The Rest of Z's Winter 03 Report

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 10. März 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Z (as in "Zorro") finished the rest of his report and asked me to post it for him again.

    Happy Garden:
    Entrance fee: 50 Euro
    Included: Food, Beer, and Sauna

    This club is more like a local bar, beer and drinks are available in the bar room and in the lower level of the club. The bar room is full of smoke which bad for non-smokers but unfortunately this where the girls are.

    There is usually at least one woman who is a10, just remember to go to her as soon as she is free. There is no point waiting in the bar room and trying to get some eye candy. The ladies are all waiting on one side of the wall just waiting to be selected by you. If you want it, get up and do it. The place is more business oriented, not a place to relax. But if the bar scene is your to your liking, this is a good place to visit.

    The good thing about this club is that they do serve some food, just get there quickly or it will be gone. And you can also help yourself with the beer if you are a beer drinker. As for the facilities of this club, the shower and sauna are okay but not impressed.

    You can get a 25 Euro session with the ladies but this is more
    of a quickie session. The girl would just fuck in one position and probably would not even remove her top. If you pay 50 Euro you can get a more of a normal session. I would opt for spending 75 Euro and getting an hour session with her. Or if you plan it right you could opt for the 50 Euro session then right after opt for the 25 Euro session.

    I've visited this place a couple times before and the girls that I have been with all provided mechanical service. I haven't had a wild session with the girls here. Like I said before, the girls here are more business oriented and are out to get a session with the customer, take care of him and then leave.

    Sunny, 18 yrs, Blonde, Germany, 6'0, lightly tanned.
    She was a ten in my book, my session with her was very good (but not great), She had several restrictions and was mechanical. I would do her again for her looks, but as for her service, it really needs to improve. If I had opted for the 25 Euro session, I would have probably gotten less service.

    My thoughts: I would not suggest this club to relax. The girls are not into pampering you.

    My thoughts:
    - There is at least one 10 at this place and you can stuff her.
    - The bar/contact room is a little too smoky for non-smokers. An air filter would help a lot.
    - If you really like the girl, spend an hour with her for 75 Euros.
    - Visit this club only when it is on your way.


    Entrance: 30 Euro
    Included: Some food and Sauna

    This club has not changed since I last visited. They do have beautiful girls but the Atlantis selection is much larger. Most of the girls on this visit were new to the club. The girls do group together but you have to speak German to get into the conversation.

    If you want to get away from the smoke in the contact room, you need to go down to the basement couches and ask the girl of your choice to go with you.

    Pretty much all of the girls from my last visit weren’t there
    anymore (Shirina, Yvonne, Suzi). (note: Shirina still works there but wasn’t there on Z’s visit). These girls always give you good couch sessions.

    On this visit, I was not too impressed with the line-up so I decided to ask the barmaid if I could get a free entry for Wiago. After the barmaid talked with a manager at the back she got an OK and they said that they will talk to the Wiago staff who will give me a free entry when I get there.

    I visited this club two days later hoping that they would have a better selection or to see the old line-up. But this was in vain. There is nothing much to this club anymore. I will not visit this club until I hear something new and good about it.

    Kim, 18 yrs, German, Black Hair, Light skin, 5'5
    She seemed bummed out when I arrived as she had not gotten any customers. I thought I would have sympathy sex with her to get her started and maybe she might go wild or something. When we started in the club room I attempted to make some conversation first, she didn't even bother trying. She was just all business - which probably explains why she was not getting any customers. As for the session with her, she was very mechanical. I just wanted to get it over with and go, so I showered, changed, paid the bill, and left.

    - The club is only good when the right girls are there.
    - One should expect a better performance at Babylon as their pricing of 80 Euros for a first session is rather steep compared to PHG or Wildenrath. 75 Euros as either of these two clubs gets you an hour.
    - I think that the quality of this club has gone down.
    - The facilities are not adequate enough for their guest.
    - An Air purifier would be improve air quality.
    - The girls should not group together too much to enable more customer contact.


    Entrance: 30 Euro
    Included: Some food and Sauna, Pool, Whirlpool (Extra)

    This club may not have as many girls as in Babylon, nor as many 9s and 10s. On this trip I noticed is that most girls do not do couch sessions as much anymore (Babylon and Wiago). Or is it because the customers don’t bother with couch sessions these days. I also noticed that the girls now cover up more when they are sitting down.

    This club has a really nice pool which is rarely used at all. There is also a shower, bathroom, and a bed in the basement. This is one of the cleanest pools and shower room that I have ever seen.

    Chaneria, 19 yrs, Black Hair, Russian, 5'4, milky skin.
    She was pretty much bummed out all day, so to cheer her up decided to give her a try. My thoughts were: she is either lousy in bed, or really wild in bed. Well, she was neither, just average. Man, she was tight! Almost impossible to penerate. I managed to get it in. Kissing is very light, fingering is OK if you can find it. Her main attribute was her tightness.

