Jackyos Winterpufftour 05

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 5. Februar 2005.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Was in Deutschland for a quick weekend trip in January. Decided to make up for the extremely unfavorable exchange rates by not renting a car for the first time. For that reason, I could entitle this report “Autolos in Deutschland”.

    It took some resourcefulness to get used to public transportation, there are several clubs which are not reachable at all but one can make do quite well. In fact, I’ll do so again on my next trip.

    I made Duesseldorf my home base as I know it well and there were a couple of clubs within the city and within striking distance of the city which I decided would be worthwhile visiting. Some of them I’d never been to so I was planning a combination of new and old clubs.

    I had written in advance to Feldstecher and Wolfl to let them know I was coming and Feldi was nice enough to say he would pick me up at the airport.

    Feldi was at the airport on time and after dropping off my bags at the hotel, off we went to FKK-W which to me was a special treat as I’d been to it before and thought it was great. It was probably not going to reachable without a car too.

    We arrived at the parking lot and within a few minutes Wolfl and the Saunameister (more about him later) arrived too.

    All I can say is that FKK-W is still the best and largest club in Germany with great facilities, hot food, an amazing selection of women. What more would a man want?

    Everything was pretty much like it was the last time. They were running a raffle to giveaway a car. There was a little more dancing on the stage in the middle and there was a little more open sex outside in the Kontaktraum but otherwise it was all very recognizable.

    There was only one woman I saw who I remember from the last time: Viola from Bulgaria. She had colored streaks in her hair this time but otherwise looked the same. Somehow she didn’t attract me to her like the last time. Could be because she didn't dance and wiggle her hips like she used to.

    I met two women: a thin dark-haired Rumanian woman, Camilla, with nice natural tits who I did on the couch of the Sexkino (not bad but after I couldn’t remember her face) and a blonde Polish woman, Sara, who had this way of wiggling her ass. She wasn’t connecting with many customers though and I suggested to her that she make more eye contact.

    Believe it or not, the highlight of the evening was experiencing a sauna orchestrated by the Saunameister. He had brought along a series of scents to add to the steam of the sauna and he had this way of moving the air around the sauna with his towel. We did this several times and it was just awesome. He isn't the Saunameister for nothing.

    We left at about 1:00 AM, got back to D’dorf at about 3:00 AM.

    It was a great way to start my trip and I cannot thank Feldi, Wolfl and the Saunameister enough.

    The next day I got up late and wandered over to Blue Note, a club I’d never been to but read about. They had a Pauschalpreisangebot running that day from 12 to 7 and after participating in a similar event at La Bedo on my last trip, I had to see what this was about.

    The club is easy to find and though rather small was more to my style. I prefer the smaller clubs in NRW to the large ones in Hessen.

    After the usual formalities, was given a tour of the club which had several rooms with doors and several alcoves without doors. They served food through out the day (including an awesome dessert). Non alcoholic drinks were self-service. They even offered Sekt.

    The Pauschalpries included as much activity as you wanted with three women who were available. There were two others who were there for regular service. The Pauschalparties took place on two mattresses in the back which were quite visible from the rest of the club. I’ve gotten used to this and it didn’t bother me at all to be going at it while having someone just lying a couple of feet away watching you.

    The women were just great, extremely friendly and open and the only thing I can say is that I will be back, if not to partake of the same services then to partake of normal services too.

    At the end of the day I was totally exhausted and could only offer massages which the women were only more than willing to accept.

    On my next day I figured out how to get to Wiago in Leverkusen by train. After a brief walk in the rain got there only to find out that the woman I had most wanted to see was no longer working there.

    There have been no changes in this club since the last time other than the prices being adjusted downwards. Some of the shower fittings need to be replaced but otherwise the pool is still there in the basement (though a little too chlorinated). There was, as usual, some fruit and some baked goods. Otherwise, there was no food.

    The “Frauschaft” of this club is very stable and most of the faces I remembered from previous visits. I’d been previously with Olga and Samantha.

    I went with Sandra, 23 from Koeln. She would not kiss but had me standing at attention in no time. When it became time to go to a room, there were none available. I asked if she had anything against doing out in the open and she didn’t. We did it right there on the couch in the room with the fireplace. All in all she was quite pleasant but somewhat lacking in warmth though. When the time came to go, I got a wave from her.

    Gone are the days when they would at least sit with you a while after a session.

    On my last day I thought I would visit Tropicana in Erkrath, a little off the beaten path as there is no S-bahn service there, just the busses.

    I had never been there before and not knowing which stop was the closest, I took a chance at one, got off and had to hike back towards where the club was. It is closest to Neunhausplatz.

