I was just in Germany with the Breadman, a newbie, and here is his report. I will file my report separately. Ich war gerade mit dem Breadman, ein Newbie, in Deutschland. Hier ist sein Bericht. Ich werde spaeter meinen Bericht auch posten. --------------------------------------------------- In Germany checking out the Partytreff and FKK scene. First club, Dolce Vita in Wagenfeld, visited was an interesting experience. 100 Euro entrance fee included food, drinks (had myself a couple of really good German beers...until the cut me off after 4...seems there’s a limit)...and all the sex you can handle until you decide to leave. Several attractive women at the club...and several unattractive ladies as well. Kim from Prague stood out... a 9 in my book. 5 foot 7, blonde hair, large natural c´s, great ass...had her twice. Two other I’d have to say rated about an 8.5 on my scale...had both of them a couple of times (one was a porn star or is...great body). Several of the other ladies rated in the mid 6 to low 7"s...not all that bad, just not my style or type. To sum up this club...100 Euros included free food, four great German beers and unlimited regular drinks...and about 13 pretty good to awesome sessions with some very striking young ladies. These aren’t true fkk clubs...these are Partytreff clubs to be more specific. Rooms aren’t closed off and others can see you and the girl...or girls going at it. It’s not for those who might be on the shy side. Went to another Partytreff club yesterday, Dorsten...going to hit true FKK clubs the rest of the trip. Partytreff clubs just take all the energy out of you...I’m totally exausted right now and plan on taking it slower today. This last club had a couple of amazing women...and of course a couple that are on the average side. BBBJ, DATY and multiple positions are allowed...kissing, fingering and BBBJTC are usually not given...but you never know for sure depending on the girl. Had a threesome with two amazing girls...and finished the night off with a threesome with the same two plus another hotty. Should also mention had a great BBBJ in a gynecologist chair from the one to start off the finally. I just don’t know how to describe what goes on in these Partytreff clubs...but if the Breadman comes out exhausted you know the action is intense. Visited a real FKK club, Cocoon, yesterday...about 14 naked women and for a small 20 minute fee of 25 euros for FS with a CBJ or 35 Euros for BBBJ with FS. This club was undescribable.....HOT women all over walking around in the buff. Sampled a bit of every hotty that caught my attention... First brunette was a 7.5...Turkish, great body, b cups and gave a great bbbj. took the 40 minute option for 60 euros. First blonde was Polish...and easily a 9 on any mans scale. Would have repeated but just so many to choose from. Second blonde...another 9. 5 foot 5, short blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. Awesome set of natural small c cups...awesome ass. Gave one of the wettest BBBJs I’ve ever had...but FS was difficult due to the size issue. Third blonde was an 8...large c cups, took the CBJ option...pretty good time. Last brunette had some of the most intense eyes...and a body to match. a solid 8.5. Used a 40 minute booking for this last trip. Total cost...215 plus 35 entrance fee. Entrance fee included free beer, tons of hot food plus desserts. Would have paid 80 or more for the meals and beer elsewhere. So got to sample 5 hot women for about $ 50 US each. Not a bad deal. Went to another FKK club yesterday....a smaller club that’s easily located and close to a train station. Dolce Vita was the club’s name...normally clubs have a 35 to 55 Euro entrance fee and provide free drinks and food. This club was slightly different...no entrance fee but they charged 3 Euros for drinks...so I stuck with beer which is the same price as a water. Rates for this club are a bit strange...they encourage those visiting to see more than one girl...or one many times. If you do one its 75 Euros, two its 95 Euros and if you do 3 its 120 Euros. I’ve got no problem doing 3 or more ...but after my third I found it hard to book the other girls I wanted to try out. Too many customers, not enough talent. First choice was a brunette, about 5 foot 8 with natural 34ds and a great slim body...easily a 9 in my book. So for about $47dollars I had a great BBBJ, DATY and tons of multiple positions and a lot of fucking. Second...and third choice was a blonde who was easily another 9. Great set of natural Ds again, body had a bit more weight than the first choice...but it was all firm, great skin tone, awesome BBBJ, great DATY...and she seemed to want more even though I had finished. Took her for two separate 20ish bookings. Fucking from her which improved a bit on the second booking. The Partytreff scene just cant be described. Sex out in the open with women from Poland, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic...etc. They cant say much in English...but know how to say cumshot very well. Food is just average...enough not to have you starve while your there. So far the FKK club Cocoon was the best. Large selection of hot women, awesome food, free beer, heated