Jackyos Sommerpufftour 2008 auf Englisch

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 21. Juli 2008.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    I am just back from a summer trip to NRW where I visited several clubs.

    Here are a few reviews.

    Samya. Went to check out the renovation. The bar is now in the shape of a U and it juts out way into the center of the ground level room. The couches are still where they were. The card table, surprisingly, still remains. It is against a wall facing the outside area. The outside area is closed during the renovation. Upstairs they've created another contact area and they really threw money at it: it has several flat screen TVs, loveseats in Puff-style upholstery with fake tiger fur trim, black leather chairs and a small bar. Watch your step! They sunk the center of the room (Pourquoi? Moi, je n'en sais rien.) There are also rooms up there along with a bathroom (I believe). I was there on a Saturday and in the middle of the prime evening hours there was a Maennerueberschuss. Nice selection but you had to scramble to find company. Sitting on Barhocker for hours on end is tiring, by the way. The women all wait downstairs to make connections. None hang out upstairs.

    Poleposition. This PT is actually quite easy to get to via public transport from Koeln. It had been open for only three weeks when I went. 100 Euros for three hours, 150 hours for the whole day. You can start out at the 100 Euro scheme and decide to upgrade later. I was asked upon entering if I'd been to the club before and was just about to say that I'd been to other PTs before when little Anja from PT Dorsten comes running up to me to say: "Hey! I know you!" Patrizia also was there (though not working) and she also recognized me. I got a hug and also got to squeeze her ass in the process. So much for being able to run around visiting PTs anonymously. I hadn't noticed her but it turns out that Nicole from PT Dorsten was there too (she saw me, I didn't see her.. more about her later). Sauna (which didn't work), small garden area, large Spielwiese, showers between the living room and Spielwiese (not very well located as it is far from the Sauna), bar area, rooms upstairs. I did one session with Victoria (Polish, black hair, nice) who it turns out had worked at PT Traumland and knew a lot of the women I know from there. The strain of trying to staff three PTs (PT Dorsten, PT Traumland and Poleposition) shows. There was one black chick but mostly they were Romanians. When asked if I would upgrade, I decided not to.

    Bernds ist Bernds. Nuff said. Great outdoor activity despite signs near the dressing door saying one shouldn't allow ones self to be visibly excited outside. Ground level floor is now off limits to smoking (supposedly).

    I just was with Svenja and saw Carmen there last Wednesday.

    Svenja is small, about 5'4". She weighs about 110 lbs at most, smallish tits. Long black hair, very fair. She never gets there before 4 PM. I asked her it if is because she has to drop her kids off (or attend to something like that) but she just simply said wanted to have time to herself to do other things other than hang out at the club all day. She is constantly booked. I looked up and saw her just after she had arrived and poof, she was gone. I didn't know if I had seen a vision. Fata Morgana was what I called her. She laughed. She's funny and good to talk to. You may have to mention to her you want to get in line for an appointment. She will come to you when she is free.

    Carmen is about the same height and weight as Svenja. She has a very nice face: cute as a button. She and Monika spoke every now and then in Hungarian and that is how I figured out she is Hungarian. Anna sat across from me on the couch and would mimic what they both said. Hungarian is totally unintelligible. I arrived at the club when Carmen arrived too. Her boyfriend dropped her off in a car with Bonn plates.

    I had a good time with Denise who I'd never met before. She is about 5'6", weighs about 115 lbs, is from Koeln-Kalk. She was sunbathing outside when I spotted her. She is a brunette, I think. Nice girl next door. She is game for just about anything, would get onto a recliner with you and rub herself against you if you wanted.

    Other women who were there: Babsi, Michelle, Tanja, Mara, Rosa (Bulgarian, half Greek), Alina (thin, tall blonde), Monika, Anna (who I had wanted to session with), Jamila (I think her feet and hands are too big: I have a thing for women with small feet and hands). There was also a small round Turkish chick there but I didn't get her name. Katja was not there and someone already wrote below that Brandi has moved to Club M.

