd be 165 Euros at Babylon and at 150 Euros anywhere else.

    They had better be offering really, really good services at Babylon to make this up and with the additional competition, things are going to be tough.

    Or maybe the direct comparison should be to Bernds where entrance and one session will cost you 120 Euros and two sessions will amount to 170.

    But the pricing isn’t what people look at when they visit Bernds, they look to the unmatched service.

    Oh, yes. There was food but it wasn't anything to write home about.

    Their Thekenstaff was great though. Claudia (or Claudine) is funny, easy to talk to and friendly. At the end of the evening, she and I were holding hands like we were old friends (this is a long story).

    I wish this club well for nostalgic purposes but it will a lot of work to turn it around.

    Of the women on the website who now work there, I only recognize two: Laura and Verona. Both are still there but not present when I visited. I also think I recognize Melanie who used to be Wiago.

    Want to experience a Babylon girl without actually going to Babylon? Monika at Bernds used to work at both Wiago and Babylon. This goes back several years now (I'll have to read my notes to get the exact year). She may, in fact, be the oldest Babylon girl I have ever met who is still actively in the profession. The others have moved on (if anyone knows what Suzie is doing currently, I'd be interested in finding out, by the way).

    Cocoon has changed
    .. and its not been for the better.

    I did confirm that the hotel right beside has been sold and with that sale, access to those rooms is now gone.

    They are down to five rooms in the main building and a couple of Kuschelecken. They did say that during parties they would simply have sessions out in the open but I didn't see any when I was there.

    I arrived at about 1 PM and stayed until the early evening.

    With fewer rooms at their disposal there are also fewer women who work here than I've seen before. Its that Teufelskreis all over again: few women, so customers want to come but few women want to work there because there are few customers, and over and over again.

    There was little of everything: one Thai chick, one black chick, several dark haired Russians, and then the traditional Polish blondes versus the German blondes.

    Lots of guys came and went but there wasn't much business being transacted, for some reason. In contrast to the athmosphere in most clubs, there isn't much interaction between customers here.

    The girls talk amongst themselves but only with members of their cliques.

    Everything stayed the same in terms of physical arrangements. The sauna is nice and hot and they have one of the few indoor pools still being used at an FKK club in the Ruhrgebiet.

    I was there on a Saturday and the food was served promptly at 5 PM. It was good and hot and included the typical Sauerbraten, Rotkohl and Knodel as well as other items which appeared later in the day. They had two types of mousse which were both very good.

    Oh yes, the women... I had two sessions.

    One with Mandy, 21, dark haired, tall, Ruhrgebiet. She was friendly enough during our conversation. She was pursuing an Ausbildung and only worked during weekends so she met my criteria for being a non-pro. She didn't allow certain things though. She covered her pussy with her hand so I wouldn't go down on her, z. B. I had a good time with her nonetheless.

    My second session was with Maja, blonde, full figured, from Poland. I shouldn't have done this chick. I did sit with her for a bit and talk to her but she asked me quite quickly if we were going to a room. I said, I just wanted to talk first. She kind of implied that unless we were going to a room, she needed to keep the space on the couch beside her free. I returned after a bit and we retired into a Kuscheleck. It is then that it became clear to me that she had a routine and damn if she was going to break from the routine. She was difficult to manuever, wanted to do certain things her way.

    I prefer women who are more spontan and just go with the flow. If I want do some heavy petting, why shouldn't that be allowed?

    Afterwards she chose to ignore me when I passed her in the hallway or found her sitting on a couch.

    Naja. Was kann man machen? I will not repeat with her.

    Would I return? Yes. I always liked this club but my only motivation for returning would be in finding more of the talented amateurs I've met here before.

    The one thing which has definitely changed here is the Abrechnung. Before you settled your bill just as you left. Nowadays, you have your session, she follows you to your locker and you settle with her right there.

    A little more straightforward and there is no more risk of your having a billing dispute with her as you are ready to leave.

    PT Dorsten isn't what it used to be
    Yes, it is true. Roberto is on vacation and when the cat's away, the mice will play. The bathrooms need some work (someone should at least come by once in a while and mop the floors and collect towels).

    Having said that, I still had fun at this club. Simona, their Thekenfrau, is funny, warm and welcoming. There was hot food and the drinks (beer included) flowed freely.

