Winterpufftour 2008

Dieses Thema im Forum "Der Rest der Welt" wurde erstellt von Jackyo, 22. März 2008.

  1. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Ich war wieder in Deutschland am Anfang des Monates.

    Hier ist mein Bericht auf Englisch.


    Honey has retired. I asked about her on my last trip and she has moved on. Sigh.

    This club was a disappointment on this past trip. They had had a large poker event the night before and probably this led to a limited selection of women coming to work the next day. It was quiet.

    On my last trip there in November I was there on a Saturday and the place was hopping. It had a visually pleasing selection and I had been hoping to see the same selection show up. Wrong.

    There were too many really dark haired Bulgarian or Romanian looking women on this trip. I was tempted to go with this Turkish dyed blonde with an amazing olive complexion but decided otherwise.

    Brigitte was there from the last time I was there and I should have hooked up with her. Mollig, blonde, Czech. Some guys may find her a little too round for their taste but she smiles a lot and has an adventurous side to her.

    I went with Marlene (Finnish she said but probably really Russian), blonde, petite, cute as a button. Very professional in the room. She's been at it for too long (four years, she said). I hate it when women have a routine.. and this chick has one: "Lie down. Now, I do this. Then we will do that. " I said something to the effect that she was a Profi and she asked me what I meant by it. I didn't explain.

    If you are a non-believer in such a thing as an Optikfick, one session with this chick will convince you otherwise.

    I don’t doubt that Marlene has fans. I personally was underwhelmed. For the record, I’ve had much better and I’ve also had worse. I thought she was uninspired, too professional, not spontaneous and adventurous enough. This is also one chick who knows she looks good and that translates into a barely perceptible attitude of “I am doing you a favor to be with you”. It isn’t an explicit attitude but it is there.

    I say Marlene might be Russian because our Gallic counterparts have her listed as Russian in their inventory of the women who work at this club.

    Honey, on the other hand, is an exact opposite. She has absolutely no idea she is such an exceptional visual treat but that doesn’t affect her attitude-wise at all. I can’t think of anyone I’ve met at these clubs who was so unspoiled and so wholesome. I can actually imagine bringing her home to meet my family and her not at all giving away how it was that we met.

    There is a downside to being too wholesome though. I like it when the chick is just a little bit kinky and kinky Honey is not, not even in the least. Adventurous, yes but not kinky. I remember the two of us twisting ourselves into a pretzel (she is very athletic) and she asking me: “Now, has anyone ever had sex like this before?” It was a purely innocent question, not one asked with a leer or anything one would construe as being at the limits of what people should be doing.

    I should have stuck with Brigitte. I decided I would stop at one session at this club as I had plans of a full day of activities the next day.

    Emma who I had met the last time was still working but wasn't there that day. Blonde, Polish.

    Eleni (the BJ artist formerly known as Jenny at Bernds) was there and was, as usual, dauerbelegt. There is something about Jenny which I can't put my finger on. She kind of looks like a nice, comfortable unmade bed.

    The food was good. The drink selection was good. The saunas were nice and hot. The football apparatus in the urinals needs to be fixed (they don't all work).

    Note to self (or anyone else interested): This club opens at 3 PM on Sundays, not earlier. I hadn’t made a note of when they opened, showed up there at about 12:30 only to find the doors to the parking lot locked. I took the train back to the Koelner Hbf, hung out and then returned in time for it to open. There is nothing to do in that industrial area of Rodenkirchen to kill time.

    I caught up with my RF contacts during this visit to get the lay of the land, so to speak.

    The reclining benches downstairs off the sauna area are a good place to take a nap and occasionally watch the women showering when they start their shifts or in between sessions.

    Since the women upstairs are mostly dressed, this is a good way to get a preview of the goods.

    I watched this petite Slavic blonde go into a very elaborate shower and shaving routine (yes, this did include shaving down there) which I thought would go on and on and on.

    This is, of course, possible at other clubs. And at some clubs, participatory and communal showers are the norm.