pool indoors, sauna...and HOT women. And the pricing was incredible....25 Euros for 20 minutes w CBJ, 35 Euros for 20m w BBBJ... if you went 40 with BBBJ it was 60, if you went the entire hour it was 80 (im not positive though). So far most of these FKKs have had hotels close by and they can be reached by train. Next trip will probably involve working my way around to the bigger FKK clubs and staying overnight in the local hotels and moving onto the next. Visited Samya on the last night. No reviews on this club so myself and my buddy jackyo visited this club to check it out. Its not a bad club..but not a true FKK...most of the women wear some sort of clothing (except for a couple who dont mind showing most of everything). What I found great about this club was the overall look of the club, plus they had great food, free beer and drinks...and the girls would even offer to grab them for you. Only downside was nothing to do outdoors except sit on the terrace (in the summer you'd be confined inside the club). Also, no hot tub or indoor pool...but a sauna and a massage table are located downstairs. Girls at the club ranged from a couple of mid 6's to a bunch of 8's and a couple of hot 9's and one 11 playboy playmate material blonde (named Honey) that i did for one hour. Let me apologize for not getting hardly any names on this trip...seems I get distracted too quickly. Girls will join you on the couches for a bit of making out, maybe a little HJ underneath the robe to get you going...then onto the room for immediate action (no "i have to use the bathroom" for 10 minutes routine). First girl was a little cutie...about an 8 in my book. Bleached blonde hair that was just a bit too blonde (highlights would have looked better). Nice little body and a very cute young face. Unfortunately the action upstairs lacked chemistry and she seemed to prefer to lie on her back the entire time. What I really got a kick out of was her lying near our couch downstairs and looking over at my lap and saying "big" every so often. Second girl was a 9...about 5'4, 105lbs, AWESOME tits...best I’ve ever seen on such a petite girl. About a small C cup that stood up and had the perfect proportion to such a little cutie...and when she walked around the room they bounced so seductively. All she wore was one of those garter belt waist raps with the clasps hanging down holding absolutely nothing. Basically naked. Service was unbelievable, BBBJ right after the door shut and tons of positions. She did this butt movement in doggy style that almost ended things right then and there. I just had to stop and admire her but twisting side to side on little Breadman. Had I known the 50 Euro half hour rate only went to 75 for a full hour I would have booked her for the hour. Third girl...Honey, the playboy playmate material one. Hottest one I saw on this trip. And it worked out that I saw her right when she walked in and got her attention right off the bat. She's about 5'6, 110lbs, 34B's, awesome ass, great looking shaved pussy, long blonde hair down to her butt...and a very hot face of course. Got a bit of couch action going and moved things upstairs right off the bat. Awesome BBBJ..she took directions to a T...slow, medium, fast...whatever was asked. Tons of positions..69, doggy style (got her to do the hair flip just right that drives me crazy). Finished with a BBBJ (not BBBJTC those are extra and only available with some...list at the front door gives girls names and what they offer and charge for extras). Fourth girl was another 9...Hot blonde, large tits, great body. Came across as a bit of a professional at times but was a good choice for a half hour tryout. Fifth and final...I’d give her a solid 8. Large...and I mean large D's. Nice skin tone, great butt...had a bit of extra weight here and there but made for an overall great package. BBBJ was a little weak but she made up for it by using those large D's at the same time. Overall a great club, I’d revisit but would like to see a couple changes in the seating situation. Girls hung around a little table that made it almost impossible to approach them. Maybe a nice large round couch with a big enough middle area to act as a small bed would work better. I’m still wondering if this scene is 'legal'...cause I still have the 'shakes' from withdrawal after three days. Never...in all my hobby career have I EVER seen this many hot looking women all in one place at one time...and their only wish is to go into a private room with the Breadman. Thank god for the open borders now that allow all those hot Polish and Czech girls to come across freely to the FKK clubs.
breadman Had the honour of meeting Breadman at Samya. Awesome performance. Women weakened at every turn.
Sounds like paradise: Tons of women plus tons of beer. Can you give some information regarding the abbreviations (DATY etc.)? Thanks, dev/null
American abbreviations HJ = Handjob = wichsen CBJ = Covered blow job = fransoezisch mit gummi BBBJ = Bareback blow job = fransoezisch ohne gummi BBBJTC = Bareback blow job to completion = fransoezisch total DATY = Dining at the Y = fransoezisch (d.h. die Frau lecken) FS = full service = sex Have ich etwas vergessen?