    The one surprise was running into Jenny, the former Eleni of Samya. She recognized me and I, of course, recognized her. She's been back at Bernds all of three weeks, if I remember correctly. She hasn't been back to Samya since the renovation. This chick was always booked at Samya. She's very much at home at Bernds.

    The Definitive Blue Note Guide

    I like this club a lot. It will not, however, meet the needs of most of you who visit this forum and you frankly shouldn’t go. It is small, facilities are basic, the selection is small, food-wise it is nothing to write home about. You've been properly informed.

    I will, however, return often because it meets most of my requirements for what an optimal club software selection should be like. My tastes are admittedly eigenartig and not typical.

    In my old age, I am bringing my days of promiscuous club visits to a close. I find a club or couple of clubs I’m satisfied with and I stick with them. The next new club around the corner isn’t going to reveal a hidden stash of women. I am also convinced that I am not missing anything by not going. Also since I’ve switched to doing club visits without a rental car, one side effect of running around on public transportation is it also increases travel time between clubs. By keeping my radius of operation small I also reduce my down time traveling.

    This club meets my requirements because the women are mostly the girl next door type. Some of you prefer to look for 8s and 9s and the visuals are all you react to. It doesn’t matter where she is from, what her background is, whether she can make complete sentences, etc…; me, I prefer nice looking local girls who are funny, articulate in German (if they are foreign they should have been in Germany for a while and speak German well - in other words, they weren't Fresh Off the Bus or FOB) and necessarily service-oriented. I don't like that deer-in-the-headlights reaction that I sometimes get from FOB EE women who have nothing upstairs and with whom I have nothing in common. A GFE for me is being with a chick who I’d actually like to spend some time with, not just have sex with.
    I look for multiple-session material. I’m not into transactional type sessions with women who will turn around and act like they don’t know you the next time you cross their paths.

    It also matters to me that the chick I am with enjoy her work. Having been with several women here I know which ones require extra towels when we go into a room. That way the bedsheets don’t get wet and need to be changed. I enjoy feeling those involuntary contractions when she comes. None of that “I can’t come with you because you aren’t my boyfriend or husband” crap.

    On another forum I participate in we have numerous discussions about what it takes for a chick to be called a courtesan. You read about Japanese geisha and how they aren’t just there as companions for the evening but they provide total entertainment. This is more or less where I am in the evolution of my tastes.

    Mind you, I can simultaneously enjoy hot and heavy, wordless sessions at a Partytreff with totally inarticulate women. When I visit an FKK club or a Saunaclub, my standards and expectations change accordingly. Go figure.

    Not much had changed with club since my last visit to it in 2005. The large Spielwiese in the back is gone. Now there are two doorless rooms back there.

    The positives of this club. It is Klein aber fein and is run as a Familienbetrieb. I am not into large institutional clubs with nameless, faceless, soulless entities standing behind them. The women are friendly and they don’t hold anything against you if you just want to sit and talk. This club has a soul and an undefinable Gemuetlichkeit. Bianca, the Thekenfrau, is efficient and the club is well managed. Most of all, this club has a good Preisleistungs Verhaeltnis. Pricing is correct and the women don’t play games with the billing. I have a very low Schmerzgrenze with regards pricing and the pricing of this club falls right into my Beuteschema.

    The negatives of this club. It is postage stamp size, about 1/2 the size of Bernds. It occupies the equivalent of one floor of Bernds and it doesn’t have an outside area, nor any windows. I paced the width of the club and it is approximately 40 feet wide. You will spend a lot of time pacing the club alternating clockwise with counterclockwise. There are four private rooms (one for massage under lock and key), four w/o doors for those who don’t mind letting passersby watch. There is an elevated couch area with three couches (you can get to know her well first before going into a room) and a TV showing a porno video in a closed loop. The small sauna is in one corner near the common shower area (the women shower there too). The men’s toilet is near the dressing area. Cold marble benches dominate the main contact area (they are quite uncomfortable to hang out on).