    Bernds is Bernds

    I also made a mistake about the opening hours of this club. I thought it opened at 12:00. I took public transport there, got there at exactly 12:00. One of the Thekenfrauen (no, not my favorite, Conny but the older woman who wears Coke bottle glasses) came out to say that it wasn’t opening until 1:00. So I walk back to the bus stop and hangout there (it was raining) for an hour.

    The train to bus connection is relatively uncomplicated. When you get to Hennef, the buses are right in view of the train station. The 522 bus takes you to Lichtenberg. The closest bus stop in Lichtenberg isn’t Oberdorf but Lichtenberg Ort. When you get off, walk in the opposite direction the bus is going in. You will see Hotel Reuter on the right side of the street. A little further you make a left on to the Schieferhof and a little further on you are there.

    Getting back to the Hennef by bus requires knowing exactly when the bus comes by though. Thank goodness I took wrote down notes of the schedule. When I later walked back to the bus stop I couldn’t read the schedule because it was really, really dark and I hadn’t brought my flashlight with me (I am a former Boy Scout and am usually always prepared).

    Nothing has changed at this club in a long while so I’ll not bore you with the details of the physical arrangements.

    Conny was there and even she hasn’t changed. I used the men’s room, hadn’t closed the door completely and promptly heard about it. I had lunch, set my plate and utensils on the side table instead of the plastic tubs and heard about that too. Oh well. What else is new?

    The usual team was there: Brandi, Katja, Tanja, Rita, “Calista Flockhart” (I don’t know this chick’s name but she is way too skinny for my taste). Svenja and Mara came later (at about 4 PM). There were two new blondes there (one petite and older, one younger and taller). There was also one black woman there. There were other women there too who I’d seen there before but who I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting yet. Yup, Celine and Princess have moved on.

    I did meet Anna who is a brunette from Poland. Seems she used to work at Wildenrath when it used to be good and she knew a couple of women I’d met there before: Naomi (now married to a Dutchman), Alina, the two Monikas (one of whom is at Goldentime). I’ll not bore you with the details and just say that it was a nice session.

    My purpose in going though was to have a rematch with Svenja. I had asked if she was going to come and they assured me that she would be there. As soon as I spotted her I made a beeline. It was like meeting up with an old friend.

    Fazit: Wiederholungsfaktor is 100% (but then again the Wiederholungsfaktor for this club has been 100% for as long as I’ve been visiting this place which is coming up on eight years).

    PT Traumland

    This club has its positives and its negatives.

    My take on this club is: if you go, it’s not only for the sex but also because you enjoy hanging out and socializing with the girls and the other guests. The “so oft du willst, mit wem du willst” sex is only a side benefit. I spent a lot of time working on private Polish language lessons at this club. Their sauna never was hot enough, for some strange reason.

    We arrived at the club just as Samenspender arrived in his car. He and I had met before a couple of times at PT Dorsten and before this trip I had written to him to let him know I’d be at this club on this particular day, a Thursday.

    A highlight of a visit to this club is to interact with Anja, their Thekenfrau. Anja used to work at PT Dorsten and I had the pleasure of getting to know her in a carnal fashion several times when I was there in November. At Traumland, however, she keeps her clothes on, watches over the cash register and keeps the guests well lubricated with drinks.

    Any physical interaction with Anja is memorable because she can really throw herself into her work. The term “sexual athlete” comes closest to describing her very physical style. I tried a couple of times to convince her to work the other side of the counter but didn’t succeed.

    That having been said, she was extremely funny and communicative. Recognizing that I was practically the only person there who spoke German and English, she would come to me to translate for incoming guests (there is a large British Army facility nearby and there is a constant stream of soldiers coming for the beer (strangely enough they’d mostly come to drink and mostly they’d ignore the women)).

    Anja would stand beside me with my arm around her or my hands either squeezing her tits or her ass while I talked guests through the club’s terms and conditions. Every now and then she’d come to me to get a hug.

    Can one feel more welcome at a club?

