Fantasyland Disappointment

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 27. Februar 2003.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    I've been trading PNs with Shakespeare who had the following thing to say about a recent Fantasyland visit:

    As for the hustle factor which I mentioned. Sadly I had first hand experience of this last night in FTL.

    The gorgeous Nina, Russian, waist length blonde hair, with a body that is to die for and wears black hold up stockings (I am a gonner when she wears these) and a pair of heels, highly intelligent - let me down very badly.

    I reminded her how fabulous it had been to screw her in the garden behind one of the summer houses last July when she was new to the business. With a beautiful smile that could melt the whole of Siberia she said she remembered it as well.

    After a long and deeply arousing oral on the sofa Nina goes and says to me 'shall we go to a room?'

    Weakly I answer yes. I want more of this and sex too!

    Nina then comes in with a right to the jaw that I never saw and says 'OK but we only have five minutes left up there as I have already spent 25 minutes giving you FO'

    So a trip to the room cost another Euro 55!!!!

    This kind of hustling is just not on.

    It should be made clear up front that FO is costing a pretty packet when you think it is Vorspiel as it is everywhere else.
    The 30 minutes in the room I made sure I banged her for ever cent - and it was great.

    But it left me pretty annoyed that such a charming girl has in the intervening nine months turned into one hard bitten number that really has become a money machine.

    In contrast I had just a couple of hours before that yet again the most fantastic time with Lucy who never once suggested that the time we spent on the sofa was going to be knocked off the remaining time we spent in the room.

    If you feel this could be posted on the site then feel free to edit it or whatever.
  2. Elway

    Elway Römer

    Registriert seit:
    5. September 2002

    Hi there -

    The FTL is not my regular "hunting ground" nor have I ever been there. Frankly, I have never heard of such a policy in any of the FKK clubs I have visited so far.
    My solution to this problem would be: simply talk to the lady at the bar. Some clubs react promptly in case of discontented customers, even more so if two or more customers have the same complaint.

  3. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Don't Worry the Boss is Reading


    You can bet that the boss of FTL is reading this at some time. He will have a talk with her I am sure. If you really let her FO for 25 minutes downstairs then I can understand that she didn't consider that a warm up. Usually after 5-10 minutes downstairs you should decide to go up to a room. You know that you can also do full sex downstairs and some customers do, so that would also be 1/2 an hour. There is no hard and fast, downstairs doesn't count upstairs does. If you want to finish the deal downstairs then 1/2 and hour is 1/2 an Hour. If you start the action downstairs and then continue upstairs, I can understand that a girl might consider 25 minutes as part of the total package.

    Sorry to side with the girl, but I do understand her perogative. No one else there gives service like Lucy, but hardly anyone does.

  4. shakespeare

    shakespeare Guest

    FTL pricing

    I am prepared to accept this was a one off bad experience at FTL. But the accepted rule in the better FKK clubs (excluding places the cheaper places like Dolce Vita) remains that foreplay on the couch does not count as time spent on the clock. If it led to full sex on the couch then of course that counts as a session. But this was not the case.
    If this had happened at the Hof (Bernd's Sauna) the girl would have been asked to leave that minute. The Hof may charge E80 compared to the Euro 55 at FTL but no way do any of the girls clock watch while giving head and neither do they clock watch in the bedroom.
    In the past at the Hof I remember having two sessions with the fabulous (now no longer there) Hungarian Vivian. We must have spent three hours together either on the bed or sitting talking and fondling each other in between two great sex sessions.
    There was never any hint from the FTL girl that the meter had started ticking the moment she was joined on the sofa. The twenty five minutes included 'hello how are you and how's it going..'.
    It is bad news if girls at FTL think they can run the clock down even during the first contact conversation!! Because it comes down to in the end guests unwilling to be 'had' and therefore resorting to simply going up to a girl and saying 'let's fuck' to make sure you get the half hour your are paying for. To take advantage of guests by not making it clear that couch action costs money upfront leaves a bad impression. Certainly leaves me with the impression I am being ripped off and treated like an ATM.
    And for sure it is not the norm ( so far) at FTL where guests sit and chat with the girls without fear that they'll be charged for it.
    Sorry but it's a cute trick to pull and does not do much for creating the right atmosphere. And is not the atmosphere of fun and banter part of what FKK clubs are all about? otherwise you might as well go to the local cat house.
  5. klausimausi

    klausimausi Zenturio

    Registriert seit:
    28. Februar 2003
    wenn Du schon in Deutschland lebst, arbeitest und vögelst, dann lern doch mal deutsch! Warum sollen wir in unserem Land immer englisch sprechen. Wenn wir nach Amerika oder England fahren, sprechen wir ja auch die Landessprache.
  6. Andy69

    Andy69 Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    3. September 2001
    Klausimausi, this is the english spoken category, so what´s your problem?
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