    Its in an industrial area in a building set towards the back. You ring a doorbell and walk up three flights of stairs. There is also supposedly a swinger club at the same location. The place was a Baustelle, quite unordentlich and not well set up, nor were its showers and other facilities as clean. The towels were particularly ratty. The sauna (a decent size) is in one corner of the club while the showers were near the entrance. Not an ideal set up. There were several alcoves set apart by dividers.

    The real highlight of this clubs facilities is the Fussbodenheizung. You could walk about barefoot on the tile floor as it was quite warm. This is a heating system we don't have in the States.

    Eintritt is free but you have to pay for each drink separately. On the surface (more about this later), their Preispolitik is quite acceptable. They offered soup but that was it.

    The women were mostly in bikinis or underwear and the selection was quite good with a little of everything but no real knockouts. At about 6:00 PM there was a shift change and it was worthwhile evaluating the newcomers.

    The reason I was there was to reconnect with someone I’d met on my last visit and against all odds, I found her. It took a while for her to remember me but she did eventually.

    So off we went for an hour to a Zimmer. She’s just as crazy was she was before but for some reason on my last day I wasn’t quite into like I was the first time I’d hooked up with her.

    What I did not like about this club was the Abrechnungsueberraschung I got at the end of the visit. Three sessions was to be 129 Euros. I had had several non-alcoholic drinks so I had thought I’d spend a little more than that (which was fine). I got a bill for over 200 Euros which I didn’t quibble over but paid. I was quite happy to find my friend there but this was not an expected result. I never got an explanation for how the bill got to that either.

    The buses stop running early so I had to make my exit and was back in D’dorf at a decent time.

    By my reckoning, the following clubs are quite doable via public transportation: Samya, City-FKK, Dolce Vita, La Bedo, Blue Note, Cocoon and even Bernds. Even FKK-W is doable if you have the right Deutsche Bahn schedule.

    Almost impossible to get to via public transportation (unless you take a cab) are: Planet Happy Garden, Babylon, Golden Time and Wildenrath.

    Happy hunting!
  2. roadrunner77

    roadrunner77 Optio

    Registriert seit:
    28. November 2004

    long time not heard about you? Looks like that you had a great time in the clubs in Germany. I will do the same at the end of Feb.
    Do you have a favorite in FKKW?
    See you soon :hunger
  3. peter

    peter bordeigener Ausländer

    Registriert seit:
    3. Mai 2002
    Great report!

    A couple of points

    Blue Note:

    If you can make it to this club on a weekday before 6pm you can find the optical highlight in all Düsseldorf clubs, and a real gem on the service side to, named Anette. She is Polish blonde, petit and gorgeous, and she kisses amazingly.


    It used to be a swingers club called Swing2You which went out of business. When tropicana had to leave the Cornelius Strasse in dowtown Düsseldorf they moved there quickly. As a swinger club the place was not set up perfectly for FKK, lots of open rooms. They have done a good job of rebuilding and have pretty good plans for the summer.

    I am not blown away with the talent at the moment, especially since Anna from Cuba has left. I have posted pics of her before. But I do like this one girl called Nina who works there.

    But the people who run Tropicana (also run cocoon/Alibaba) have opened another downtown club on Gustav Poensgens Strasse 79. It is a club where the guys are clothed. It used to be an old hotel, and they have redone it quite nicely. I don't like the clothed thing, as guys can also be there just to get some drinks or something. Pricing is similar to Tropicana. It is along the main train line about 2km from the train station.

    Regarding your bill, you should have contested it. What it means is that some girl put you down for 2 rooms. The problem is the 4th room starts at 69€ again . If you did add ons like CIM or something that is an additional room.

    I avoid this by doing add ons off the books with the girls. For each room they get 30/25€ (30 out of a 69, 25 out of the other 2).

    Also it is very easy to get to Planet Happy Garden by public transit. Train to Krefeld main station and a bus that runs to within 200 meters of the door.

    Thanks for the great post.

    PM me if you are basing yourself out of Düsseldorf. I have a car which goes to Wildenrath on a regular basis!
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 12. März 2005
  4. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Hey Peter!

    Don't know if you pull down your Private Nachrichten often but you were serious about offering rides to Wildenrath, I will be in D'dorf in a couple of weeks.

    Let me know.
  5. roadrunner77

    roadrunner77 Optio

    Registriert seit:
    28. November 2004

    when are you flying again. I am in Germany around May 26th. At this time I have no idea where to go but the Hof that is for sure.
    See you hopefully in Germany in one of the clubs
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