    One reason to visit PT Dorsten is, as well, to interact with Simona, their Thekenfrau. She talks, she smokes, she sings, she dances. Simona is quite funny.

    I am beyond the point where I take PT sex seriously. It can be good. It can also be not so good. But it is not the primary reason why I visit a PT any more. The way I look at it, I’ve had Laufhaussex at an FKK club. I’ve also had FKK-type sex at a PT club. I’ve been with women at PTs who can work at FKK clubs if they want to and then again I’ve also been with women at FKK clubs who really should be working at PTs. There are no hard and fast rules about what you will get. In the end, chemistry and communication makes all the difference in whether you enjoy or don’t enjoy your stay.

    Before I visited this club I conjured up images of the premium PT concept we’ve discussed here before as lacking in the current club offerings: a club where the women are all top of the line offering premium services for a premium price.

    This club is not that kind of a club. A couple of the women meet the standards for an FKK club and could work out well at such a club. Some of them, however, do not meet that standard and therefore can only work at a PT.

    As has been reported here before, I can confirm that there is no in-your-face, public sex.

    The unique thing about this club is that the women have an incentive system. Each session is recorded and the more sessions they do, the higher their compensation. The more attractive women therefore have more sessions, the less attractive women less so.

    This is all opaque to the guests though. One can, in principle, have as much sex as one wants. I say “in principle” because the women keep mental notes of who they have been with and don’t necessarily offer up seconds and thirds that easily.

    I had a very enjoyable session with Carina (Polish natuerlich (!), blonde, young) which consisted of my giving a full massage with lotion (I had a very full erection straddling her back while rubbing lotion into her back) followed by sex. After a break, I wanted to get seconds with her. I sat beside her, started a massage but she made no move to go to the room. After a while she stood up and moved to another couch. There were no other guests so it wasn’t like she was busy or had to make sure the other guests were being served. I found myself sitting beside her to give her another massage on the pretext of trying to catch up on a conversation she was having. Again she made no move to take me into a room.

    When we arrived there were only a four women present. Anja said there was a flu epidemic, hence the reduced presence. As the day progressed, more women did show up. They were predominantly Polish: Lydia (thin, not so attractive face-wise), Natalie (older, short black hair), Sylvia (mollig, speaks English very well – I have absolutely nothing against round women and I multiple sessioned with her), Asha (petite), Ewa (older, blonde). Two darker haired Romanian women arrived late in the day, they stripped down to nothing, hung out a while and then decided to leave. Roxanna was quite popular (long black hair, thin) but I found her too thin and from the way she laughed I got the impression that she was a few cards short of a full deck.

    Did I mention that this day was FKK day? They have theme days and on this day the women were all nude. Pull down their online calendar before you go if this kind of thing is important to you.

    News from PT Dorsten included: Katja, the full-sized German redhead interacted with when I was there last is no longer there. Nicole (Polish and probably the most visually appealing woman I’ve ever been with at a PT but also the moodiest chick you’ll ever be with) is still there.

    Fazit: I give this a high Wiederholungsfaktor but only if I find myself back in Muenster will I return.

    Finca! Finca!

    This club is a successor club to the former Fantasyland in Goergeshausen. Eventually that club was taken over by the World people, then it closed and was moved to Dierdorf.

    There are no other clubs between Hessen and NRW and this presumably fills a gap.
    That having been said, I am not a fan of World and had anticipated the same kind of Romanian hustle which characterizes a visit to World.

    I was pleasantly surprised.

    First of all, the improvised “Olive Garden” restaurant décor of this place doesn’t match up to the slick, modern facilities at World. But in the end, I don’t go to clubs for the facilities but for the women.

    I expected the worst as far as the selection is concerned. There was, however, a little of everything at this club (a few blondes, a few brunettes, some Gypsies, etc..) and the selection is totally nude. There were no black women or Asian women.