    - Their facilities are excellent : Pool, Shower, Sauna.
    - Not as many girls as in Bablyon. Very limited selection
    - I negotiated free entry since I was just at Babylon.
    - Worth a visit for relaxation.


    Entrance: 50 Euro
    Included: Food and snacks, Beer and Drinks

    The clubs decor has changed from my last visit, the motif is much like Happy Garden. As for the girls in the club most are 8s - 9s with a few 10s. Not much customer traffic. If you are looking for a massage, they do not have a masseuse. Some of the girls do get aggressive. During my stay, I was the only guy in the club, and there were 15 women for about 3 hours. These girls turned it on for me to get it on with one of them. All the girls were eyeing me, just begging to be stuffed.

    It was driving them crazy that I wouldn’t make a selection.

    The black girls were most active in talking with customers. You can opt for 25 or 50 Euro session. But for 25 Euro session, you only get a quickie and you can't do this and can't do that. So it seems that the 25 Euro is not much a deal at all.

    I would prefer Wildenrath over Happy Garden, for the reason that you can have a conversation with the girls first and they are scattered all over.

    Chanel, Holland, 21 yrs, Dirty Blonde, 5'6
    She looks somewhat like Britney Spears, can barely speak English. For a girl her size, she was quite wide. Beautiful face, great body, nice ass, fucked her, and moved on. I can't really say anything bad, but I can't say anything good. She was already wet when we made contact. But the session was very mechanical. No kissing, no fingering.

    NAME, Greece, 21 yrs, Black Hair, 5'6
    She would probably rank a 7. Most of the girls in the club wore binikis or underwear, but she was the only one not wearing at all, just a towel to cover her lower body. She would dance around show off her stuff, I thought this girl would be different from the others or less inhibited. So after waiting for her session to finish, I motioned to her. I asked for a massage first, I was willing to pay her the 25 Euro for the massage, but 5 minutes after starting she was already tired. I opt for an 25 Euro session, but she went into a list of restrictions.

    My thoughts:
    - There will be at least one 10 present and you can stuff her.
    - Again, my comments about too much cigarette smoke. If you don't like smoke, stay away from the bar.
    - The 25 Euro session is just a way to pull you in but doesn't get you that much. 50 Euro is the norm. If you really like the girl, get a 50 Euro session and 25 Euro session and stuff her twice. Same as 75 Euro for the hour.
    - Can't relax at this club, this is more business oriented.
    - Visit this club only when it is on your way.



    The entrance fee is 60 Euro which includes pool, sauna, whirl pool, Turkish bath. I've heard that sometimes that they serve food, but I am not sure about the schedule. (note: in the past you had to order it from the outside yourself) If you can stay here all day and get something to eat, the entry fee would be worth it. If you are planning a weekend visit, this is probably a good way to kick-off the first day. The facilities of the club are OK, the pool, whirlpool, Turkish bath, sauna and massage are all available.

    This place is more of a meat factory, which has it's good side and bad sides. The good side is a lot of beautiful girls competing for you and get girls do give good session and usually give you a couch action to get attention to other customers. The bad side is, the girls that you have been with may not be there again the next time you visit.

    If you see what you like, go for it. There is a lot of eye candy to get your attention. They will also smile, wink, and talk to you. Since there are a lot of foreigners who visit this place, most girls can speak English.

    Tina, 6'1, Norwegian, Brunette, 26 yrs, light skin.
    It was like having sex with a giant. Her breasts looked great but they were implants. The only bad thing about her is that she was quite wide. A bit hard to get the right spot.


    Suggestion to the club owners:
    If the business is slow why not try an auction, or 5 - 10 Euro price reduction or a free entrance fee upon next visit? Or if the girl is about leave for the day, and wants a quick buck an auction might raise some interest.
  2. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Z's Trip


    Sorry to hear that all in all Z was not blowbn away by his recent trip. I have to say that I have had similar experiences lately. somehow I am looking for a special experience on each trip, and with a few notable exceptions i have not had them either recently.

    I have shared the mechanical experience at Happy Garden, and Wildenrath hasn't been that great either. I was with Chantel, who Z names Chanel, and although her face really is cute, I had problems making a connection.

    I have had some great sessions in clubs, especially with Mascha (Ex ATL and now BHH) and Lucy (Supposedly EX-FTL now ATL). Having had such experiences makes you want it again and again.

    I still find my best overall experience is at FTL, because I like the cozy feeling talking with Lila and Alina and Lucy, but now that I hear 2 of those aren't there anymore I am not sure where to go.

    Atlantis is usually too full, for me to have fun just lounging. I don't like the average girl at BHH (they seem like they are out to make a buck more than at other clubs), PHG is too crowded, you don't hear anything good about Babylon or Wiago. I am legitimately contemplating heading to TraumParadies in Köln, which is an appartment set up. If my favourites have left FTL I am not sure where to go for consistently good service and a pleasant atmosphere. It seems that Z has had the same problem.

  3. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    I hear you, Peter!

    The search for the ultimate GFE continues!

    One thing I will say is that its more likely you'll find it there though than on this side of the Atlantic.

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