    It can be difficult to find a bare spot near the object of your lust but it adds to the Spannung because it can be tight. Patience is a virtue. When you make contact she then leads you in Schlepp tau to your love nest (this perp walk is thankfully a short one as compared to the walk you need to take at most of the larger clubs).

    Drinks and food are self-service and are basic. Food consists primarily of ingredients for belegtes Brot and hot soup. They had Chili con carne one evening. They will typically cut a cake or pie in the afternoon and will add fruit such as pineapple later in the evening.

    There are two shifts. Some women leave at 6:00 PM while others arrive at that time. Bianca, the Thekenfrau, is there the whole time. Some women do massage only and they mean it. I met Katarina from Kazakhstan the last time I was there and she is still there. She has an amazing olive complexion, is quite cute but will not allow penetration. She will do BJs and HJs if you are interested. I like the fact that some women actually dress up in little black dresses and heels. It makes a nice impression compared to clubs where they are only fully nude or only wear bikinis or underwear.
    When the sun goes down they will light candles in the contact area.

    A/C kind of works, thank goodness, otherwise this club would be quite difficult to spend time in. The best they can do to let the smoke out is to open the roof hatches (which, of course, let in water too when it rains).

    The women are local and the clientele is primarily local. It is not a major destination club for tourists and I hope it remains that way. Clientele consists primarily of invidual men, mostly older and there are almost no Turks and/or groups. (Where do the Turks go in Duesseldorf? My guess is Dolce Vita in Reisholz.)

    There is apartment service available. Once in a while someone will ring the doorbell for a quick session. The women who are free will run over to the other side, do a lineup and then those who aren’t chosen will return.

    They have two affiliated clubs: Panthera in Ratingen only offers individual apartment service. Lug Ins Land is an FKK club but I’ve no idea where it is an how to get there.
    Dupont in Wuppertal was also affiliated with this club but it has since closed or is being restructured.

    Bianca promised me that the website will reopen soon.

    Some of the girls got the impression that I speak Polish and they passed the word around. Nope, all I can manage are a few words. It doesn’t take long for things like this to circulate as the place is so small.

    Now on to the women. Ewa (Polish, thin, blonde) is still there. I don't know how she got there and it would be interesting to find out. She is obviously an educated person. If you have a language fetish like I do, its a pleasure to hear her talk. She has an absolute mastery of German grammar. Everything is in place. Nicole (Ungarn, petite, dark hair, large tits) is still there too. Both are very good and empfehlenswert. Sabina is petite, German, blonde and mostly wore a small patent leather white skirt and a pink top. She is nice to talk to, has a husband and kid and will tell you all about them. I was with Sabine (notice the difference in spelling) who is also petite, German but has dark hair. Biene (women named Sabine are automatically given nicknames of Biene or bee) had a black dress on and heels and she looked quite elegant. She is quite talkative and funny. Definitely a keeper. There were three Russian women there: Rita who is blonde and thin, Marina who is closer to the ground and has curves and Ashanti, who is thin, A cups but nice legs and ass. I spent time with Ashanti and she is quite something else. I had suggested she stuff some apples into her bra to enhance her measurements but there wasn’t enough room to get them in. There was a Thai woman by the name of Rose who I had a chance to talk to and also a Mongolian (!) chick whose name I didn’t get. There was a petite Cubana too who I exchanged a few words with. There was one woman I wanted to connect with but missed the chance to. She had a black dress on, and red hair. I’d see her shower in the back and she had nice all naturals and nice legs too. Then there was Sandra, 28, blonde, of Croatian descent. She was very talkative. She lives an otherwise normal life with two kids and a husband when she isn’t there. Mutiple session material. Michelle is black, speaks fluent German. She was quite funny. I also was with Layla (she initially goofed and gave me her real name and then insisted I use this one instead). She is 22 from Oberhausen, about 5’6” tall. Nice curves. She also had jet black hair and blue eyes. She said she was a natural blonde though. Multiple session material. I also enjoyed Jasmin’s company. She is 25 and from Duesseldorf. She has short brown hair and Chinese characters running down her spine. I kidded her that they said “Sweet and sour duck, 7,99 Euros”. Multiple sessin material too. I had wanted to book time with a thin, tall, dark haired German woman but she was constantly booked for long periods of time. She was kidding me about how she thought I’d moved into the club and now lived there. There was very tiny German blonde who sat on one of the couches who was constantly booked. She probably didn’t stand more than 4’6”. I spoke to her briefly in the sauna but I forget her name.

