Hier ist der Bericht vom Breadman. Er ist immer noch Newbie, da er erst Deutschland zum ersten Mal in Januar besucht hat. -------------------------------------- Another German FKK run is done... Made another journey over to visit the FKK clubs of Germany. Decide on a 7 day outing and was planning on hitting 6 clubs with a repeat of the best club on the last day. Looks good on paper, just didn’t work out this way to say the least. Every club ive been to has part of the whole package im looking for…first off it has to have plenty of attractive ladies so even if one is booked solid for hours on end I have choices available. The club has to be large enough indoors to allow some roaming in case the weather outside isn’t favorable…and the opposite is true, the club should also have a nice outdoor area for when the weather is warm enough. Club should also have enough to do and places to relax when one isn’t on the hunt. There should also be plenty of food and drinks available at all times. So on this trip ended up visiting three new clubs, repeating at a club from my January visit…and then going back to one of the new clubs this trip three more times. I think this last part says it all. First new club of the trip was a club called Heavensgate in Dorsten, about 40 miles outside of Dusseldorf. Was only planning on staying at this club for a couple of hours (another club is around the corner) but ended up closing down the place. Have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by this small club…although they charged for beer, the food was decent and they had a nice number of attractive women who walked around butt naked. And with rates of 25euro’s for 20 minutes (10 extra for bbbj) you could sample all that you wanted without breaking the bank. Tried out five and ended up repeating with two. Got my two towels and hit the showers (large shower area with 4 shower heads)…was almost finished when this hot naked chick jumps in next to me. She was smoking…hot little ass, great looking b titty’s. She couldn’t figure out how to get the water hot enough and was asking me for help, in german of coarse which I don’t speak. So she’s leaning in and little breadman comes to attention big time. She could have shaked his hand she was so close. Luckily I was done with my shower so I offered her the use of my head (the shower head)…found it hard to continue a shower with such a hotty with such a hard on. I did allow her to try out the head later on in the room, she did with much gusto…and I gave her a shower of my own. Next club would be down the road a ways south of Bonn…small club called Bernds. One of the first fkk clubs ever and I was informed it’s a must visit club for those trying out the scene. The big difference about this club and Heavensgate is the amount of public action going on…its common place to see a girl start giving bbbj to a guy on the couch. Or two girls giving a guy head on the couch…or two girls giving head and then taking turns fucking a guy on the couch…all right in front of you. This club is not for those on the shy side. Ended up doing some sightseeing while in Bonn and ran across a gps unit that covered all of Europe…and was ready to rock and roll. Figured if I saved my butt from getting lost a handful of times id be saving myself several gallons of gas that’s now close to $7 bucks a gallon…and it did just that. “Take me to the titty bar” was now replaced with precise directions to get to the next fkk club, hotels and tons of information available at your fingertips. Plus is saves all your information for future trips…worth the money. Last club of the trip was Goldentime. Heard favorable things on this club but their website for some reason doesn’t allow entry into the gallery section. Only pictures I found came from a French msn website. Club looks big enough on the pics so figured id check it out. Gps took me right to the front door, without it I would have driven right by the little dead end side street. Later on found a nice motel about 2 miles down the road, 6 euro cab ride if one’s planning to drink too much. No big signs outside announcing goldentime…but the front of the building was pictured on the French website, so I knew I was at the right place. Parked the car, hit the buzzer and got buzzed in. First thing you notice is a large locker room area to your left. Paid my admission and got a robe and an wrist strap attached to my wrist…had to figure out how to use it to lock/unlock the lockers since it didn’t have a key. Got undressed and put on the robe and went to hit the showers…and found three of the four spaces being used by some hot naked women. So whats breadman to do but join in the fun…always like group activities. Rates at this club are pretty decent…50 for a half hour, 25 more for the next half hour. Bbbj, daty, kissing being a given. Some girls allow fingering, deep French kissing and cim (extra charge of 25). Only a handful offer greek (50 extra). Once the euro gets a bit back in line with the us dollar the fkk scene will be too hot to pass up. Should describe the club a bit…its like a large ‘O’ with the sauna/hot tub/outdoor shower in the middle of the ‘O’. This area isn’t truly outdoors but is covered by glass. Id imagine even in winter this area is nice and warm, seeing that the sauna puts out so much heat. They’ve also got a bunch of live tree’s planted to give the area a bit of green. Made it out to the main bar/room area and saw about 12 women sitting around…about 5 of which made the breadmans list. This area consists of a dozen or more couch’s and a bar area that sits about 20. Around the bar area is a small shelf that has another 40 or so barstools (I later found out that these are used by the girls to advertise themselves). Made myself something to eat…very nice selection of lunch meat/cheeses, cereal, yogurt, bread…later on they brought out some desert snacks with dinne, soup and pizza later on in the night. Only negative was the lineup of for food once dinner was served…once its done its done. If your in a room when dinner is served your out of luck. Im not positive but I heard the club allows you to leave and re-enter…so running out to grab dinner if you wanted something different would work out well. What really impressed me about this club was the service and friendliness of the bar staff. Super quick with getting you anything you wanted to drink…but also super quick of grabbing any drink that looks like its been left by a monger. Had several half drank beers dissapear on me several times…but they’re free so I just grabbed a fresh one. There’s also a large outdoor area with outdoor seating…and by large I mean two football fields worth of space or more. They even set up tents