Fruehlingspufftour 06 Just back from my Spring tour. Visited six NRW clubs: Blue Note, Cocoon, PT Mettmann, Samya, Heavensgate and Bernds. Mostly was carless and got around with public transport. For the last two days I hooked up with the Breadman who had rented a car and this expanded our reach. Highlights follow: Blue Note: No major changes to this club. Had been hoping to hook up with Julia and Brigitta but they have since left or retired, which is really too bad. I was with Nicole (Hungarian, petite, large natural tits) who is just exactly as I remember her. I’m not normally into BJs but she does it very well. There were two Asian women there, a couple of older German women. Ewa is still there (Polish, thin, a little taller) but I wasn’t able to find the time to get together with her. I like women who enjoy their work and she definitely does. I was attracted to Katarina, younger woman who had very nice tits and an amazing olive complexion. She does not actually have sex with customers – all she offers are BJs and a massage. I said “okay” and off we were to the room. She did permit my hands to wander and she performed a decent body massage with her tits but she did not allow any penetration. A good experience nonetheless. I had also been hoping to run into Annette (Polish, blonde). I forgot to ask what her schedule was. Cocoon: This was the major disappointment of my trip. I've had reasonably good experiences at this club, in fact had entertained plans of visiting it twice during my weeks stay in D'land. Got there early on a Thursday, went through my usual routine and went upstairs to check out the talent. Not much going but it was still early so I kind of hung around on the couches, standing up to get a drink of O-saft or Cola every now and then. I didn't really recognize anyone from previous visits, but wasn't particularly in a hurry since I had plans of investing a whole day there. What intrigued me were the three or four girls who hung out at the bar area, who seemed to have no interest in coming out to the couches. So I decide to hang out where they hang out on the Barhocker just to get a better assessment of the talent. They seemed reasonably friendly, some made eye contact, one even wanted to make conversation in English. But it was the tall German blonde who had my attention and so when I decided to make my move I went straight to her. Off we went to a room. In thirty seconds I knew I'd made a mistake. She plopped herself down on the bed and turned into a limp rag doll. I am into foreplay but she had no interest in doing any of that. I said to myself: maybe she will warm up to me and that maybe I should just stick to it. What followed was the worst session I've ever had anywhere (and I've been to probably thirty of these clubs and met several hundred of these women). Every time I made a move she said it would cost extra. It would cost extra for me to go down on her, extra to finger her, extra even to change positions. I quickly lost interest. It was like dealing with someone at the Amsterdam RLD where every move she makes translates into a surcharge. I felt obliged to come just to get away from her and I did. It was very unsatisfying. I went back upstairs and was convinced I was going to be ripped off when I settled my bill as it would be my word against hers. I had some of their soup and thought about what I was going to do next. I watched how she dealt with customers and decided it wasn't only me. She had almost no interaction with the customers even when she spent time on the couches with them. I timed a couple of her sessions and she was back very quickly after each one. I was so pissed off, I decided to leave saying I'd do better at PT Mettmann (at least it was a sure thing). To be fair, it turns out that her billing was fair and all of the surcharges she threatened to bill me weren't actually billed but it did leave a very sour taste in my mouth and I didn't return to the club for a second visit during my stay as I had originally planned. So beware: this can happen to you too. Check out your chemistry with her before you commit! This is, I think, the moral behind this story. I don't like writing negative reviews but if you are definitely going to Cocoon and want her name, you can PM me. PT Mettmann: I went to PT Mettmann a couple of times last year, was there again on a Thursday. I had a very bad experience at Cocoon and wanted a sure thing. There were four women, one of whom I'd not met before. During the whole evening, there weren't more than a dozen men there in total - one could get as much as one wanted so long as one could get it up. I was with Akasha a couple of times (she's funny, speaks English with an English accent), with Moni, Iris and Kira. The highlight of the evening was an amateur couple showing up. He had a towel wrapped around him. She had on underwear and appeared a bit nervous at first. She was not bad looking, nice figure, nice face. All eyes were on her to figure out what she was going to do as she was the best looking woman in the room. A session starts up and everyone goes into the front room (which has been renovated, by the way). Iris goes down on the man of the amateur couple. Pretty soon, his partner takes off everything. Now one of the single men in the sidelines happens to position himself very well and goes down right between her legs. She starts to enjoy it. Then he makes a motion with her to come with him into the second room (the really dark one) and off they go. The rest of the guys in the room think she'll be taking on all of us and we all follow. Wrong! They draw a gate closed and he has her for the next hour or so. We all go back to the bar disappointed. We walk by there every now and then but it seems that they aren't inviting anyone else. Pretty soon, her partner goes into the room, the other guy leaves and they have their privacy. This was the highlight of the evening. Everyone was nice and friendly. If you sat alone on the couches near the bar, someone