    As I mentioned, there are women who only do massages here. Katarina from Kazakhstan is one of them (I describe her above). Then there is Anja who is tall, blonde and from Poland. She was very funny. We were talking at first and she said she only did massages. I asked, of course: “Wird alles massiert? The answer was Ja! Was koennte das bedeuten?, was the question on my mind. So off we went to find out if it was for real. It was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever done. She stripped down to nothing, oiled her body up and she did massage everything. She absolutely delighted in turning me on but did not get me off. Its kind of perverse really, when you think about it. Funny thing is her voice is very similar to that of a friend of mine from Hamburg, Andrea (it’s a very low voice). It kept me wondering who I was with. There was also a very young (22 y.o.) tall chick from the Uni with flowing red hair who did massages too. Again, the women who provide massages only do massages. Nothing else.

    A tip: if you want to take a short nap, you can just lay down a towel in one of the doorless rooms and lie down. Some women lie down in the larger doorless room in the back and it is easy enough to wander over there and introduce yourself. She would already be in a horizontal position.

    I had a really great time at this club but its not for everyone. There are no supermodels who work at this club, just nice girls from the area. Yes, I am actually quite easy to please.

    PT Dorsten is still fun but…

    … as I’ve written elsewhere, there are only certain conditions under which it is worthwhile returning to this club.

    Let me go into my experience and then explain what those conditions are.

    In November I also spent two days in a row at this club and already there were signs of a decline back then.

    I was at this club two days in a row last week and things have gotten worse.

    I blame it on the fact that the owner has to scramble to find women to stock his two other clubs: Poleposition in Kerpen-Sindorf and PT Traumland in Muenster-Sprakel.

    Simona, by the way, denies that these clubs have anything to do with each other but I think that the evidence points to there being a connection.

    Everything turns on the selection of women.

    My first visit was on a Sunday. There were only five women there when I got there: Marion (German, mid-forties, ungeschminkt), Denise (Bulgaria, older, mollig, raccoon eyes (she had these dark circles around her eyes)), Victoria (Poland, low twenties, mollig), Nelly (from Ghana, petite, cute face) and one other black chick (from Ghana too but shorter and rounder with large tits).

    I only found Victoria to be attractive and she was the only one I multiple sessioned with. Besides she was Polish and I knew right off the bat that I’d get along with her. And I did.

    I just honestly didn’t find the other women there that attractive.

    Simona was there and later in the day Roberto makes an appearance. He is, as ever, the gracious host and made sure all of our needs were taken care of.

    Later in the PM, little Anja and Patrizia dropped in. They are driving a small red Audi convertible. They recognized me immediately from my little adventure to Poleposition and I got hugs in exchange. Man, I love squeezing Patrizia’s ass.

    Little Anja asks me: Moechtest du was trinken?. I didn’t hear the last verb that well. I thought she had said ficken so I said something to the effect that I was ready if she was. We eventually cleared it up but little Anja was a little embarrassed about what I hadn’t heard right.

    The place started off moderately crowded and then got really crowded. Lots of groups particularly of younger Turkish guys, some of whom were fairly aggressive.

    By aggressive I mean they would not keep their distance while you were having your session (more about this later). It wasn’t a pleasant experience.

    I considered leaving and heading to Heavensgate on the other side of the Landstrasse but I decided to stick it out.

