Z's Visit to Fantasyland

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 7. März 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    A friend (I'll call him Z) was in Germany on a visit a few weeks ago and asked me to post this report in his behalf. He is an American from the East Coast who speaks no German.

    He enjoyed this club so much he went to visit several times over a week’s stay.

    FantasyLand Review.
    Entrance fee: 50 Euro, Happy Hour 30 Euro (11 - 14 hour). Included: Drinks, NO alcohol, sauna, Whirlpool, pool in the summer, sandwiches. They also mentioned grill parties but probably only have them in the summer.

    This is probably one of the better clubs that I have been to. If you are looking for women but want to relax in between, this is one club not to miss. There are 3 areas in all: a solarium, a TV/game room and a clubroom. If you are into eye candy, the locker room and the shower are where you want to be.

    You can get a bit of sun out in the solarium. You can sit back and relax or just sit in the whirlpool. A masseur provides massages. Food can be ordered and delivered from nearby restaurants.

    If you are ready for some action, the club room is where its at. You can start your session at the solarium, but the girls seemed to be not to be comfortable there so they take you to the club room and there they get wild and ready.

    The girls here are not 10s, but their sessions are 10s. The girls want you to have a good time with them and are customer-focused. There is some attention to time limits but its within reasonable limits. Just wish that they spent a little after session on the couch.

    The girls at Fantasyland

    Katerina, Italy, 20 yrs, Long Dark hair, 5'5, light skin.
    I had communication problems but at least she was honest about what you can do. No couch sessions, somewhat a turn off for me. The session was just average, kissing was ok but somewhat distant. DATY (this is an American expression which stands for Dining At The Y or going down on her where her legs come together) was ok, but NO fingering. Nothing special and NOT really worth while talking about. When I was about to pay, she took my 60 Euro and never give back the 5 Euro. She offered French Total for an extra 50 Euro during the session.

    Yvonne, Dirty Blonde, 20yrs , Russia, 5'7, light skin.
    It was a good thing that she can speak english. She really aims to please her customers. Just wish that I had had my first session with her. She was a GFE (Girlfriend experience). I would definitely visit her again. After sex, cuddling and kissing were offered. I would have had her again but I was kind of tired for the day. She was the highlight of my visit.

    Natalie, Brunnette, 26 yrs, 5'7, light skin, Germany
    She a little bit on the rough side, talks a little dirty. Like all girls in this club always give you a good performance. She was very wide and it wasn’t easy to hit the right spot.

    Lilia, Russia, Dirty Blone, 20, light skin
    She has some resemblance to Sharika. Aims to please, but she does keep track of your time, which was kind of a turn off. Deep kissing, fingering, DATY were offered.

    My thoughts:
    - Best place to relax.
    - The girls treat you well. I really don’t think you can go wrong with any pick from this club.
    - Did not see anyone who would rate a “10” optically but their service makes up for it.
    - With food, whirlpool, pool, pricing, and good sessions with the ladies, this club goes to the top of my list.
    - Definitely visit this place
  2. Willi69

    Willi69 † 09/2015 - Rest in Peace

    Registriert seit:
    21. April 2002
    Zorro, I suppose? :frage1
  3. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001

    Yes! "Z" as in "Zorro"... !
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