would ask you to come and join them. It will be a while before I return to this club though as I've met the entire team there and variety is important to me. Definitely an acquired taste. Samya: My visit to this club started with taking the Strassenbahn from the Hauptbahnhof and seeing this attractive dark haired woman sitting in the car. I thought to myself “she’s quite attractive”. The S16 arrives at Michaelshoven and she gets out too. I walk quickly to the club and as I’m getting undressed, I realize she’s gone into the women’s dressing area – she works there! Anyway, turns out she is Melly from Hungary and the blonde she is with, Cynthia, is her cousin. I do hook up with Cynthia (tall, think blonde, blue eyes) eventually – one of the best experiences I’ve ever had anywhere. She was very open and uninhibited, loves it when you go down on her (she came several times and was just amazingly wet), being fingered and came as well during normal sex. One of the other customers had had her and Melly in a twosome and had recommended both of them and though I sometimes don’t like the way blondes look (they can appear to be cold), she was anything but cold and distant in one-on-one action. Honey was there too and she remembered me from January. I also remembered the Polish blonde with the large tits who Marlow hooked up when we were there last. Pia who used to work at Babylon was there and she’s still very much the same though probably with a few more pounds on her. The setup of this club hasn’t changed but it being warmer the outdoor area has been opened up (though its not really outdoors since its under a tent and there are flaps covering the sides so the surrounding offices can’t look into the building). They still have the table in the middle with the chairs (makes it hard to make contact with the women who sit there). They also should require the women to get better footwear: there is nothing more unsexy than flip flops (which some of the women wore). Heavensgate: I take back all of the negative things I’ve written about Heavensgate so far. It has changed a lot. The selection of women was not bad at all and they were all nude as compared to being in bikinis when I was there the first time. They also have much better food now. We (me and the Breadman) had thought we were going to do PT Dorsten after dropping in on Heavensgate but we decided to stay at Heavensgate for the whole day instead. What changed my mind seeing Vanessa. Blonde, German, petite, nice tits. In my old age I’ve changed my approach to club visits. Instead of going around sampling the talent and taking the change of running into someone who I don’t like, I stick with one girl if she pleases me and I book multiple sessions with her. Vanessa fit the bill perfectly. She was talkative, funny and I liked the way she looked. It was her second day working at the club. There were lots of other women I could have hooked up with here (the Breadman did his share of sampling) but I stuck to her only. Subsequent sessions past the first session were rewarded by better service because then I know what she likes to do and she knows what I like to do – and that makes a difference. There was only one woman I recognized here. It was a Polish blonde we’d seen before at Cocoon. There was one Thai woman who I spoke to briefly. Great club which is definitely worth a visit because of the good selection and the favorable pricing. Bernds (or the Hof): We did this club because I thought that the Breadman, as a newbie, should go at least once. I can confirm that the veterans of this club are still there: Anja, Babsi, Katja and Aylin. Aylin has a different look and I didn't recognize her at first: she now has jetblack straight hair. Katja is just as I remember her. Both of them are built for comfort and not speed. Neither is particularly aerodynamic. But this is how women should look, IMHO. I say thumbs down on the super thin model types with small asses, bony backs and small tits with small drag coefficients. Highlight of the visit was watching the two of them do this guy on the couch.. first taking turns on BJs while he fingered and played with the other one.. then Gummi darauf.. and one would pump him.. and then the other.. without changing the condom! (this surprised me).. then an eventual finish which left the guy literally shivering from head to toe (a frisson, if I've ever seen one) as Aylin took it in the mouth (and then spit it out into a papertowel).. and then some lying around and cuddling before everyone went off to get cleaned up. I would guess that Katja easily does ten customers a day. She hung out downstairs and it was very rarely that you would see her just sitting there. I entertained the thought of doing her and I'd wander down there and not find her because she was in the room. She still very much keeps up with the youngsters. This speaks as well for her talents and her reputation. We were there from the time it opened (1 PM) to just about when it closed and though we had originally planned to go to Sudbad after to get in two clubs for the day, we decided to stay put instead. I spoke briefly to Mara and can confirm she is really nice. She's Dutch (hence the accent) and she's been there for two years. I remember seeing her when she was just new to the club. None of those younger girls who were in her Jahrgang (or Baujahr or Baureihe, if you want to think of them as cars or locomotives) are there any more though. I recognized was Monika from Hungary who I’d been with before at Wiago and at Babylon and who I thought was Brasilian but isn’t. I also had a chance to speak briefly to Princess and Jennifer. The one woman I chose to see multiple times was Celine. Had a great time with her. I just hope she doesn’t go through with her plans to have her tits enlarged. They are fine the way they are. My next trip will definitely include Heavensgate. Might give Cocoon a try again despite the disappointment. Bernds, of course, is an institution and always worth dropping in on.