    Sometime in the mid-afternoon, I was taking a little break downstairs near the dressing area when a blonde blur walked by me to the women’s dressing area. I barely looked up, exchanged a few words with her.

    She then walked by me again on the way upstairs. Hmm.. I wanted to have a better look at her and followed shortly.

    I next found her in the jaccuzi upstairs buck naked soaping herself with a crowd of Turkish dudes leering at her. They were also making lots of rude comments at her.

    I am thinking to myself: “With a crowd like this, I’m not going to get any for a while.” I position myself on the small couch (it’s a really run down couch, by the way) and am convinced I’m not getting any for a while when she steps out of the room, makes a beeline to me and says: “You. You’re next.”

    I, of course, don’t say no.

    She has just applied a layer of baby oil on herself and she is glistening and slippery. I ask who she was and she says she was Nicole. I say: “Now wait a minute. We know each other!” I’d had a previous encounter with Nicole at this club but she wasn’t in a good mood that day. (The plot thickens but I’ll get into it later.)

    Just to show you how aggressive the guys were, as she’s blowing me, there were a bunch of Turkish guys rubbing her ass. She turns around to get rid of them but they won’t leave. They either stood or lay inches away from us.

    It was very distracting.

    When I tell her I’m not going to get off like this, one of the dudes says: “Do a HJ on him (meaning me).” She turns to him and says: “Why don’t you (meaning him) jerk him (meaning me) off.”

    I go: “Wait a minute. This isn’t my kind of thing.”

    Overall a very unpleasant experience.

    At about 4 PM, there was pizza which was brought in and it had to be labeled either as including pork or no pork for the benefit of the Turks who were there.

    The one thing which has changed at this club is that they will occasionally have group events now. They will drag everyone into the main living room, draw all of the blinds and all of the women will do as many guys as they can. They use the massage table as a stage for anyone interested in doing one of the women on it. This is done at other PTs but this was the first time I’d seen it done here.

    Nicole was clearly the most attractive chick of this bunch and she was the one most in demand. She would deal with it by doing sometimes double handjobs at once. Not exactly very intimate and personal but hey, she’s got to do what she’s got to do.

    One good thing about visiting during the summer is that the whole outside area is available for use. There is a small hut with a sagging water bed in it. There are tables and chairs too for dining outside and just hanging out. There are recliners near the sauna area and a small pond with carp and a couple of ducks. There is grill area and they were saying that sometimes they have barbecues.

    At 8:45 the EM 2008 game started and everyone took a break from ficken. Nicole had picked a Turkish dude to hangout with and she spent the whole time on his lap until halftime. Then up they went for a shag. They came down later in the middle of the second half. Game comes to an end and off they both go to have another session.

    Getting on Nicole’s short list for special treatment is what it is about at this club.

    Roberto pours us glasses of whisky at the end of the game and I leave shortly after for the Hotel Humbert with a buzz.

    I had considered not returning to this club the next day, Monday, but I had made an appointment with a friend, Samenspender, who I’d met here before and also at PT Traumland the last time I visited in February.

    I called him to let him know of how miserable the selection was but couldn’t speak to him directly. I left him voicemail and decided to wait near the entrance to the club in case I could convince him that we would visit another club.

    He pulls up and we sit in the car to talk first.

    His suggestion: Let’s call Traumland and see what the selection of women was there. The larger Anja answers and says there were only five women there, two of whom were to his taste (Carina, who I’d met before and one other chick).

    Better, he says to ask when we enter PT Dorsten who was there and then decide.

    We enter and are greeted by Simona.

    The lineup for today was: Nicole, Nelly, Marion, Julia, Ela and Sandra. The first three were from the previous day, the second three were new to me. More about them later.

    We decide to stay.

    It turns out that only Nicole really met Samenspender’s standards. They knew each other and he probably went to the room with her at least six times. It really matters when you have a personal connection like this.

    He knew Marion too and though I hadn’t had the pleasure the day before, I said to myself, hey, why not.