    In fact, I had so much fun, I visited it twice: last Sunday and last Monday. Both times I visited I took the train from Duesseldorf and returned every evening. I have this train connection thing down to a science.

    The biggest negative: there were only four (later five) women on Sunday, four for all of Monday. When I first visited, they would have from seven to eighth women in their lineup. This could be what is keeping the customers away.

    Everyone says that Tuesdays and Saturdays are days when you have to reckon on crowding.

    It was not as bad as the last time when it was so crowded with other customers you couldn't get any when you wanted it and you had to hang out upstairs in that small corridor.

    I had several long sessions with some of the women just poking around, cracking them up and myself with my broken Polish.

    The line up on Sunday consisted of Liliane (young, Polish, thin, dark haired, petite - only downside: she had a small herpes outbreak on her lip but she didn't do BBBJs), Sabine (Liliane's partner, Polish, dyed blonde, petite also and totally non-communicative), Angie (German, full figured, dyed blonde, from the Ruhrpott) and Sonja (Polish, late twenties, nice figure, nice ass, legs). Later on Anja joined the line up (Polish, thirties, nice ass and legs).

    It was a good line up and particularly enjoyed Anja who is a pro and made me give it up though I tried hard not to give in. I kept proclaiming to her and to anyone listening that she was gefaehrlich. There aren't many men who can resist this woman's charms (and technique).

    I had multiple sessions with Liliane and Angie, mostly.

    Sonja is, indeed, the woman who is rumored to be Nina's sister. I say rumored because she claims they really aren't. "You must have read about this on the Internet, nicht wahr?", she asked me. She is a visual treat, cute as a button, communicative and funny.

    There is small little Polish woman who helps Simona at the Theke, Anja. Sonja pointed her out as her younger sister.

    Patrizia, the boss' girfriend, came by. She was is also a delight to look at. Nice legs, short skirt. But she doesn't work any more. Heard though about how she dropped by once and serviced these two Dutch guys who were visiting, blew them dry, cleaned up and then left.

    I returned the next day because I had wanted to see Angie and Sonja again but neither of them was working. Sonja dropped by to pick up Anja but she showed no signs of being there to work.

    Liliane had left that day for a break in Poland. She was replaced by Suzi (blonde, Polish, petite and on the mollig side). Sabine and Anja were there too from the day before.

    If any of you meet Katja (who was the fourth chick there), you will have an idea of what kind of women I look for. She is German, long reddish brown hair, full figured, 5'7" in her bare feet, 31 y.o, from the Ruhrpott. I don't like thin, petite, small women, particularly blondes: give me a full sized woman with a full figure and darker hair anytime.

    She and I sessioned several times and I left her with the promise of seeing her again and eventually making an honest woman out of her. I offered her massages and she accepted each time we got together.

    Chemistry, again, is everything.

    I also got along with Suzi who had to put up with my extremely long poking sessions with her. My PT sessions are chances to work on my technique: I'd vary the speed with her: sometimes fast, sometimes slow. More accurately these were "poking-and-conversation-in-broken-Polish" sessions. She was always good natured and smiling.

    She threatened several times to give me a hand massage (i.e. jerk me off) so she could get some rest. I managed to avoid that.

    Her partner, Sabine, in contrast, had an attitude. I once thought I'd massage her shoulders while she was sitting on the couch and she quickly turned around to hit me (in a playful way).

    Being able to communicate enhances the experience for me and Sabine was always cooperative but also always kind of trapped in her own little world because she wasn't able to communicate other than in Polish.

    I recognized a dude, Frank, I'd seen there the last time I was there and we hit it off again. I have his email address and I promised him I'd let him know when I am going to be back.

    He did say that the owners of this club did open up another PT in Muenster: Traumland (I will do research). Its got a 100 Euro deal for three hours or an unlimited deal for 150 Euros. Its supposedly a small club with only five women but in comparison to the large mattresses layout at PT Dorsten, there are private rooms and you can take your Lebensabschnittsgefaehrtin by the hand and have quiet sessions with her if that would be your preference.

    There were two Irish dudes I met on Monday, one of whom has posted questions here.

    Fazit: Still a good club but sagging female attendance is a problem which is already reflecting itself in lower customer counts. Also, it is only when there is active management involvement does this club run well (maintenance of bathroom cleanliness, z. B.). They supposedly have new mattresses but they get so much of a beating you wouldn't know it.
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