Sex in the USA

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 28. März 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Since I don’t live in Germany, I’ve had to find local alternatives in between my trips there to satisfy my urges.

    As a bit of background, prostitution is illegal in the US. There is one state where it is legal and that is Nevada. That having been said, we do have paid-for sex but it is quite illegal can be quite expensive.

    We have massage parlors (referred to as MPs – when they have exclusively Asian women, they are referred to as AMPs). There is a street hooker scene (when its not suppressed by the police). Then there are the escorts and call girls, differentiated between the in-call services (you go to them) and the out call services (they come to you).

    We do not have Laufhaueser as in Germany. There are no equivalents to Paerchenclubs except in the form of swingers circles (if you can find them) and the concept of an FKK club in the United States would be unimaginable. Travel to Germany to visit these clubs is like being a kid in a candy store for all of us.

    The police are out there and are quite eager and willing to crack down on such behavior, in fact, sometimes the set up traps for unsuspecting customers. Why they don’t focus their energies on real criminal behavior is beyond me.

    When making contact with a professional for the first time, there is a whole code of conduct which dictates what you can say, what you can do. The wrong choice of words can land you in jail if you are actually dealing with a policewoman out to entrap you.

    Your objective when making contact for the first time is to make sure she will provide the services you want her to perform without using certain vocabulary. She, in turn, has to make sure you aren’t a cop.

    The illegality of the situation is a turn-on to some people.

    Because the scene is so changeable, there are no assurances that you can follow up on a positive experience. There are no assurances you can avoid bad experiences or getting ripped off.

    The street scene features the more rundown women, mostly on drugs. It can be quite dangerous.

    The funny thing about the city I live near is that the street scene actually comes to life in the early AM (3 or 4 in the morning) and not until then. Its at that time that the more expensive girls wrap up their early evening “dates” and before going home decide that they want to make a little more pocket money before going to bed.

    Its very hit or miss but I have seen quite interesting and attractive women waiting to get into cars at 3 in the AM. You just have to know where to look then better have a secluded spot to park your car that’s out of view of the police.

    The escort scene can be quite expensive with some women requiring 2 hour minimums with hourly rates which can run $200 per hour and up. Some of the women travel from city to city in a circuit and stay in luxury downtown hotels. Their rates can be quite outrageous.

    The escort services come and go though and its hard to know which ones provide good service and are worth repeating and which ones not.

    The reality of it is that though we may pay as much as $200 per hour, its actually quite comparable to what you would pay in Germany visiting FKK clubs.

    On average, airfare, car rental, gas, meals and hotel expenses run me about $200 to 250 per day when I travel to Germany (based on short five to seven day trips). That’s just the cost of being there without any sessions included.

    Some folks think that sex in Germany is cheap but its because they don’t factor in these expenses in their calculations.

    If you factor in club entrance fees and the cost of sessions (say, you do two encounters a day), you are looking at spending about $400 a day.

    This comes to $200 per session or encounter. Mind you, an FKK session runs, in principle about 30 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less. I can pay $200 in the US and get an hours worth of service.

    True, the experiences aren’t comparable because the selection and the quality of the services is much better in Germany. And being a Germanophile, I have more compelling reasons to want to be in Germany than the normal person. I consider interactions with German women to be an intercultural experience as well.

    Locally, I visit an in-call establishment which has been in business for years. The woman who runs it has two apartments and has two girls working daily. She charges $200 per hour and you can come as often as you want in that hour. Appointments are necessary.

    They are very discrete, and though the women are not beauty queens, they are very eager to please. They each have their own rules which they will usually lay out for you on your first visit. Mostly they don’t kiss and don’t do BBBJ but these services are not deal breakers for me.

    I’ve met five of her team, most recently meeting one of her newer girls this past Saturday.

    Lina is 26, brunette, petite, has a nice figure and said she was a single mother trying to make ends meet. She said she hadn’t been working for very long.

    She asked a lot of questions at the beginning, seemed even nervous – what did I want to do, she asked. I said, just be spontaneous and if you enjoy it, I will too.

    She got on top of me and I was very pleased to find out she was a perfect fit! She had the three elements I always look for and I fit in her like a hand in a glove. And boy, did she enjoy sex! She squealed, she squirmed and when she came, I did too. She was very, very good and I couldn’t restrain myself because of that.

    Mind you, I am not a particularly large person – quite the contrary but years of sex with different women has very much sharpened my sense of when a woman fits and doesn’t fit. Some women are just too wide or the angle of penetration is just the wrong angle and she doesn’t know how to place herself properly to compensate. Lina was perfect!

    We rested a bit then I offered to give her a massage. In fifteen to twenty minutes, I was ready again.

    This time I did her from on top. Again, I got the same response from her. She squealed, she squirmed. The second time around (and after such a short Erholungspause), I tend to be less sensitive so I just kept at it, just enjoying her warmth, her wetness and her tightness. Pretty soon, she was getting excited again. I could feel involuntary contractions and she started to match my rythmn with her thrusts. She came again! By this time, I was working up a sweat. After a few minutes, she wanted to know if I wanted to change positions.

    I said, no. I was fine. Well, in hindsight, I believe the reason she asked was that she was starting to get hot all over again and she was concerned she wasn’t going to be able to restrain herself. She seemed distressed, took a pillow and put it over her face to muffle her involuntary sounds. She came again and she seemed even quite embarrassed that she allowed herself to do that. I thought it was quite cute.

    In a word, she was multi-orgasmic. Unbelievable!

    Her running commentary was also a turn-on: “Faster”, “slower” – she didn’t hesitate to let me know what I was doing right or wrong. She particularly enjoyed having my balls rub her pussy, she said. And she didn’t hesitate to grasp my butt to deepen my penetration.

    Its not often that I meet someone (whether here or in Germany) who just lets herself go like that. She was definitely an experience to be repeated.

    So it is possible to have pretty good experiences here, services can approximate what you get in Germany and it can be more or less what you pay for there too ($200 for one hour, travel expenses factored in).

    The problem is that I would like to find more local in call service establishments like this but don’t know where to start. Phone numbers for places like this are closely guarded secrets. I'm lucky to have this one.
  2. michelle30

    michelle30 Sklavin

    Registriert seit:
    27. Dezember 2001
    Hey Jackyo,

    you are right its legal in Nevada,but not in Clark-County.That means in Las Vegas.In Las Vegas its absolutly illegal.It costs me 26 hours jail(holdingtank,very funny)and 400 bucks fine!!!
    There are much hokers,Escorts or dancer,how ever,but be carefull,it can be policeofficers!!!
  3. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Danke fuer die Erklaerung!

    Danke, Michelle!

    Richtig! Man muss die Stadt Las Vegas verlassen, um ein legales Puff zu finden.

    Correct! One has to leave the city of Las Vegas in order to find a legal bordello.

  4. michelle30

    michelle30 Sklavin

    Registriert seit:
    27. Dezember 2001
    Ask the Taxidriver or Limodriver they know where you an go.
    Maybe Chickenranch!?!?!
  5. Wetmaster

    Wetmaster Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    3. Dezember 2001
    Hehe Michelle you worked in the USA....
  6. michelle30

    michelle30 Sklavin

    Registriert seit:
    27. Dezember 2001
    Yes,i did.6 month thats enough!!
  7. Arminius

    Arminius Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    31. Oktober 2002
    Michelle, that's 6 months less 26 hours, or do you count THAT time too?

  8. Wetmaster

    Wetmaster Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    3. Dezember 2001
    6 month , so you have to be a rich girl. Fucking in the states could be very expensiv.
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