    Man, this chick may be on the older side, but her BJs are exquisite. This is coming from someone who is not a BJ fan. She is actually quite interesting to talk to and a genuinely nice person. She started out at the age of 18 working in a bar near the Bahnhofstrasse in Muenster and she traced out the evolution of the métier. Quite interesting. She’s a laid back hippie chick really, very much into organic food, taking care of her dogs and working part-time at a shelter for animals. She would feed, for example, the wild cats which showed up behind PT Dolce Vita even on her off days.

    She mentioned meeting a couple of guys whose stories sounded like they are ISG posters: a Swedish guy who drove his car to visit PTs and a Norwegian dude who complained about how their government is trying to ban paid sex for Norwegians overseas.

    Guys, if you ever meet her, take care of her. She is quite a gem.

    Second session was with Julia who is thin, blonde and Romanian. Bad service ethic. It was clear she didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to be with me.

    Later on we actually got to talking and it is funny how sometimes people grow on you. She went through her whole story as to how she ended up doing this work, her failed marriage and miscarriage.. the works. She has worked at other clubs and named ColA, Dolce Vita in Duesseldorf and Penelope. She and another friend I’d met through Samenspender hit it off. They spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out the problems of the world.

    She is really quite an intelligent person and it was interesting to hear how she is going about trying to solve her problems.

    Despite our rather dismal session she warmed up to me towards the end of my stay, came over to say “hi” and just chat.

    I then had sessions with the Hobbyhuren segment of the selection: Ela who is German, older, black hair with blue eyes and Sandra who was wearing a nurse’s outfit, German too, blonde, mollig, probably mid-thirties.

    Both were decent sessions but nothing earth shattering.

    What a difference a day makes! There were no crowds on Monday. No large groups of rowdy younger guys making rude comments and not keeping their distance.

    There were two younger German guys in their twenties who came and when they had undressed downstairs one of them insisted on not taking his dress shirt off though he had a towel wrapped around his waist. The women were laughing saying the only thing missing was his tie.

    They were, to be precise, twenty and had never been to a PT before. They asked a lot of questions and the women found this entertaining. Julia said to them: I do everything.. that mean EVERYTHING.

    They were clearly titillated.

    It was now time to find time with Nicole, who had, so far, been monopolized by Samenspender.

    She and I are sitting in the dining area when she turns to me says she recognized me from my visit to Poleposition. (Which may have had something to do with her picking me out of a crowd the day before). I had no idea she was there but apparently she has plans of working there on Saturdays and working the rest of the week at PT Dorsten. Why? Because PT Dorsten is like a family she said.

    She seemed surprised that I knew she had worked at F39 before. I also asked about her sister, Paulina, who also used to work at PT Dorsten. She said she had no idea what her sister was up to. She is from Gdansk, it turns out.

    All I know is that if you get Nicole to take off her flip flops and put on heels, she looks like a million bucks. You also need to catch her in a good mood and when she’s not so much in demand that she can’t take her time with you.

    Little Anja and Patrizia dropped by again during the day and I asked how Sonja was doing (she is little Anja’s sister). She was on vacation and not back yet was the reply.

    Food eventually came and this time they had proper hot food rather than just pizza like the day before.

    Towards the end of the evening a couple of Polish guys came and it was obvious Nicole did not want to be with them. One dude came over, rubbed her back but she kept making faces at me and at Samenspender as if to say: “Save me.”

    We were only too happy to oblige.

    You know when the women don’t want to be with you because they won’t make eye contact with you no matter how hard you try to get their attention. This is my observation of how the dynamic of this place works.

    Fazit: This club has its challenges particularly in the recruitment department. Gone is the younger Polish contingent which made it very good. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find talent and are only finding German Hobbyhuren to fill the gap. German Hobbyhuren can be good but they are not why one typically wants to visit a PT.

    As I’ve written elsewhere, I’d avoid Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesdays. Those are the days when it is most likely you’ll have the miserable experience with crowding which I had on Sunday. Go on any other day of the week and if possible towards the end of the month when the guys are low on cash.