    For a Saturday it was relatively relaxed. We got there during Happy Hour and the parking area was full of Dutch cars. They were probably guys heading home after a week of work and I read that to be a good sign. Mostly the club was quiet and there was none of the transactional pacing which drives me crazy at the larger clubs. Happy Hour kicked in again at 10 PM and then there was a second wave of guests.

    There was food. First there was a breakfast buffet and later in the day they had hot food. The one surprise was that one had to pay for certain drinks, such as orange juice. They have a payment system for this involving payment at the front Theke which I didn’t explore.

    The sauna was nice and hot. So hot that one of the guys who was there when I was getting one got really dizzy and started to stagger around inside the sauna. The shower just outside only has one temperature setting: cold (which is the way it should be). I am kind of a wimp about cold showers so every time I’d leave the sauna and step into the shower I’d have to give out a little yelp.

    There was a very decent selection of women and from my selective sampling, none of them were hustlers. I was with Jacqueline, blonde, from Koeln (there is a German stereotype that all German hookers have French names and come from Koeln), Tatiana (petite, blonde and Russian) and with Louisa (brunette, glasses from Romania).

    Jacqueline I met because I was playing with the club cat. She had a huge smile on her face as I pet their kitty and she wanders over buck naked except for a sash around her waist and crouches near me. With a view like that I couldn’t say no. I suggested that we try something different like take the cat into the room and see what would happen next. She said no thanks. I had a good time but I’ve have better sessions and also worse sessions. She was a visual treat.

    Tatiana I met at the bar. She was older (in her early thirties), funny and communicative. We had a fun time. There was a Russian woman I had my eye on the whole time I was there who I didn’t go with because I never saw her smile. When I started to speak to Tatiana at the bar and started to speak a few words in Russian to her, she (Katja) came over to talk with a huge smile on her face. She later went with the Breadman and he says she was very good. I have her on a short list of women I will meet the next time I go. She (Katja) has a nice face, nice figure and legs.

    Louisa I met later in the evening. Don’t be put off by her glasses or the fact that she is Romanian. She was very communicative, spoke German and English quite well. She was totally nude, shaved but it was more her personality that sealed the deal for me. I knew I’d made the right choice when we made it to the room and she says to me that I needed to go down on her as she wanted to come. I had a neck ache afterwards but she thanked me profusely and complimented me on my light touch (most guys she said just didn’t get it – I’ve had a lot of practice with ex-girlfriends, for the record). A woman like this I can do over and over again.

    I had a great time and I definitely will be back to see Louisa.

    There was a huge selection of EE women here: a red headed petite Polish chick (too thin for my taste), a Brigitte (Samya) look-alike (turns out she is Polish too), a large Russian blonde who hung out a lot with Katja, Anja (an older German woman who wore glasses), Denise (Bulgarian and very dark), Natalya (Russian and highly recommended by Marlow) and even a “chick” with very narrow hips who looked like a transsexual (hey, different strokes for different folks).

    I’m extremely picky about women I go with. I prefer the girl next door look. I don’t like them when they have harsh faces and look like hookers. No excessive makeup, aggressive hair colors or nail polish or footwear either. There were enough women there who met my standards.

    The biggest obstacle to returning to this club is that it isn’t on a main public transport line. One has to arrive in Neuwied and then switch to a bus which goes through these small towns in Rheinland-Pfalz before arriving in Dierdorf Centre Ville. I’d try to find accommodations near the center of town to spend the night if I were going by public transport.

    PT Dolce Vita in Wagenfeld

    I’ve always liked this club particularly because it is in my mind’s eye the very definition of what a PT should be: loose, public sex, and the women take the initiative.

    It was not all that hot on this visit.

    I usually find one chick to hangout with during a visit to a PT because she and I hit it off but I didn’t connect with anyone single chick at all.

    Monika was there and so was Karolina. These two remember me and it was nice to catch up with them but my best sessions here have been with Suzi but she has moved on.

    There were no major changes to the club. Everything remains pretty much the same, even the extremely dark dressing room area. I brought my flashlight to this club just so I wouldn’t lose anything in the locker.

