First, apologies for being unable to write in German. We are English and can just about read the forum but that is all. We are Shiatsu and Cordelia, a married couple. We hope that what we write is of some interest. We live in England, but Cordelia works occasionally in FKK World. A visit to Beverly was a day off before we went home As Jackyo wrote about Partytreff we thought we could write a bit about a very recent evening at Beverly, at Solingen Burg near Dusseldorf. It is the same set up as he described (you pay the entrance and them everything is free) We arrived on a Friday night at 18.00 as it opened, and entered through the side door (the main door being used only on Saturdays). We paid our money, gave our names, and got a locker key. On our way to the locker room we were stopped several times by staff who welcomed us back in a variety of languages and body languages. We were very very touched that we should be remembered. One of the staff did his usual lecherous appreciative drool over Cordelia, who had arrived in over the knee boots and a very short skirt As we changed we were still nervous as one never knows what is going to happen. We went to the buffet and chose from the seven hot main courses, several salads, several desserts, and two decent wines. Anyone used to FKK food would think they had gone to heaven. At about seven we started to prowl, but decided that we would adopt a different tactic to normal. Instead of us starting together we let Cordelia pick up men one by one as they took her fancy. Unlike some nights there were a lot of regular working women (well over a dozen!) and not a large number of single men. This mean that there was little in the way of gangbanging for Cordelia but instead a lot of one man at a time – probably about ten over the whole evening. The details would be boring, but included anal, sandwich, and cuminmouth (for Cordelia) etc. Cordelia found the overall quality of the men and the quality of the sex to be more adventurous than the FKK norm. There were some other diversions – Inessa (one of the regular women) as always took charge when we were in her room and started directing men to Cordelia with the instruction to lick or fuck and announcing that Cordelia was a "geile sau. At the same time she was sticking her fingers up Cordelia’s pussy and gettinglicked by Cordelia. Shiatsu joined in a little, but wasn't sure he could keep up with Inessa’s boisterous activity (having earlier been given an unmentionable invitation from her). As the evening wore on the rooms were getting busy with couples. As usual they seemed to be keeping themselves to themselves. We didn’t explore the area reserved for couples as we find the process of getting involved to be incredibly tedious since 95% normally only want to play with themselves. And of course it is difficult for us with our limited German (although we have learnt some) There were the normal weird things. Shiatsu started licking Cordelia after a man had finished with her, in the hope that someone else would come and take over. But instead we simply got a large appreciative audience of couples who stood silently and expressionless. When we looked up they avoided all eye contact and refused to return a friendly glance. So as usual we figured that if they wanted only to fuck themselves that’s what they could do – we didn’t need them. So we got up and rejoined the food. The food turned out to be very lively. Since part of it was protuding from Inessa’s lips as she made a long and provocative invitation to Shiatsu. At this point Shiatsu wondered whether Inessa was an exponent of post-modern irony or not. Cordelia says she was serious. However as it was the food room we stuck at a chaste kiss. Suddenly we realised it was 12.30 – six hours plus of sex was enough for Cordelia after three weeks at FKK World. So we went home to the hotel. And fucked. The evening confirmed that Beverly is as interesting and fun as ever. There were a lot of “regular” women available for the single men, and of course the chance that they would find an extra bonus - a woman visitor, (for example like Cordelia) there. If a single man is interested in getting to join a couple then unless there is the rarity of someone like Cordelia it is necessary normally to introduce oneself to a couple at the bar or in the disco. And this can take some nerve and time. So – if you are interested in a varied evening and don’t mind public sex (and that does mean other men around) not you and lots of women, then Bev can be fun. You will have the opportunity to have more sex than you can manage, However it is not for everybody. If you want long meaningful conversations and private sex it is not suitable. Although there is no problem in getting one on one sessions which might last say 30 minutes And to make a point. The workers at Beverly (and partytreffs) are not FKK workers. This means that they will have as much sex as you want because they enjoy being there and are not counting your euros. They tend to be older than the normal FKK worker and sometimes not in such good shape – so if you are fixed on 18 year old girls then Beverly may not suit you. Although as we have found previously it is possible to find an 18 year old girl visitor at Beverly willingly having sex with you for free. And, if things are going well, to find girls better looking than at FKK Thanks for making it possible for us to add to your forum
Great report, Shiatsu! So much for the expression: "No sex please, we're British."...! Hope to run into you the next time I am in D'land.
