
Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von shakespeare, 16. Januar 2003.

  1. shakespeare

    shakespeare Guest

    I thought I would try RELAX not having been there since the summer to see how things faired in this club near Limburg, off the A3 Autobahn. It has been good in the past, but having had a couple of run-ins with the authorities some reports on the German pages sounded as if they were putting a gloss on an otherwise dodgy situation.
    The problem with RELAX is that it somehow overlooked to tell the Limburg Ordnungsamt (or which ever department it was) that it was not a health spa but an FKK club. The original web site adverts for RELAX some three years ago certainly advertised it as a 'wellness centre' where girls 'performed their Art' which one was led to believe consisted of oriental massage.
    For this the authorities have not forgiven the owner and twice before Christmas ordered the club to close. Twice the owner went to court and won a reprieve.
    I arrived at RELAX and was pleased to see that the car park sported several Mercedes and other class sets of wheels. Things must have recovered I thought. The Theke Frau gave me a warm and friendly welcome. We joked a little about this and that: I took my robe, got myself tagged and looked forward to a pleasant few hours.
    The only worrying thing was that large notices are pinned up in the locker room telling guests that from January 28th RELAX will be a 'Closed Society'. I could not find a soul who understood what this meant - neither the girls behind the bar, nor the girls in the club.
    If any of the RÖMERS know, then please let us Anglo Saxons in on the secret. Are we looking at 'End Station RELAX'?
    First off I sat down with a guest who recognised me from Fantasyland. He lived and worked in Limburg itself and told me that RELAX had a serious problem with the Limburg officials.
    'This is a proud and deeply religious Catholic Bishopric which goes back a thousand years and they are incensed that a bordello exists within their parish. They are not going to let it continue,' he said.
    This raises big queston marks over whether RELAX will survive.
    I rather had my eye on a 'kinder Frau' of a girl with dark brown hair, beautiful dark brown eyes and a perfect 10 of a figure. Her name is MERCEDES comes from Hungary, is around 1,50m tall and weighs 38 kilos. Gorgeous tits, full bodied and taking up most of what room there was on her chest - and natural too. A flat stomach and neat legs. MERCEDES has been there she says for four months, but curiously seemed ignorant of all the trouble the club has had. I found this hard to believe.
    Others there were an Italian girl, a tall blonde with glasses, a red head and another blonde with short hair. All of them with great tits too! MERCEDES though the best looker of all. Then someone occupied her for more than an hour, having already spent ages in the whirlpool with her. How inconsiderate some folks can be!
    Waiting gave me a chance to test the atmosphere. I am sorry to say it really did have the last days before the fall about it. Another guest in the sauna complained that none of the girls present were any good and he wished he had gone elsewhere. I have to report he appeared to be right. The other guests seemed to hang around for ages waiting for something better to turn up - it was by now nearly 7 pm. The girls sat or toured the pool area, and found no takers. my companion in the sauna complained to the management that it was barely warm, the whirlpool/jacussi was cold.
    But the thought of MERCEDES kept me warm - otherwise I would have left and kissed goodbye to €65. Endlich she is available and we sit together. She goes off to get a meal from the buffet which consisted of old chicken legs, rice and a simple salad. She had the salad. Myself and my little Hamlet waited. We have waited this long so what the hell.
    Finally we are getting in the groove. But the little darling is not exactly a bundle of relaxed fun and frolicking. Perfunctory stroking and advice on the fact she does not kiss. I usually take this as a sign to make my excuses and leave. No kissing means not a lot of anything else. But I did wait....and I will not be denied! Hell's teeth the guy before me did spend an hour with her, so there must be something right, I thought.
    We fool around a bit in the whirlpool. Little Mercedes perches on my knee, will not part her legs, and holds on to my cock more as a dockside capstan than a 'luuv object'.
    Fed up with this and wishing to cut to the chase, I suggest we make our sojourn in a room. She is gorgeous, I fancy that arse like crazy and my hands cannot wait to play with her tits.
    On the mattress by now, with MERCEDES saying I am not to touch her breasts with anything other than the flat of my hand - no playful tweeks allowed.
    Her blow job technique though is fantastic. Normally little Hamlet rehearses 'to be or not to be' to pass the time when given French as a lot of girls haven't a clue how to do it properly. Giving her French? Yes she seemed to enjoy it, but I have known girls at Fantasyland and Relax who really enjoy it! Then it is on with the Tüte and ...ah, the next pro you cannot decide how to fuck her, she puts it in for you so you don't get up to any tricks like having some fun with her pussy before you slide in. She had a great pussy I have to say: tight and hot. But then the next pro's called clenching your inner muscles so the man's cock does not go beyond the hymen. You have to be really hard to force your way inside properly and feel that beautiful silky inside massaging your shaft.
    Oh, oh here comes another little wheeze. The hand with fingers either side of your shaft to make you come. Failing that massaging the balls. So I turn MERCEDES over onto her knees and start to take her doggy style. But she keeps her legs together and curves her back upwards making it really hard to get any penetration at all. I tell her politely to spread her legs which she does. Again the hand comes and clamps itself around my shaft. By this time I have had enough of this caper and shoot my load.
    The experience just about summed it up for RELAX.
    I know some Römers probably won't like me for being so brutally honest about my experience and often reading the German pages you have to learn to read between the lines to guess what they really think, but for the sake of those who travel several thousands of miles to enjoy German FKK clubs, it is best you know the truth.
    Sometimes you can find yourself in the hands of the kind of girl who gives sex a bad name. All these girls use the same little tricks to bring you off in the fastest time possible with the minimum outlay on their part. They want your money, you are a cash machine to them.
    Bad signs are always - a refusal to give any couch action. The no kissing game, the restricted touching of erogenous zones rule, the passive body language and one way conversation - i.e. yours because they are waiting for you to shut up so they can get you laid and paid as fast as park and ride.
    The other end of the scale is someone like Lucy at Fantasyland (there are others too numerous to mention). She really enjoys what she does and has an amazing capacity to romp with whoever she is in bed with and not lose that fresh feeling of excitement. She teases, she flirts, she fools around and she bangs like crazy.
    As for Fantasyland I was there a week ago. it is a shadow of its former self in atmosphere, sorry I know this may not be the right thing to say, but it is true. Few girls - Lucy, Alina, Leila, Denise, keep the old flame of high summer burning, but how long can they go on doing this alone?
    There are promises of improvement, of new girls, the return of the excellent buffet.....when? Who knows. Clubs come and go pretty fast and it took Fantasyland almost a year to reach its pinnacle of fame last summer. In the beginning it was pretty grim as was Relax. I really do hope that the good times will return.
  2. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Keep them coming, Shakespeare! Thoroughly enjoyed your report.