    I did not see the towel in the locker, came upstairs in my birthday suit and was promptly told that I shouldn’t wander around without a towel on by the Turkish guy (maybe the owner) who I’ve seen there before. So down I go to grab the towel.

    Katja (blonde, Russian) of the fabulous tits now works behind the counter. She replaced the surly younger blonde dude who used to take money and serve drinks. I say she has fabulous tits because they are about as perfectly formed as I’ve ever seen them. And they are all natural to boot. I remember with fondness doing her doggy style and cupping those perfect tits.

    I tried to convince her to join in the action during the group sex activities but as with Anja at PT Traumland I didn’t succeed.

    One thing which did change was the fact that they laid out more towels than I’ve ever seen.

    They had hot food since it was a Friday. We also had to pay the weekend rate to enter the club, by the way.

    The other bit of news is that the closed their sister PT club, La Rouge in Osnabrueck-Wallenhorst after trying to get it up and running. It is way to close to the best FKK club in this corner of Germany, FKK Zeus, and they just couldn’t make a go out of it.

    Some of the La Rouge women moved over to PT Dolce Vita as a result. One of them was Jenny, a Magdeburgerin or an Ossie as they say. Brunette, rather mollig and very talkative.

    They did say that the two Olas are still there and so is Bianca from the DomRep (she was my partner for a better part of a day once as she discovered I could understand Spanish – I can’t speak it but can understand it).

    There was the usual selection of women in attendance, mostly in their early thirties but some (like Jenny) in their late teens/early twenties: Janet from Slovakien, Linda from Litauen, Jessica from Polen.. then there was Pamela from Bulgarien who is to be avoided at all costs.

    She had a really painful HJ technique involving the use of two fingers. I wouldn’t recommend getting a HJ like this to my worst enemy.

    It will be a while before I return to this club. Its quite far from anything else and I can’t say I enjoyed hanging out here as much as I did at PT Traumland where Anja will make anyone feel welcome.

    Fazit: the best PT I’ve ever been to is still PT Dorsten. That having been said, PT Dorsten is not as good as it was say three years ago.

    This club (PT Dolce Vita) I always considered a good second choice to PT Dorsten. Now I’m not so sure whether are any worthwhile alternatives.

    I believe I mentioned elsewhere that I heard that PT Muenster on Warendorfer Strasse has closed because the neighbors complained about the goings on. That club has moved to Nottuln. Having said that, I was underwhelmed by the offering at PT Muenster and don’t think I’ll be visiting PT Nottuln anytime soon. Neither will I be visiting PT Osnabrueck or PT Krefeld anytime soon.

    I am getting extremely picky about PTs at my advanced age and if the sex isn’t very good my expectation is that the service should be, at the very least, friendly and accommodating.
  2. gorri

    gorri Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    15. Juni 2007
    Latein ist die späte Rache der Römer an den Germanen

    und Englisch die prompte Rache der Amerikaner an den Deutschen! :D

    Trotzdem Dank für den guten Bericht.
  3. newbie

    newbie Präfect

    Registriert seit:
    30. Mai 2005
    Calista Flockhart :D :groehl
    wer dürfte wohl das sein? Ina?:conf:

    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 22. März 2008
  4. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001

    Wie ich immer sage: Deutschland is Maennerparadies und obwohl die Amerikaner glauben wollen, dass wir im Lande von unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten wohnen, gibt es eigentlich viele Grenzen hier.
  5. Jackyo

    Jackyo Legionär

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juli 2001
    Das Maedchen habe ich noch nicht kennengelernt..

    ... aber sie sieht wie Calista Flockhart von "Ally McBeal" aus.

    Sie sieht gut aus, ist aber sehr, sehr duenn.

    Sie arbeitet seit mindestens zwei Jahren bei Bernds (leider bin ich nicht oft genug da).
  6. Sabata

    Sabata Präfect

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2007
    Da könntest du recht haben Newbie. Es hört sich tatsächlich wie Ina an.
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