Cordelia is great, indeed I had the opportunity to meet Cordelia at FKKW some time ago. It was the greatest fuck I ever had at a club. Not only is she charming, she is as hot as anyone can be. Cordelia is by far outperforming her collegues at FKKW and I hope I will be able to meet her again, wherever this may be. Congratulations to you for such a companion.
partytreff I know Jackyo had a good time at partytreffs, but I wouldn't myself go overboard about them. In this business you get what you pay for. If you pay the price of a Mini what you get is a Mini, so to speak. So paying say 100eruo entrance for coming as often as you can is not quite the invitation to have sex as often as you want as long as you want. These girls are paid about 200euro a night if they are lucky, so getting fucked senseless is not part of their plan. The women are older than those in FKK clubs and with a few exceptions more interested in getting you off as quick as they can than having a party or even an orgie. Often the principle is to give a guest a fuck soon after they come through the door. That puts him on the reserves bench for at least half an hour! That way the girls can minimise the number of times they have to go to the mat. Normally 'mat time' is strictly controlled, usually three rounds in an evening. Try to get a girl to go inbetween times and you can see the reluctance on her face. They also time your 'sex', so when a girl thinks you've banged her enough (ten minutes) she'll suggest you wank off on her or she blows you, or another girl will come to either help bring you off (the magic finger technique) or she will take over from the other girl. Don't get me wrong, partytreffs can be fun, but by and large they are in the business of taking your money and making sure you only get what you pay for. The best times I have had at a partytreff is when couples (rare) appear. Now these folks are there for fun not money.
Beverly or FKK? Cordelia writes 4Q2 Thank you for the compliment. Perhaps I should frame it!! I am very pleased you enjoyed meeting me. I hope we meet again. I have had many lovely compliments from the men I have been with at FKK World, which is a very friendly club for me to be in when I come to Germany for my short holidays. Tolstoy I think Beverly is a bit different to the clubs you have been to; the workers seem to do a lot of sessions, seem to genuinely enjoy what they are doing, spend some time with the men even after the session, and generally seem very cheerful. We have spoken to a couple of them who have told us how they enjoy about their "work" (some of the others we cannot discuss very much with as our German is very limited). In addition we know a number of American male visitors who have no problem finding attractive couples to go with - sometimes at Beverly there can be 250 people. As a result there are a number of single men stammgaste You are right. The women at partytreffs are older than the normal FKK women. This is true also at Beverly. Beverly is not for a man who is only interested in young girls. We did not report on previous visits, but you will realise that my husband (Shiatsu) does not really go for the working women at Beverly - he likes FKK more. However he has had some of the most exciting experiences at Beverly rather than FKK!! I am lucky as I can enjoy myself at both. So I think it is a question of luck and being willing to make the opportunities. On a good night at Beverly you may pay for a Mini and get a Mercedes, on another night you may only get a mini you don't like. At an FKK it is less chancey And of course all the sex in Beverly is public Hugs Cordelia
beverly To Cordelia What you say is very accurate. I was only making warning noises not to expect mind blowing experiences every time. And what to one person is out of this world to another is been there done that. Certainly Beverly has a good name among many couples. And a lot of couples I know put Beverly on their list of favorite places. And I would say that they are all couples where the woman has a very high sex drive and willing to explore it rather than suppress or sublimate it in other directions. Never been there myself but have been to others like Oase. The thrill is having sex with all that sexual energy and heat around you in the shape of other couples and the occasional single man. Switch off your head and go for it!
@tolstoy Sorry for you but my expierences in Partytreffs was as follow: I paid for a Mini but I got most times Ferraris! :greenfing :greenfing I will write in the next hours about my Experience last Saturday in Dolce Vita/Wagenfeld! Sorry, but only in German! ajax69