outside in the summer so you don’t have to take the girl inside to try her out. And if outdoor open fun is what your looking for they have a bed setup outside right in the open. If open indoor fun is what you want, they have a cinema playing porno where you can enjoy the girls right in front of everyone. They also have over 30 private rooms inside and out. So im sitting around and making my ‘list’…took one to the room and walk back thru the main room with the young lady to pay her in the locker room only to find another half dozen have shown up and have to add 4 more to my list. Take a shower and head back to grab a much needed beer to cool down…and find another 3 are now in the room. Add 2 more to the list. By 4pm my list has grown into double digits. Now it was time for some editing of the list…this one off cause I didn’t like her hair, this one cause she might be covering up something with her top…etc, etc. By 8pm even after editing, the new girls who showed up tripled the list again. One night I counted over 30 girls in the main room alone, not counting the girls in the 30 rooms or those in the cinema or in the indoor hot tub/sauna area. Girls ranged from a couple of 5’s, a handful of 6’s, a bunch of 7’s, more than a dozen of 8’s, another dozen of 9’s and a handful of 10’s. I probably sampled over 20 at this club…with only 2 repeats…and didn’t get to try out the other 30 that made it on my list. At some clubs you have to be very careful with the time you spend in the room…if you go over by 5 minutes the girl will charge you for the next time. At this club I never had any trouble. Girls would always tell you your time was running short…if the chemistry was great id just add on an extra half hour for 25 more. Now onto the girls and the action…forget the names of most, just too many to try to remember but will try my best. Gina…hot brunette. 22years old 5’4, 105 lbs, A cup long brunette hair to her amazing ass. Some freckles that made her look even hotter. Booked her twice on this trip…second time kept her for an hour and spent 20 minutes going down on her…and from her reaction it was time well spent. Used up the rest of the hour on non stop action. 10 out of 10. Left the room with Gina, grabbed a shower and spotted another hot brunette…Romanian girl named Mona? 5’4, 105 34c’s, great ass, silky black hair mid shoulder. Although little breadman was tired I new if I didn’t jump I wouldn’t see her for the rest of the night. Made my move and got her into a room asap. She fell in love with little breadmans size and immediately started to deepthroat him all the way down. Only got a couple minutes of action in and decided to have her continue with more deep throat action. 9 out of 10. Young 19 year old blonde with shoulder length hair, great set of natural C’s, perfect ass, freckled face…a 9 out of 10 when she’s naked. Awsome action in the room, only girl to charge me the extra rate of 25 since we went 15 minutes past the half hour mark…she couldn’t tell me while she was sucking off little breadman. Tiny little asian flower named Poe from Tailand. 9 out of 10. Only 4’10 at most. Tiny b’s, great little ass…cute as a button. Silky black hair just past her shoulders. Bit too tiny for me but just had to have her. Had a Blonde approach me and say “ive been told you have a large dick. I love large dicks and you can put it in my ass if you want”. Went with her for an hour. 10 out of 10. She was smoking hot. Athletic body, ass to die for, great looking b tits, awesome legs, great looking pussy…and an asshole that took all of little breadman without complaint. 50 extra for greek plus 25 extra for the next half hour….time well spent. Brunette with dark tan complection…hair past her ass. 5’7, 120lbs Large C cups and a great ass. Bright red lipstick that set off the dark complection and really looked great wrapped around little breadman. 9.5 out of 10. Brunette with blonde hightlights…kept making eye contact and smiling every time I looked her way. She hid her body under a semi see thru outfit but I could tell by the legs and the ass that it would be sweet. 10 out of 10. She has the looks to be a model if she wants. Awsome service, sweet girl. One night I saw her go outside to sit alone away from everyone on the outdoor couch’s. So I went over and gave her a backrub for almost an hour. Nothing like being cuddled up on a couch with a hot chick in the cool night air under a blanket. Next day did another half hour with her that was more open than the first visit. Tiny little Italian princess…5’1, 100 soaking wet but with a hell of a body. Bit too much makeup on but a performer in the room. 9 out of 10. Nothing like doing a girl doggy style and having two full length mirrors a foot from the bed to get a good look at the action from different views. Nice little Turkish girl…5’4, nice little b’s that looked larger under her top. Great ass, great service and a very striking look to her. Im sure she’s the one who spread the news of little breadmans size. 8 out of 10 Lannie Barbie look alike…HOT brunette, 5’4 34c bullet tits, great ass, pierced tounge and clit, amazing light blue eyes. Loved to slap my dick against her face while looking at it in the mirror. Porn style experience. 10 out of 10 Did Lannies friend, greek girl with an amazing set of large pointy C’s. Rooms all got full so we did it outside on a lawn chair. Not recommended…needed one of the double lawn chairs to do any types of positions without falling off. 9 out of 10. Another Romanian…friends of the first. Cute girl next door brunette. Very nice slim look with all the right curves. Was watching her for a couple of hours but didn’t know if the curves got held in place so to speak by the dress she was wearing. But out she came later on in the night showing off some spectacular natural C’s for her small frame. Just had to have her. Great performer, some cute girl next door looks with a killer body. 8.5 out of 10. There where more…but honestly there was just too much going on to be able to put it all down on paper. Ran across groups of guys from Belgium, Holland and Germany…plus some from the US who made me welcome into their groups between sessions. Sitting around between outings with the girls bullshitting about clubs, girls or whatever topic came along was interesting in itself. I can just imagine, at 3 euro’s a beer at normal pubs, how quick Special K and Doc Holliday could get their 50 euro entrance fee back in no time. Also did a repeat of a club called Samya...nice club but the selection of women just didnt compare to Goldentime. Rates are the same, beer is free and the food was a bit better than GT. Outdoor area is very limited though...no place to go outside and relax.