    Since I am not there as often as you are, I have to live vicariously through your experiences.
  3. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002

    I had a completely different experience with Mercedes last week. Sho doesn't kiss,that is true, but with me we switched positions 5 times and spent well over 30 minutes in the room and there was no attempt on her part to tweek my knob to make me finish early. However we did talk for about 20 minutes about her root canal and other interesting topics. This really made her warm up to me.
    She did do the two finger thing and clenched her legs the second time we did doggy, but explained that because of her truly tiny frame doggy penetration is too painful otherwise. I do know that tiny girls do have a problem with cervix bumping by the deep penetration of doggy.
    I am not particularly well endowed, but I could tell I was pushing the limits of what she could handle.
    She is in my list of Top 5 acts, but maybe it was just a chemistry thing. Anyway no trick would have made me finish early because I had just had 3 sessions in Fantasyland and was pretty much drained. It was all I could do finally finish, but just to not dissappoint her. She has such great breasts and really innocent eyes, but she has worked in some pretty screwed up establishments in the past.
  4. shakespeare

    shakespeare Guest


    she has worked in some pretty screwed up establishments in the past.
    With that I can agree. She was convinced she had met me in a place in Hanau and another somewhere else near Frankfurt, both of which I have never been to, but know are dumps. She asked me twice if I was sure I hadn't been there!
    And I did say to her afterwards that very small girls do often worry that with men like me (I'm 1,85m tall and weigh 85K and not all of it fat!) sex is a bit like being hit by a truck.
    Then on the other hand other women her size have no problems. One girlfriend I had who was no more than 5' 2" used to boast she weighed 45Kilos and 20 of it was pussy!
    It could be that an hour with Mr Greedy and his large stomach was all she could take in one evening. she did look pretty shattered when she came out of the room!
    Though on balance I wouldn't choose Mercedes again. Too many hang ups with her and petty restrictrions that to me sound like excuses. If she was being forced to do the job I would understand, but in Germany the sex industry is pretty free of girls being 'forced to demean themselves by selling their bodies'. They do it because they want to and get some fun out of it as well.
  5. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Re: Mercedes

    Do you actually believe this?

    about 40% of the girls working in FKK's have very active pimps, and a number of the eastern European girls working in the clubs are working for organized groups.

    The going rate to buy their freedom is 15,000 €, and this prohibitive amount means they will stay the property of their pimps for a long time. the pimp is not waiting in the next room, but he is living of the avails no less.

    I will say that the German system offers a lot of freedom for the girls and they can switch clubs pretty much at will, but don't believe they are there because it is so much fun. French kissing and sucking off old, fat stinky men is not the dream job for anyone. And that is club standard at all the clubs we love.
  6. shakespeare

    shakespeare Guest


    Tell me more, I'm listening. I agree that some girls have what we would call pimps, they call them rather touchingly 'boyfriends'. You can recognise these men as they all look that same - like bouncers from a sleaze joint, all muscle and swagger. And I have heard that for a girl to leave her 'boyfriend' for another usually means the new man having to pay a fee for loss of earnings.
    But do the east europeans really have to 'buy' their freedom? Are you saying these girls are sex slaves, traded across borders by ruthless mafia gangs?? I mean the ones working in FKK clubs not laufhauses or other redlight clubs or in rented rooms working ten hours a day seven days a week.
    I find this hard to accept in Germany. I can believe it occurs in countries where prostitution is in practice treated as illegal - the USA and the UK - here the illegality ensures that the trade will be run by gangs.
    Where in Germany is the incentive to force a girl to work for a gang when it is legal for her to be self employed like everyone else? This also implies that the clubs themselves are part of this system, accessories after the fact.
    I have always tended to treat the idea of mass human traffficking as something of a newspaper fantasy story. Sure it goes on, but not quite the lurid, sordid stuff we read about, and not quite so widespread as they would have us think.
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