    Monday was a very pleasant day to visit the club. We’d sit and talk, go inside for a session and then come back outside for more hanging out and talking.

    Nicole saved the day for me twice in a row at this club. My friend, Samenspender, only went with her. I don’t think he would have touched the other women given a choice.

    Call ahead and find out if Nicole and/or Sonja are working. They would make it worthwhile visiting this club but you have to work at establishing a rapport with them. When they are around, they are clearly the crème de la crème and can pick who they go with and how often they go with you.

    Say “hi” to Marion if you ever make her acquaintance. She is quite something else. Don’t judge her on her appearance.

    Do say "hi" to Simona too. She is my favorite Thekenfrau in all of Germany.
  2. bergm550

    bergm550 Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    21. November 2007
    Hello Jackyo,

    It was nice to read your posting. Glad to hear you have enjoyed yourself.

  3. null8fuffzehn

    null8fuffzehn Senator

    Registriert seit:
    11. Oktober 2004
    Hey Jackyo,

    hope you enjoyed your time in germany. Some comments on your Blue Note visit (maybe we have been there the same day - how is your german? I didnt notice an english speaking guy):

    Probably Paula from Poland - very good service.

    Anna works on weeksend only. But during the summer break of the school she is doing some extra days. Good service btw.
  4. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Danke dir!

    Thank you, Bergm550!
  5. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Danke fuer die Information!

    Hallo null8fuffzehn,

    Ich kann eigentlich auch Deutsch.

    Den Club fand ich echt gut. Ich habe eine Woche in NRW verbracht und ich habe den Club drei mal besucht.

    Danke fuer die Namen!

    Kennst du auch den Name der rothaarigen Frau?

    bis demnaechst
  6. bergm550

    bergm550 Volkstribun

    Registriert seit:
    21. November 2007
    Hallo Jackyo,

    Dein Deutsch ist richtig gut. Ich wünschte daß mein Deutsch so gut wäre.

  7. null8fuffzehn

    null8fuffzehn Senator

    Registriert seit:
    11. Oktober 2004
    Leider nein - mir ist aber auch keine rothaarige aufgefallen...

    Ich vermute fast, Jackyo ist deutscher, der ausgewandert ist -> das deutsch ist ja schon perfekt.

    Mein holländisch ist noch schlechter als dein deutsch, bergm550, ausser ich habe eine Erkältung. :D
  8. Valido

    Valido Präfect

    Registriert seit:
    19. April 2006
    Thanks !

    thanks a lot for your detailed and most informative report on the BN. Having been there approximately 10 times I definitely can confirm what you are writing. Hence, everybody can get a clear picture and room for failures is very much limited. I believe the "Römerforum" community owes you a lot.:row
    These are the kind of reports the forum needs.
    Best wishes
  9. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001

    Hallo Bergm550,

    die Sprache ist nicht meine Muttersprache und ich habe eigentlich nie da gewohnt.

    Reiner Zufall, dass ich Deutsch an der Uni studiert habe und vor zehn Jahren FKK Clubs entdeckt habe.

    Leider wird Puffdeutsch nicht an der Uni unterrichtet.

  10. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Thank you, Valido!


    I have been to Blue Note before but the last time was in 2005.

    I should have returned sooner. Its a great little club with a nice selection of service-oriented women.

    As Arnold Schwarzenegger says: "I'll be back!" but it probably won't be until this winter when airfares are cheaper.

    bis demnaechst

  11. Tom Jefferson

    Tom Jefferson Bürger

    Registriert seit:
    22. September 2006
    Blue Note: rothaariges, sehr schlankes Girl

    Das müßte Laetizia sein (nur Massage), sehr schlank,
  12. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Danke dir, TJ

    Ja, sie war sehr schlank, A-cups. Sie ist Studentin an der Uni in Duesseldorf (ich vergesse schon, welche Fach sie besucht).

    Ich habe kurz mit ihr gesprochen, habe aber ihren Name total vergessen.
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